Weekly Bulletins



P7 Bikeability group this afternoon – please remember bike and helmet if you have one.


Morning Fitness restarts today at 8am in the gym hall.  All P1-7s welcome (suggested donation £2).


Please see Active Schools info attached

Basketball 20th @ Oldmachar Academy - 21 max spaces


Badminton 11th @ Get Active Kincorth - 16 max spaces


Postball 3rd @ Get Active Sheddocksley - space for 7 teams max

No link as its a team sign up, information on poster.


We are looking for donations of prizes for next week’s bingo night (27th Feb).  Boxed toiletries, chocolates and toys would be very welcome.  If you can help out organising the night please come along to the Parent Voice meeting at 5.30pm on Monday 24th Feb.


The enhanced transition program for P7s begins today, with two groups visiting Northfield Academy.


P6/7O are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Please remember your library card.


We are encouraging all learners to take responsibility for improving/maintaining attendance and reducing lost learning time.  Attendance of less that 90% will result in a letter from school, and the arrangement of a meeting to discuss which supports are needed to ensure your child does not miss out on learning time.


Welcome back.



P6 Bikeability sessions continue this afternoon.



Breakfast club restarts today as normal.


Family learning are running a sleep course starting next week - open to any parents that think it would  be of interest or benefit them.

Poster attached

Sleep Course, Cummings Park Centre, Northfield, Tuesdays 18th, 25th,  Feb & 4th Mar.  9:30 am – 11:30am. 




Morning fitness restarts on Monday 17th February at 8.20.  All P1-7s welcome (suggested donation £2 if possible).   Please enter via gym hall door (nearest Byron Court gate).


P1 and 2 fitness club will not restart until March.


P4 swimming lessons continue on Friday.



Autism Outreach – Biscuit and a Blether – support for all parents today from 1.45pm to 2.50pm. Please arrive at reception to sign in.

This session will focus on:

Managing behaviour that challenges

Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided😊




head lice.pdf


Good morning,

This week at Westpark:





Sensory Differences

Monday 27th January – 4.30pm – 5.30pm

To book your place please use the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sensory-differences-tickets-1219103524459?aff=oddtdtcreator







Spaces are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis with pre-registering essential to save disappointment. The QR code will take folks to a google form for registration.



Good morning,


This week at Westpark:


We are welcoming visitors from Education Scotland on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  They will be visiting all classes and meeting with staff, learners and parents to evaluate progress made over the past year.


All learners have been gifted Team Westpark T-shirts, and P7s Westpark Hoodies too.  Learners are encouraged to wear these for PE, and as school uniform throughout the week.  If you have outgrown yours you may swap it for a larger size at the school office.




: Scan for NHS advice page


Treatment can be expensive, but some pharmacies minor ailments scheme covers head lice treatment. All you need to do is go the pharmacy and as long as you are registered with a GP you can sign up.  The important thing is to keep combing for at least 2 weeks after treatment to make sure all eggs are gone. 







Would you like the opportunity to meet and chat to other like-minded parents and carers without fear of judgment?

Westpark along with Autism Outreach are hosting a neurodiverse informal support group. Our group is a safe space for you to meet, learn and discuss a variety of topics.

The group meets once per month with no expectation what you attend each one. Each session will have a different focus that will be decided by you.

Join Heather on Thursday 23rd January between 1.45pm and 2.50pm. Please arrive at reception to sign in.

This session will focus on: Managing behaviour that challenges

Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided😊Heather looks forward to seeing you there!












Good morning,







These sessions are coached by UKA-qualified athletics coaches. They focus on teaching fundamental running, jumping, and throwing skills while incorporating fun games. At the end of each session, we also provide fruit for the participants.

To sign up, please click Booking Link


Would you like the opportunity to meet and chat to other like-minded parents and carers without fear of judgment?

Westpark along with Autism Outreach are hosting a neurodiverse informal support group. Our group is a safe space for you to meet, learn and discuss a variety of topics.

The group will meet once per month with no expectation what you attend each one. Each session will have a different focus that will be decided by you.

Join Heather on Thursday 23rd January between 1.45pm and 2.50pm. Please arrive at reception to sign in.

This session will focus on: Managing behaviour that challenges

Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided😊Heather looks forward to seeing you there!









NF Crew Community Collection Final.pdf
Biscuit and a blether JAN.docx


Happy New Year!

