Fiber Arts

How To Make a Loom Knit Hat

(the important info starts at about the 5 min mark fyi)

Loom Knit Socks (For 2nd year Fiber Artists)

How To Make and Weave On A Cardboard Loom:

Materials You Will Need:

  • Cardboard

  • Ruler

  • Pencil or Marker

  • YARN

  • Weaving Needle


  1. You can make your loom any size you want but it's helpful if you have an ODD number of WARP strings.

  2. Don't space your warp strings more than 1/2 inch apart... This will make the weave of your weaving very loose and floppy once it's removed from the loom.

  3. Consider marking your warp strings at 1/4" of an inch to make your weaving more thick and less floppy... Your choice tho!!



I am the Queen of the Backstitch which is what I usually teach students who are beginning embroidery... There are TONS of other stitches BUT the backstitch (in my opinion) is the most straight forward and easiest way to get an image onto fabric.

Of course you can explore other stitches but I likely won't be able to quickly help you if you are doing something fancier than a backstitch. That said, you actually learn better when you are struggling through a problem yourself so...

Materials You Will Need:

  • Fabric

  • Embroidery Hoop

  • Embroidery Floss

  • A Design To Trace Onto Your Fabric

  • Hard Lead Pencil

  • Wax (To stiffen the thread so you don't have to lick it! :P)


  1. A simple design with clean lines will work best for beginning embroidery... Kinda like a coloring book page.

2. It's fine to design your own image but make sure it uses simple lines, similar to a coloring book page.

3.One you have traced your image onto your fabric, insert the fabric into your embroidery hoop.

4. The back of the work can be really messy BUT the front should be clean with no tangles or loose threads showing.

punch Needle Work with Yarn

Don't know what to make? Make a CHOICE of something to do from the