3. Pre-Work

Interprofessional Education -Fall 2021

Please note: This IPE topic can be of a sensitive nature. This IPE meeting and your IPE Group meeting should be SAFE SPACES where topics may be discussed freely and openly in a civil manner free from judgement or bias.

Certain issues may be especially hard for patients to discuss with their health care providers. Patients may find it difficult to discuss their concerns about sexual performance, mood disorders, substance abuse, or even obesity. Ethnicity and gender can be factors in patients’ hesitancy to communicate about these issues. As a healthcare provider, you will most likely have many opportunities to discuss sensitive topics with your patients.

By creating a safe and caring environment for your patients, you can assist those who are embarrassed or hesitant to initiate dialogue with a healthcare professional. The goal of this IPE is to offer guidance on how to engage patients in dialogue about sensitive health issues.

APhA Pharmacy Library

Chapter 16. Communicating on Sensitive Topics

Kimberly Braxton Lloyd and Bruce A. Berger

Communication Skills for Pharmacists, 3rd Edition. January 2009

Complete the following assignments within 24 hours before start of IPE (Deadline: 10/3/2021 0900)

Each team has their own GOOGLE document. Find the link to YOUR google doc link on the Student Team Spreadsheet (click here or see link button below). Open your Team Google Doc and proceed.

Pre-work Assignments

  1. Add a FUN item about yourself to the Ice Breaker Activity column.

-What’s your catchphrase?

-What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

-What’s your nickname?

  1. Take this "test." https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

Instructions: Click "I wish to proceed" at the bottom of the screen, then scroll down to the "Weight IAT" button. Click and proceed.

  1. Watch "The End to Fat Shaming Begins Here" Ted Talk (17min) https://www.ted.com/talks/ali_zentner_the_end_to_fat_shaming_begins_here_feb_2020

Think about the following and be prepared to discuss:

  • How does defining obesity as a disease impact your opinion on those that are obese and how you plan to work with individuals who fall into these categories?

  • Have you ever experienced fat bias or any other bias? If not personally impacted, If you witnessed someone who has, how did you react?

  • How can you take the information you have learned in order to advocate for clients who are "overweight" or "obese?"

  1. Watch these 2 videos on Motivational Interviewing (6 minutes total)

A. "MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING - Helpful conversations to discuss health and weight"


Think about the following and be prepared to discuss:

  • What did you think about the doctor's approach with the patient in the example?

  • The video prompt said that “words matter”. What words can you start using to focus on improving health without using the words “diet” and “exercise”?

  • When the doctor started to address a conversation about health and weight, he first asked if they “could have a discussion about this.” Why was this important in the overall interaction?

B. "WHAT NOT TO DO – What NOT to do in discussions of health and weight"


Think about the following and be prepared to discuss:

  • What are your thoughts on the examples given in the video?

  • Why would they not be effective?

  • What would be more effective?

  • Think about the conversation and change the topic from being overweight to suffering from cancer. Would you address the patient in the same way? Why or why not?

  • What is "victim blaming" and how was it demonstrated in this video?

  1. Watch "Obesity: The Modern Famine" Ted Talk (13:40) https://www.ted.com/talks/kathy_campbell_obesity_the_modern_famine?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

Think about the following and be prepared to discuss:

  • What do you think about the statement that "culture drives health?"

  • What role does stress, emotional trauma, economics, and culture play in obesity in the United States?

  • What are your health goals? How do you work effectively with clients/patients in setting their health goals, not based on your opinions or biases?

Team Roles Table

Choose the role you would like to take on in your team! Click the button below for more information.

All done? Click the arrow for Step 4