This week at Westpark – we are open today (Tuesday) and looking forward to welcoming everyone back.


Snow and ice!  We really appreciate our community helping to clear snow and spread grit during snowy periods – it makes it safer and easier for everyone to attend school.  We have shovels at school which can be borrowed, but please bring your own if you have one.


P1 and P2 Fun Fitness club starts after school next Monday  3.00-3.45pm– please sign up here: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/news/mep_events/fun-fitness-club  It is free of charge but donations to school fund always welcome.

Monday morning fitness is in the gym hall before school every Monday, and open to all P1-7s.

No breakfast club this week – restarts next Tuesday at 8.20am.  Volunteers wanted to help supervise – please contact school office if you can help.


Run Balmoral – enter now for Saturday 26th April.  Events for all ages, and a great Westpark Family day out.  Please contact school office if you would like to travel on the school coach (leaving from Westpark).

Run Garioch – enter now for Sunday 11th May.  Events for all ages.


Biscuit and a blether…

Would you like the opportunity to meet and chat to other like-minded parents and carers without fear of judgment?

Westpark along with Autism Outreach are hosting a neurodiverse informal support group. Our group is a safe space for you to meet, learn and discuss a variety of topics.

The group will meet once per month with no expectation what you attend each one. Each session will have a different focus that will be decided by you.

Join Heather on Thursday 23rd January between 1.45pm and 2.50pm. Please arrive at reception to sign in.

This session will focus on: Managing behaviour that challenges

Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided😊Heather looks forward to seeing you there!


All classes will be undertaking start of term assessments.  This helps teachers plan learning for the term and identify support needs.

We would like to thank all parents for supporting high attendance rates so far this session.  More than 75% of learners have good attendance (more than 90%) allowing them to make the most of learning opportunities at school.  Please help increase this by the end of term.


Fiona Lister, minister of Aberdeen North Parish Church, will be visiting classes P4, P4/5, P5 to help them learn about key figures and stories from Christianity.  All classes are learning about a range of religions this term and we would like to welcome visitors of all faiths.  Please let us know if you or a member of your family would be prepared to visit a class to talk about your religion.


BP have donated 10 birdboxes.  Please contact the school office if you have joinery skills and are willing to volunteer to help the gardening club install around the school grounds.

Family Calendar attached.  Paper copies also available at the school office.  Please read the weekly bulletin every Monday for additional dates as they become available.

P4/5 are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday. Please bring a library card if you have one (and apply for one free of charge if you don’t!). Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child's future success  (Scottish Book Trust).  This includes all types of book, comic, magazine and audiobook.

The Parent Voice Group will meet next Monday (13th January) at 5.30pm.  All are welcome.  We will be planning for future events, including family bingo night, and members of the Parent Voice will also be involved in  recruiting a new Head Teacher.


Theatre Club: HMT & Juliet – February 6th 7.30pm.  Four tickets available at £17.50 each – contact Mrs Atkinson to book one.

Little Women – Thursday 15th May HMT 7.30pm £17.50 – would you like to order tickets? Please contact Mrs Atkinson to your name(s) to the list.

Children may attend with members of staff if parents can drop off and pick up at the theatre.  Parents or older siblings may also join the club if they wish.

Bible Club restarts this Wednesday lunchtime.  New members welcome, all members are expected to attend every week.


New Netball club sign up P5-6 - children signing up for Thursday lunchtime netball club must attend every week.

Good morning,


This week at Westpark:


School closes for the Christmas holidays at 3pm on Friday 20th December.  We reopen on Monday 6th January.



P6 Girls Cycling Group will take place on Wednesday afternoon – members should dress warmly and remember to bring gloves!



Please help yourself to warm clothes and toothbrushes from New to You by the front door.



P1-7 Musical World concerts (1.30pm Wednesday, 9.30am Thursday).  Entry is via the breakfast club door.  Booking is now closed, and those who requested tickets have received ticket numbers by email, so please check your inbox and junk folder rather than calling the office to ask for your numbers.  If you requested additional tickets or tickets on both days you will have received multiple emails.  House Captains will be on hand to help you find your seat, please be patient and read your ticket number carefully (note that row I is different to row L).



Teachers will be updating wider achievement trackers this week – do you have any photographs you can share of your child achieving outside of school?  We would love to hear about the different skills they are developing.



