

  1. Visit www.dictionary.com to check pronunciation of words.
  2. ESL Randall - http://www.esl-lab.com
  3. Record yourself speaking and listen for mistakes, tone, and sentence stress.
  4. http://howjsay.com/ helps you to pronounce individual words.
  5. Tim’s pronunciation workshop at Learning English on the BBC’s website.

Watch any of the episodes to practice pronunciation skills.


Speaking tips and tricks!

  1. Use simple vocabulary when you speak. This will improve confidence and fluency.
  2. Speak as often as possible during class activities.
  3. Listen to your classmates and help them to correct their mistakes. Ask them to do the same for you.
  4. Find a friend who is also learning English and have a coffee ‘in English’! You can learn a lot from each other.

Useful Books from the ILC: conversation topics

  1. ‘Discussions A-Z Intermediate’
  2. ‘Talk your Head Off’
  3. ‘Keep Talking’