Themed Artwork Projects

Welcome To Your Themed Artwork Project!

As we discussed in class, during the semester you will be responsible for creating THREE themed artworks.

All of the directions provided here will guide you through the process of creating an original work of art that is themed based.

After reading these directions, feel free to see Ms. Nielsen with any questions.

Step One: Pick A Theme

Choose a theme from the list below... Keep in mind you can only use a theme ONCE during our time together.

Nature Family Love

Activism Propose-A-Theme

Fantasy Animals Abstract

Wearable Art Politics Sports

Fan Art Self Conflict/Adversity

Joy Friends Culture History

Functional Art Story Memory

Step Two: Make A Plan

So you have picked a theme! Next you will want to make decisions about things like:

  • What kind of materials will I use?

  • How large or small will I make my themed artwork?

  • What is going to be the process that I follow to make my themed artwork?

  • Do you need to do a planning sketch or make a draft of your idea?

Step Three: Get To Work!

Start working on your Themed Artwork... For some, you will start with planning and research, for others you will practice with materials, others will jump right in with working on their final. Regardless of how you approach this challenge there are only TWO requirements...

  1. You must work on your Themed Artwork for AT LEAST 3+ class meetings.

  2. Artwork you create MUST be original. Please no copying of what's already been created*.

*It is ok to make artwork based on existing characters (think Fan Art) but those characters should some how be put into situations/environments that are of your imagination and creation. Please see Ms. N if you have questions about this!

Step Four: All Done? Start Writing!

The last part of the Themed Artwork Project is to write a short artist statement that includes a photo of your artwork.

CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE EXAMPLES AND GET DIRECTIONS!!! You will also be taking a pic of your completed artwork for this step!

Step Five: Pass It All In!

The last step is to attach your Google Doc Artist Statement with the image on it and then pass it in through your Google Classroom.

CONGRATS! You are done!!