P1 after school Fitness Club starts on Monday 13th January. Sign up here: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/news/mep_events/fun-fitness-club



After the holidays all classes will be researching different religions.  Are you able to help by visiting a class to talk about your faith?  Or helping to arrange a visit to a place of worship?



We will be visiting Mastrick church after break on Friday – please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to walk there with their class.



Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting Westpark during the week beginning 20th January.  They are keen to gather your views about our school.  Please fill in their survey here:

The online survey for parents/carers (Primary)

Parents / Carers (Primary)


The online survey for parents/carers (ELC)

Parents / Carers (ELC)



Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


Thank you for not parking on the pavements on zig zag lines.  This makes it safer to walk to school.


Christmas lunch in the dinner hall this Thursday – Christmas jumpers/hats optional!


Active Schools clubs will finish this week and restart on the second week of term.

Fun Fitness Club for P1s starts in the main hall on Monday 13th January at 3pm.  Please sign up here: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/news/mep_events/fun-fitness-club

Run Balmoral entries are open – primary and secondary races, plus adults 5k and 10k.  Would you like to travel on the Westpark bus?  We will book a coach if there is enough interest.  It is a great day out for families, please sign up here: https://runbalmoral.com/content/


Thank you so much to all those who contributed to the Christmas Fair by helping to set up/clear up/run a stall or attending.  The children enjoyed the event and money was raised for school funds – we will share the amount in next week’s bulletin.  Please let us know if you have any feedback, and if you are able to join the Parent Voice in the new year.

Northfield Academy have launched their Crew Community Collection. They are collecting food and toiletries to support families in need this winter. 

They are collecting items until the end of January..  Please see this video for more details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w5fzPN_1bZ6iOW3NfDua_ANlPX6D_Hr9/view?usp=sharing


All classes have been learning about Westpark’s Musical World this term.  They would like to share their learning with you in the form of a concert.  Each child will be allocated two tickets.  Please fill in the form to request tickets by the end of this week, and you will be allocated seat numbers at the beginning of next week.  Additional seating will also be released at this time.  Members of the Parent Voice group and parent volunteers will be allocated priority seating to thank them for their contributions. https://forms.gle/6UYrpve5uJDryEAu5

Theatre Club – Little Women Thursday 17th May, His Majesty’s Theatre.  Discounted tickets (£17.50) are available for school groups.  Children may be dropped off to be supervised by school staff, or parents may book a ticket too.  Please let Mrs Atkinson know by the end of the week if you would like to order tickets.


Cybersafe Scotland are continuing sessions with P6 and P7 girls.  Information for all parents can be found here: https://www.cybersafescotland.org/parents


P5 are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please bring a library card if you have one.


Family Christmas Movie Night on Wednesday – The Grinch.  Entry by the breakfast club door for a 3.30pm start.  Please bring a blanket/cushions and your own snacks.  Tea and coffee will be available.  Seating will be available at the edges of the hall – please do not move chairs into the middle.  The event is free of charge, but you may make a donation to school funds if you wish.  Westpark tote bags will be on sale for £5 – the first customers may fill them with teddies of their choice!  Children needing to visit the toilet during the screening should be accompanied by a parent.

Parent Voice will meet on Monday 13th January at 5.30pm – this is different to the date listed on the family calendar.


Good morning



Please walk to school where possible to minimise traffic around the school grounds.



Christmas Lunch on Thursday December 12th (Christmas jumpers optional).  Please order here: https://forms.gle/a5cnX2sdkEjPRQeC7



Monday Morning Fitness club (P1-7) and Monday after school basketball club (P4-7) have spaces available. 



Family Christmas Movie Night – Wednesday 11th December, 3.30pm in main hall.  Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/ceXo8SMLLh3qt4sA6



Northern Alliance colleagues will be visiting all classes on Wednesday to support staff in embedding pace, challenge and differentiation.  You can help by asking your children what they are learning in class, how they know when they have been successful and what their targets are.



Next term all classes will be learning about different beliefs and cultures in our community.  Are you able to help by visiting classes to share your experiences, or helping organise a community visit?



P6/7 M visit Mastrick Library this Thursday – please bring a library card.



Christmas Fair this Friday 3-5pm.  Please bring cash (especially coins) and reusable shopping bags.  Stalls will be in the gym hall, main hall and foyer.  Please use bins provided for litter.


