PBL Project Management

Managing PBL:

A primary goal of project-based learning is to train independent learners, capable of managing projects for themselves or a team. This brings the experience of school much closer to that of the world outside of school; indeed, the 'vibe' of schools that emphasize PBL, such as Hight Tech High or NuVu Studio, is much more like that of a start-up company than traditional school.

That said, projects at start-up companies still require management, which involves involves setting goals, encouraging students, and keeping teams on track, by having teams define:

Below: Project Outline from MIT 2.009 Product Engineering:

Sample PBL Unit Plan Outline

based on John Spencer 'Tiny House' unit plan:

Video: https://youtu.be/6a_P-N3EFIc

Lesson 1: Entry Event/Project Launch

Teacher activities:

Student activity:

Lesson 2: Research/Empathy Phase

Teacher activities:

Student activities:

Lesson 3: Brainstorming Tiny House Designs

Teacher activities:

Student activities:

Lesson 4: Prototyping/Revising Tiny House Models

       Teacher activities:

      Student activities:

Lesson 5:  Project Launch: Public Exhibition

Teacher Activities:

Student Activities: