Faculty and Staff Testimonials


What makes AISL special? What is your favorite AISL memory or experience? Our staff say….

“The way students learn through research and learn to be able to stand independently. I have seen students come in to the school timid, shy and scared but a month in AISL gives them so much confidence that they can face the world. They are always willing to learn and learn more even beyond the classroom, Students don't like to miss school even when they are sick or jet lagged.

No matter what goes on in your life, it’s always good to know that everyday is a great day at AISL!”

Abimbola Orogun, Middle School Secretary, 12 years at AISL

“The electric energy of the teachers and the students; the positive atmosphere and how supportive the teachers are of each other.”

Elementary School Teacher, 1 year at AISL

“I love the friendly staff! The people are amazing and are so caring. No matter what is going on in your life, you can count on people to lift you up. AISL is a true community.”

Amanda Luce, Elementary School Teacher, 5 years at AISL

“The strong connections among the staff at all levels and our relationship with our students.

Nigeria day and watching the staff share their culture with us through music and dance.”

John Heil, High School Teacher, 2 years at AISL

“Great community of students, families and teachers. So much happening all the time at such a small school.”

Nigerian Culture Day or Senior Roll Call, both are great milestones of the year and very memorable, especially the way the campus is transformed.”

Middle School Teacher, 4 years at AISL

“What makes AISL special is dedication of teachers to given their own time to keep the kids at the forefront.

The 50th Anniversary celebration.”

Bunmi Bakare, Elementary Instructional Assistant, 5 years at AISL

“I feel that the AISL community makes it special: students, teachers, parents, staff.”

High School Teacher, 4 years at AISL

“Enjoying meeting diverse students of different cultures and perspectives.”

Mudi-Danmole-Logun, Elementary School Teacher, 18 years at AISL

“Nice community. Many options for after school activities. Small classes. Good support system for low achieving students.”

Middle School Teacher, 2 years at AISL

  • Incredible student diversity
  • Amazing, dedicated faculty
  • A host of curricular and extracurricular activities weekdays and Saturday
  • Middle school trip opportunities
  • Upcoming campus improvements
  • Advisory program and associated activities

John Powel, Middle School Teacher, 3 years at AISL

“I like the fact that AISL has a core priority for differentiation in teaching and learning. That way, every child is given the opportunity to learn at his or her own pace and ability while striving for excellence.

The incorporation of latest and relevant technology into learning, professional student support program and the new uniform curriculum are few of the wonderful things that carve a niche for AISL.

My favorite experience is learning and teaching in a community among multiple nationalities with versatile global experience.”

Ruth Kemi Osaenwe, Elementary Instructional Assistant, 3 years at AISL

“The fact that it truly is an international school. The large number of countries represented and how we all blend and work together is inspirational.

Nigerian Culture Days! The Traditional clothing, food, folklore, music, crafts...amazing.”

Lynn Abercrombie, Student Support Coordinator, 2 years at AISL

“The sense of community that AISL provides.”

Janet Hallwood, High School Counselor, 5 years AISL

“The daily celebration of one another in sincere greetings and collaboration. From maintenance, to custodians, to teachers, parents, 12th graders to preschoolers, people show that they value one another for what they do and for who they are.

I get chills every year during our annual Senior Roll Call tradition. The entire AISL faculty and all students gather together to celebrate seniors each year by cheering each one individually as they make there way through the gym to the stage. As they make their way, a favorite song plays and a high school teacher reads a summary of high school highlights, a fond memory and announces their plans for the future after AISL. The experience is one that I have not witnessed in any other setting in my 30 year of education. It is simply heartwarming and beautiful.”

Dan Luce, Middle School Principal, 5 years at AISL

“Enjoying meeting diverse students of different cultures and perspectives.”

Mudi-Danmole-Logun, Elementary School Teacher, 18 years at AISL

“I feel the academic principles enables me to build confidence in the children's ability to succeed. We are skilled based more then knowledge based which is better for building resilience.

As staff, my prep time and 'free time' is protected which means I am in a better position of give the children the best of myself and be a 'healthy' role model.”

Middle School Teacher, 1 year at AISL

  • Community feel
  • Great students
  • Supportive parents
  • Hardworking, creative teachers

“My first Nigerian Culture Day was memorable, so different than anything I'd previously experienced.

Any of the fun days, spirit days with the kids.”

Elementary School Teacher, 5 years at AISL

“The diversity of the people here. We have over 50 nationalities between students and teachers. In our world of today, where so many troubles have arisen due to religious and racial differences, AISL celebrates those differences. Tolerance is a given. We enjoy getting to know one another and many life-long friendships have left the AISL campus.

Nigerian Culture Day is a wonderful celebration of our host country and its people. The Indian celebration of Diwali where our Indian parents and students create the holiday just for us so we, as non-Indians, can experience this very special holiday of theirs. These are favorite memories of mine, this year, the years previous, and I'm sure the years to come.”

Kathy Pederson, Middle School Teacher, 6 years at AISL

“Our children have the opportunity to learn from kids from over 50 different countries. Our school embraces and celebrates diversity.

Nigerian Culture Day Celebrations.”

Elementary School Teacher, 4 years at AISL

“What I like best is the community here of collaborative teachers, supportive staff and all the workers that keep everything running smoothly and looking great.My favorite experiences are the "Welcome" greetings and smiles each day.”

Elementary Teacher, 2 years at AISL

“Our students are wonderful! Parents are caring and supportive. Our staff are dedicated, hardworking, and collaborative. I love the diversity of our close-knit community.I’m happy to come to school each and every day.

I like when families come back to visit. Friendships made amongst students and adults are deep and long-lasting.”

Admissions, 4 years at AISL

“Multicultural environment.”

Annie Thomas, Elementary Teacher, 9 years at AISL

“I like that we have students from all over the world!”

Middle School Teacher, 4 years at AISL