IPE Fall 2021

Interprofessional Education

Virtual Meeting/Simulated Case: October 4, 2021

Dear Healthcare Professional Students of University of Pikeville (Medical, Optometry, Nursing, Social Work) and Appalachian College of Pharmacy,

Due to restrictions that are still in place concerning large gatherings, we regret that we are not able to hold our Interprofessional Education Conference face to face. We enjoy getting to see your faces and know you enjoy working with each other. We hope that you will enjoy meeting with your IPE teams virtually, and that this unique, simulated experience will be worthwhile and educational for you.

Unsure of what to do or where to start? Click the button to watch an instructional video! If you need assistance, please email kpreston@acp.edu

Welcome to your Fall IPE Event! Let’s take a minute to remember what IPE is. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), interprofessional education (IPE) is an experience that “occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other” (WHO, 2010).

In this IPE event you will do just that, working with team members from the following professions:

  • Medical-University of Pikeville (KYCOM)

  • Optometry-University of Pikeville(KYCO)

  • Nursing-University of Pikeville

  • Social Work-University of Pikeville

  • Pharmacy-Appalachian College of Pharmacy

Hopefully you will see some familiar faces in your group. Rekindle old friendships and create new ones.

Interprofessional Education Objectives --Students should be able to:

  • Work with individuals from other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values. (Competency Domain 1)

  • Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the healthcare needs of the patients and populations served. (Competency Domain 2)

  • Communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease. (Competency Domain 3)

  • Apply relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles to plan and deliver patient-/population-centered care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. (Competency Domain 4)

Important Dates & Deadlines:

October 3, 09:00: All Pre-work must be completed in your Team Google Doc

October 4, 09:00-12:00: Virtual Meeting/Simulated Case AM Session (AM Teams 1-17)

October 4, 13:00-16:00: Virtual Meeting/Simulated Case PM Session (PM Teams 1-17)

October 5, 09:00: All Post-work and Post-surveys must be completed

Ready to begin your IPE journey? Click on the Green Arrow to begin at Step 1!

Student IPE Checklist for Success

___ Step 1. Complete Pre-Survey

___ Step 2. Find your Team

___ Step 3. Complete Pre-Work

___ Step 4. Prepare for Live IPE Event

____ Step 5. Attend Live IPE Event

____ Step 6. Complete Post-Work (Survey)