Bible Club this Wednesday lunchtime will be the last of the year.


All P4-7 learners will watch a performance of “The Forgotten Orchard” in the gym hall on Thursday and take part in a post-show Q&A and apple tasting.


Westpark “We Can Do Hard Things” tote bags are available from the school office.  £5.


Good morning,


This week at Westpark:



A reminder: we regularly spot check inhalers.  Children carrying their own should keep them on their person for easy access in both the classroom and playground.



All learners are welcome to join Monday morning fitness club, or Tuesday-Friday breakfast club from 8.20.  Please contact the school office to sign up.


Flu vaccinations on Thursday.



P4 parents received an email on Friday with details of swimming lessons – these begin on January 17th.



There will be no Bible Club this Wednesday lunchtime.


The Autism Outreach Service are hosting various sessions for Parents/Carers and Professionals. The sessions will be held at Orchard Brae School, spaces are limited, and booking is essential. 

Everyday Transitions workshop delivered by Autism Outreach Service

Monday 9th December 2024 3.45pm – 4.45pm

This twilight course explores how autistic children and young people may experience everyday transitions and how professionals and families can support more successful transitions. 

Book now using the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/everyday-transitions-tickets-1086295973499?aff=oddtdtcreator




All P7s will be visiting Northfield Academy for their first transition visit after playtime on Monday 25th November.



P6/7O are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday 28th November.  Please bring a library card if you have one.

Egmont UK reported in February 2020 that 'children who read for pleasure simply do better in life'. They have a better sense of well-being. They reach greater levels of attainment’



Parent Helpers wanted for the Christmas Fair on December 6th.  Are you available to help set up the hall (1.30-3.00pm) or to run a stall (3.00-5.00pm, or a section thereof)?  We need helpers to serve tea and coffee, and to run stalls  (temporary tattoos, Westpark merchandise).  Please contact the school office or a member of the Parent Voice with your availability.



Limited edition “We Can Do Hard Things” canvas tote bags are available at the school office.  They were designed by one of our P6 learners and cost £5.


Autism Outreach Parent Group: Please complete this survey to inform future meetings: https://forms.gle/KCJG3drbwWsEJpHr7



Dress as you please this Friday (optional).  Please bring a donation for the tombola – either a bottle or chocolate item. Donations containing alcohol should be handed to a member of staff at the office or in the playground. 


Good morning,


This week at Westpark:



First Aid training sessions for upper stage learners on Tuesday morning.



On snowy days you should expect that school will be open as normal.  Any change will be communicated to parents via GroupCall.  Help clearing paths is always appreciated and helps make the journey to and from school easier for everyone.



Family Golf is in the main hall at 3.30pm on Wednesday.



Biscuit and Blether – Would you like the opportunity to meet and chat to other like-minded parents and carers without fear of judgment?

Westpark along with Autism Outreach will be hosting a neurodiverse informal support group. This will be a safe space for you to meet, learn and discuss a variety of topics which may be causing you worry or equally something you can help others with.

The group will meet once per month with no expectation what you attend each one. Each session will have a different focus that will be decided by you.

Join Heather on Thursday 21st November between 1.45pm and 2.50pm. Please arrive at reception to sign in.

This session will focus on an introduction to autism outreach and what as a group we would like to do moving forward.

Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided😊




P6/7R will be sharing some of what they have learned at a short class assembly this Friday at 2pm (entry via breakfast club door).  All learners will have two seats reserved in their names – if you would like additional seating or have accessibility requirements then please contact the school office.


Would you like the opportunity to meet and chat to other like-minded parents and carers? 

Autism Outreach Service will be hosting a series of parent online support groups focusing on different themes each week. There is no expectation that you come to all of them, it may be just one topic which you are interested in. These online parent groups can provide a platform for parents and carers to meet, learn and discuss more about support available within the local area, share experiences and learn about different strategies you could use at home to support your neurodivergent child.

Our first session will be – Anxiety and Emotional Regulation

Monday 16th December 5pm – 6pm – Held online via Microsoft Teams

Spaces are limited, booking is essential. To book your space please use the link below:



Everyday Transitions workshop delivered by Autism Outreach Service

Monday 9th December 2024 3.45pm – 4.45pm

This twilight course explores how autistic children and young people may experience everyday transitions and how professionals and families can support more successful transitions. 




Parent Voice meets tonight at 5.30pm – all welcome.



