Improve your Vocabulary

Useful Websites

  • helps you to practice words we learn in class and make lists of new words you don't know.
  • helps you find ways to use new words with other words. Example: firework : firework display or firework show

Tips for improving your vocabulary!

Make vocabulary flash cards!

Write the word and how you pronounce it on the front and then 2 of your own sentences using the word on the back.

Spend 3 minutes each day looking at each card and remembering the word and pronunciation. Throw the card away when you have learnt the word and make a new card for each new word you learn.

Keep a vocabulary journal.

Write new words in a notebook or a diary. Write the word in a sentence so you understand how to use it properly.

Underline new vocabulary as you read.

Look the words up in an English dictionary. Put new words on a flashcard or in your vocabulary journal.