Language Arts 8

Language Arts 8

  • MS 1020 Language Arts 8, MS1021 Language Arts 8-ESL

Language Arts 8 is a theme-based course geared to prepare native-speaking English language students for the Grade 9 Combo course. Students will explore and experiment with various genres and themes. They will also utilize content and materials to address the essential questions for each unit. There will be an emphasis on the analysis of texts through lively class discussions, projects and reflective writing to develop critical thinking, reading, writing, and independent learning. The thematic units include: New Beginnings (Social Justice), Loyalty Endurance and Pride, and Friendship and Challenges. Students will read novels, plays, short stories, poetry, and current events articles related to the themes. Vocabulary is strengthened through the texts and writing, while functional grammar is learned and understood through supplementary textbooks, grammar lessons, and writing.

The Key Writing Assessments will be investigative journalism, the literary essay, and the interdisciplinary research project. During the second semester, students will collaborate with their Social Studies class on a research-based project which will focus on material covered in both classes. Students will gain experience in different types of creative and nonfiction writing which will implement each step of the Writing Process: brainstorming (prewriting), drafting, revising and editing. Students will also have access to supplemental and online resources for reinforcement and assessment purposes. In addition, all eighth-grade students must have access to their own device in class.

Students must have earned a passing grade in Language Arts 7 in order to enroll in this course.