P6/7R are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday morning – please bring a library card if you have one.  Parent helpers welcome to join the walk to and from Mastrick – please be at school for 10.40am.


P6/7O are visiting the cinema on Thursday morning – please remember your bus card!




Mrs Green’s class would like you to donate any picture books or children’s novels you no longer want.

Our Barnardo’s stall would like donations of unused toiletries, make up and other gift items.

Mrs Troup would like donations of bric a brac.

Mrs Atkinson would like teddies for the teddy tombola.

Raffle prizes – vouchers, gift sets, hampers – all gratefully received.


P4-7 learners are invited to join Aberdeen City Music Service Junior Choir

Aberdeen City Music Service is running a Junior Choir on the following Saturdays 23rd, 30th November and 7th December at Muirfield Primary from 10am-12pm. The choir will perform on Wednesday 11th December at our annual Beach Ballroom, with a rehearsal on Monday 9th in the evening at the ballroom. More details will be given once children are signed up.

The sessions will be led by Mr Sneden (P4-6 will recognise me as “Sing-along with Sneden” from the Big Sing), and Mr Lovegrove. Miss Hamilton and Mrs Deans run the Bridge of Don feeder Junior Choir on a Monday after school which will run concurrently with us.

We are singing some wonderful fun Xmas songs, and it would be great to have a good number of children involved.

Another event that we have been asked to do is to accompany Bon Accord Brass with singing some festive carols in their spot at Duthie Park on December 14th. There are three separate performance times 11am, 12:15pm and 3pm for around 45 minutes each, where the children can sing some carols with the band as well as a potential performance on their own each time. This is event is free and we would be advised that the children wrap up warm for the day. 

If you would like for your child to be involved, please can you follow this link to a google form to sign up for participation; if you have any questions please contact musicservice@aberdeencity.gov.uk.



Christmas Card orders will be distributed this week – please be patient as it may not be possible to distribute all classes on the same day.  It is not possible to process late orders.


Good morning,




School will be closed to learners on Friday 15th November. We reopen next Monday as normal.



Dental nurses will visit school on Monday and Tuesday for fluoride application.


Basketball club after school Monday, tennis club Tuesday lunchtime and netball club Thursday lunchtime – members are expected to attend clubs every week to build on and master skills.

Family Golf at 3.30pm in the main hall – P4-7 learners and parents welcome.



See info about Northfield Academy Nurture Shop attached.


Donations wanted – our Barnardo’s Christmas group are looking for (unused) toiletries, candles, baskets and boxes as well as any other gift items and small toys.  Mrs Troup is seeking donations for her Bric a Brac stall.



Parent support workshop: Thursday at 3pm.  Come along (with or without your child) to learn how to use talk and type technology to support learning at home.  All parents very welcome.  Staff from Dyslexia Outreach will lead the workshop, but the technology is helpful for all learners at school and at home.


Flyer attached: Aberdeen Sinfonietta Orchestra offer free tickets for pupils under 16 years old, if accompanied  by a responsible adult to aconcert to be given at the Music Hall on Sunday November 17th




All learners are encouraged to wear school uniform every day.  Westpark snoods and beanies are available from the school office - £5 each.




Parent Voice meeting Monday 18th November 5.30pm.  Please come along to help plan for Christmas Fair and Movie Night.  Learners told us they had a great time at the Halloween Disco – this is only possible thanks to parent volunteers.

P1 visit Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please take a library card if you have one.



All learners will have individual photographs taken by the school photographer on Thursday.  Photographs will be linked to school files, and parents will have the option to purchase them.  Sibling group photographs will only be taken for those families who have requested this at the office.


Good morning,


This week at Westpark



Bonfire night tomorrow.  Please read safety information here: https://www.scottishspca.org/firework-safety

Aberdeen City firework display starts at 7.30pm.



Breakfast Club restarts tomorrow at 8.20am.



Aberdeen Amateur Athletics Club is offering free athletics sessions for children in the Northfield and Mastrick areas.

These sessions are coached by UKA-qualified athletics coaches. They focus on teaching fundamental running, jumping, and throwing skills while incorporating fun games. At the end of each session, we also provide fruit for the participants.

The current block of sessions will run for 6 weeks, and it would be fantastic if you could help spread the word to encourage more participation.

