J.K. News Network



11/13/19 BREAKING NEWS!!! J.K. News Network has officially launched Check back next week once all of our news anchors have finished their news stories, but in the meantime check out our crew's bios and learn everything about your favorite 'news' team.


Henry: Hello I'm your host Henry Duckmann with some breaking news. I've just discovered at lunch today you can breathe through muffins!! But not cookies, believe me I've tried. Now to Bertha for the weather, ....................Bertha?

Producer (whispers in Henry's ear): She home sick today.

Henry: The weather is cancelled! Now to traffic with Sarah..................

Producer (whispers in Henry's ear): She's stuck in traffic again.

Henry: Well it looks like we are short staffed again today, so I'm going to juggle for you all to fill up our allotted time. (Henry juggles 3 microphones and drops them all denting them badly) Guess I finally had my 'drop the mic' moment. How about an update from our sports newscaster? Kim?

Kim: (camera pans to Kim, she freezes in the shot with noodles dangling from her mouth and mumbles to Henry) This is my lunch break and my mouth is full! Do something

Henry: (runs over to the sports desk) Well folks it looks like I have to do everything here today! (Catherine coughs angrily behind the camera) There are no games today, they are all on vacation. Joe do you have anything in current events for me?

Joe: (he is sleeping at his desk chair, mouth open, drooling profusely)

Henry: (looks over to Joe, back at camera, back at Joe, back at camera with a nervous smile, throws a balled up piece of paper at Joe, kicks the desk loudly. Joe is sound asleep still) Well the current events at my house are that the fridge is empty and my couch smells like pine tree. Well that's all for today folks see you tomorrow when hopefully everyone can do their job.

Broadcast ends

Henry: (yells to the Jim the Producer) I quit!!!

Jim: Oh good, I mean that's too bad I was going to give you a raise. Let me help you pack your things!

Henry: Ummmm. (sighs)

Catherine: (laughs loudly and wakes Joe up)

Joe: (startled and confused, eyes still closed) Joe here, I have a collection of broken shoelaces, my cat's name is Geronimo, I haven't washed this shirt in 4 years, my mom said my breath can kill an elephant, I like counting snowflakes. (Joe collapses and is instantly asleep again)

Jim: I didn't know Joe had a cat.

Catherine: He doesn't

11/20 Updates!

1. New Crew member, Sarah Sign: Traffic Reporter 2. Bertha's profile pic

11/14 Today's Weather according to Bertha: "it's cold"

Meet our crew! Click on their name for their bio and latest news (latest news coming soon)