Moving to Lagos

Moving can be difficult but it is not all bad! Some people will have lived in one place all their lives but others are lucky because they will have experienced many different places and cultures. That means they will look at the world differently from people back at home – they will understand some world issues that other people will just not understand. They will have a different perspective of what is important and what is not. When they see Nigeria on the news, they will remember the times they spent with family and friends!

People who have lived in a number of different countries might seem more mature than those who have remained in one place. They have friends from different places, they often know more than one language, and they have tasted foods other people will never taste. Teenagers who move around are a great addition to schools across the globe as they are often more patient and flexible than other teenagers; they seem to be more comfortable in different situations.

When moving though, many students worry about how they will fare socially and academically in their new environment. Academically, they may find themselves either ahead or behind their schoolmates but usually the advantages of having been educated in an international environment far outweigh the disadvantages of whatever work they may have missed.

Social adjustments can take a while, especially if students are older. However, there are things that you, as parents, can do to help overcome the stressors of heading to a new place.