Session details:

To sign up, please use this link: Booking Link


Active Schools are starting up a football session on a Friday monthly at Garthdee for P7 pupils that do not currently play for clubs because we have a lot in that position. Please see poster attached.





Mission Christmas Gift Applications are open – please contact Mrs Atkinson if you are in difficult circumstances and require support with Christmas gifts.

Fiona Lister, our local minister, will be visiting some classes on Thursday afternoon.


Peep in Aberdeen has also been fortunate enough to receive funded training spaces for Peep and Antenatal Peep training. Attached is an application for upcoming Peep training- the deadline is Friday Nov 8th. Antenatal Peep training will take place in early July. If you’re interested in a space, please get in touch with me. I understand not everyone has capacity in their role to delivery Peep groups but this training has been useful for people who manage Peep practitioners and/or practitioners who work with families on a one to one basis. Part of this funded training is to increase the language of Peep across the city.




P6/7O will be sharing some of what they have learned this year in a class assembly on Friday at 2pm.  Each child will be allocated two reserved seats.  If you do not require seats, have accessibility requirements, or would like additional seats reserved please contact the school office.  Entry is via the breakfast club door.



The Autism Outreach Service are hosting various sessions for Parents/Carers and Professionals. The sessions will be held at Orchard Brae School, spaces are limited, and booking is essential.

Autism and Emotional Regulation workshop delivered by Autism Outreach Service

Monday 18th November 2024 15.45 – 16.45 – Orchard Brae School

This twilight course explores the various parts of emotional regulation and how families and professionals can support autistic children and young people to develop supportive emotional regulation skills. 

To book your space please use the link below:



Autism and Anxiety workshop delivered by Autism Outreach Service

Monday 2nd December 2024 15.45 – 16.45 – Orchard Brae School

This twilight course has been designed for families and professionals and explores understanding the link between anxiety and autism and different ways to support autistic children and young people that are experiencing anxiety. To book your space please use the link below:





Our Christmas Fair is at 3pm on Friday 6th December.  Can you help us collect the following items?



Christmas mug orders should arrive and will be distributed this week.  The Christmas cards arrive separately and will be distributed once we have them.


School photographs will be taken for all individuals on Thursday 14th November.  If you would like a sibling group photograph (for children attending Westpark) please inform the school office.

Welcome back!

This week at Westpark:

Family Calendar attached – paper copies for November and December are also available from the school office.


P5-7 are taking part in first aid training this week.


We follow the statutory guidance supporting the implementation of the Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools Regulations 2020  - this applies to classrooms and clubs as well as the dinner hall,

Breakfast club will recommence on Tuesday November 5thno breakfast club this week.


All classes will be updating wider achievement trackers this week.  Have you mastered a new skill this year?  Or joined a new club?  Let your teacher and classmates know how and what you did.

All classes are starting a numeracy jotter challenge this week.  We are looking for numeracy work which shows the date and title clearly, uses a ruler for straight lines and has clearly formed numbers (one number per square).  Classes are competing against one another, so you may want to practise at home to help!

Date for the diary – Thursday 14th November 3pm, parents are invited to come along (with their children) to learn how to use talk and type technology.  P5-7 learners took part in workshops prior to the holidays, and now it is the adults’ turn!


Family Learning Family Golf will be in the gym hall this Wednesday, 3.30pm-4.30pm.  Suitable for all P4-7s and their parents – please come along.

Scripture Union (Bible Club) starts this Wednesday lunchtime in the ICT suite.  P6/7R and P5 at 12.10-12.35, P6/7O, P6/7M, P4/5 and P4 12.35-1.00.  Members are expected to attend every session.


Basketball club restarts at 3pm on Monday 4th November.  All members are expected to attend every week – parents should inform the office if this is not possible. Spaces available, please sign up here: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/news/mep_events/westpark-p4-7-basketball

Rugby club has finished.


All P1-7s are taking part in Westpark Skillshop on Wednesday afternoon.  The focus skill this month is Integrity.

Poppies will be available at the school office in exchange for a donation.  House Captains will also be visiting all classrooms with them until November 11th.


P2/3 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday morning.  Please bring a library card if you have one.

We have three tickets remaining for Theatre Club’s trip to the Music Hall to see RSNO’s The Snowman on Thursday 19th December at 18.30.  They are £14 each.  Children attending must be dropped off and collected by parents (parents and siblings may also purchase tickets if they wish).  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you would like to attend.


