
Improve your Writing

How to improve writing on tests

1. Read the question. Make sure you understand the question.

2. Make an OUTLINE of your essay.

    • Introduction
    • Body
      • paragraph 1
      • paragraph 2
      • paragraph 3
    • Conclusion.

3. Include TOPIC SENTENCES in your outline - make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence.

4. Write your essay.

5. Read your essay and check for SILLY MISTAKES.

Some useful books at the ILC

Real Writing 2 / Real Writing 3

Reasons to Write - Intermediate

Practice Writing at home

1. Correct your writing when your teacher or your tutor gives drafts back to you.

2. Choose a part of your returned writing and write it again with all the corrections so that it is perfect. This will help you to remember your mistakes and not make them next time.

3. Write a short paragraph on a topic that you are interested in and give it to a friend or your teacher to correct.

4. Do practice IELTS essays and email them to your teacher, or have a friend correct it for you. This website: http://ieltsliz.com/100-ielts-essay-questions/ has many practice ESSAY questions.

You can always email practice essays to katherine-sylwester@acet.edu.vn