Bertha Barnstormer


About Bertha

Age: 1203 according to her grandkids

Pets: worms (she collects them when it rains)

Favorite Hurricane: Nadia

Hobbies: Making doughnut structures and collecting monkey brains.

Bertha actually birthed this network and inspired it's creator and executive producer Jim to make this a reality. Jim pestered Bertha for over a year everyday with a 'microphone' and finally one day she took the reins of her destiny and spoke in that microphone and said, "Hi". That was the start of her career as a weather lady. Bertha can be seen frequently interviewing Jim, our Producer with a microphone that looks remarkedly like a pencil.

Network: How did you get interested in weather?

Bertha: When I was younger my parents were astronauts and I fell out of the ship and landed in someones kitty cat pool. After that I loved clouds!

Network (yells to other network executives): WHO HIRED HER?