Hallowe’en Disco is this Wednesday.  Tickets are available on the door – suggested donation £1/£2.  Please bring your own water bottle.

Nursery 3.00-3.45pm - ENTRY AND EXIT via breakfast club door

P1-3 5.15pm-6pm – ENTRY AND EXIT via breakfast club door

P4-7 6pm-7pm – ENTRY AND EXIT via front door

All learners should be collected by an adult.  If you wish your child to walk home on their own please contact the school office.

Games, challenges and prizes

Good morning,


This week at Westpark School:  We close for the two week October break on Friday at 3pm.



You are all invited to Parent Voice meeting tonight at 5.30pm.  We will be making plans for the Hallowe’en Discos and need your help to ensure these events go ahead.



Parkrun celebrated its 20th birthday this weekend, please join Westpark runners at Duthie junior parkrun every Sunday at 9.30am.  Register for free here: https://www.parkrun.org.uk/register/?eventName=duthie-juniors and remember to select Westpark AC as your club.



Family Learning Boccia poster attached.



Family Learning Family Golf sessions starting this Wednesday at 3.30pm in the main hall.  See attached leaflet for details.



The annual soundfestival will be taking place from 19th - 27th October 2024.

Percussion and Science Exhibition

Explore Aberdeen Science Centre, one of Aberdeen’s top visitor attractions, and learn about the science behind tuned percussion in an educational and interactive exhibition.

Date: Sat 19th - Sun 27th Oct

Time: 10am - 4.30pm 

Venue: Aberdeen Science Centre

Ticket is included in an entrance ticket to the Science Centre: www.aberdeensciencecentre.org/visit 

20th Anniversary Celebration Concert

A free performance by local musicians from Any Enemy, Con Anima, and members of the Get Creative Ensemble of Graham Fitkin’s new work commissioned by sound to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. 

Date: Sun 20th Oct

Time: 3.30 - 4pm

Venue: Cowdray Hall, Aberdeen

No booking required.

Family Promenade Concert

soundfestival’s popular free family-friendly promenade concert takes you on a journey of musical discovery around Aberdeen Maritime Museum. All ages are welcome to come and enjoy this relaxed and informal event with members of the New London Chamber Ensemble.

Date: Fri 25th Oct

Time: 10.30 - 11.30am

Venue: Aberdeen Maritime Museum

No booking required. 

Joby Burgess’ Family Concert

Explore the wonderful and varied world of percussion, as Joby Burgess demonstrates unique instruments such as spaceharp, aluphone, kalimba, vibraphone, marimba and more. This rhythmic adventure includes works by Dobrinka Tabakova, Yazz Ahmed, Tunde Jegede and Joby Burgess. 

Date: Sat 26th Oct

Time: 10.30 - 11am

Venue: The Anatomy Rooms, Aberdeen

Price: £4 per child, accompanying adult free

Tickets can be booked at the following link: https://www.aberdeenperformingarts.com/whats-on/sound-festival-family-concert-jody-burgess-percussion/ 




Head Teachers and Quality Improvement Officers from Aberdeen City Council visited us on Friday.  They spent time in almost all classes and found our learners to be polite and helpful



P3 will visit Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please bring a library card if you have one.



Active Schools ASN Stay, Play & Connect Sessions are now live on Eventbrite for October. There will be 5 sessions this month, St Machar Academy, Kaimhill School, Greyhope School, Milltimber School & Orchard Brae School- all sessions are 4:30pm-530pm with a relaxed nature of the session allowing for flexible arrival and no pressure to remain throughout the duration of the session either.

The sessions are free form, expression of interest style sessions allowing the children to decide what they are interested in doing during the session, we aim to support families with a varied option of activity.

To book on to any of the sessions please use the URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/asn-stay-play-connect-sessions-3206429

Any queries please contact Smitchell@sportaberdeen.co.uk  

This week at Westpark:



Police Scotland are visiting school this morning to speak about recent damage to the school building and playground.  Our playground is open for children to play safely in their neighbourhood after school.  We encourage all families to discuss what safe and responsible play looks like when encouraging children to develop independence, and to help them plan what to do if they see something which makes them uncomfortable.



P7 parents may collect medication from the office this week.  Leftover snack bags will be distributed to P7s at 3pm today.



P5 have ski-ing lesson number 2 on Wednesday morning.

