Social Studies 6 - Ancient Civilizations

Social Studies 6 - ancient Civilizations

  • MS2001 Social Studies 6 - World Studies: Ancient Civilizations, MS2002 Social Studies 6–ESL

This course explores the history, geography, economics, and cultures of the ancient world, focusing on the study of the origins of civilizations and the ancient foundations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome. Students study important achievements of the past and their profound effects on the modern world through the themes of agricultural development, social structures, world contributions, expansion, and innovations. Students are taught to consider, as well as appreciate, the differences among people in human expression, language, art, religion and beliefs. The development of geography skills is integrated into each unit of study, as well as skills related to the use of primary source materials. Assessments include tests/quizzes, simulation activities, research projects, and an on-site field study.

Social Studies ESL 6 will also emphasize building language skills, such as vocabulary development, writing mechanics and public speaking.