P4, P4/5 and P5 start SooYangDo taster sessions this afternoon.  P1 and P6/7R can sign up for lunchtime sessions if they wish.

No Morning Fitness club on Monday October 7th.

AAAC are back running a FREE satellite athletics club in the area – see flyer attached.

October Football Camp info attached.



Parent Voice group meets next Monday at 5.30pm.  Your input is welcome as we look at planning our Hallowe’en Disco and continue work on our School Improvement Plan.


AberNecessities can provide Christmas Eve boxes for families who may otherwise not be able to receive a visit from Santa.  Boxes includes PJs, socks, books, activities, toiletries and other treats.  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you wish to apply for one for your child.




Teaching staff are looking forward to sharing achievements with parents on Thursday evening.  Please make appointments by phoning the office after 10am today or tomorrow.


Get Creative Orchestra offers free music making sessions for 8-11 year olds at the University of Aberdeen.  https://bit.ly/sound-get-creative


Fiona Lister, minister of Mastrick North Parish Church, will be leading our assembly this Friday at 2pm.  Children may bring a donation for the harvest table if they wish.  All donations will be delivered to a local food bank.



The Travelling Book Fair arrives at school tomorrow.  All classes will be invited to view the books over the course of the week and may purchase books if they wish.  Parents will also be able to view the collection during parents’ evening on Thursday.

P4 visit Mastrick Library on Thursday morning.  Bring a library card if you have one.



We welcome our P7s back from Newtonmore.  The trip was a great success, and all of them showed that they can absolutely do hard things – the first time away from home for many, and an important step towards independence and embracing future opportunities. P6 parents will be invited to begin a payment plan in October to help spread the cost of next year’s residential trip.

Mastrick Library Monthly Book Group (age 9-11) starts on Thursday 10th October 3.45-4.30pm.  Book your space on 01224 788558


Good morning,


Each week we receive reports from members of our community concerned about children riding electric scooters on the road, and children causing damage to the playground.  We love to see children showing independence and playing outside after school, but it is important that they do so safely.


All learners are encouraged to take a healthy snack at playtime.  They should not eat during class time, or chew gum at any time in school.


Many of our P5s start a series of three ski lessons tomorrow morning – they can do hard things!


An amazing opportunity for Young Carers during the October School holidays, with our partnership with Kings Camp- a sports and activities day camp based at Robert Gordon University ( RGU Sport) for those 5 to 17 years old. As a Young Carer- you are offered a 90% subsidy that will grant them a weeks space during the holidays for approx. £25.

To apply for a subsidised space, please complete the following application form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=w3hmOv72QkWSZhOGi8cqEAfltO4IZz9PkmVD-b5HUTlUQkEzVFpGUkRCVlpPMkhEVVRHTjVaVlRZMy4u

A young carer is someone who has caring responsibilities for a parent, grandparent or sibling.


Parents’ evening is next Thursday (3rd October) 3.30pm-7.00pm.  Booking opens tomorrow at 10am. Please call the school office to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher.  You may also request appointments with Mrs Atkinson, Mrs McCreath and Mrs Jones.


Aberdeen City Music School Come and Play Day P5-7 – please contact school for more details.


Thank you to all who attended the open day on Thursday, it was great to welcome you to Westpark.


P4/5 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Please bring a library card if you have one.


23 P7s leave for Newtonmore tomorrow morning.  We aim for ALL P7s to attend next year’s residential as we do not want to leave anyone out of this opportunity. Miss Ritchie, Mr O’Neill, Miss Morgan and Mrs Atkinson are accompanying them, so will be unable to respond to email and phone messages for the rest of this week.

Please avoid parking in the bus bay on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon.

Information about an after school bridge club is attached.

Congratulations to our cook Laura Dow who will now be based permanently at Westpark 

This week at Westpark:

We are closed on Friday and Monday for the long weekend.


It is great to see so many children playing outside after school.  Children are welcome to play in the nursery and school playgrounds and should leave them as they found them (or by weeding and litter picking leave them better than you found them!)


Family Learning ,  Parents & Parents and Children Sessions; Cuppa Chat. Wellbeing Golf for Mums and Afterschool Golf for 9 yrs+) – please email for info


Sooyang Do is a Martial arts that promotes fitness , self defence & self improvement, along with balance , coordination, strength.

There is a class in Mastrick  suitable for 5-12 year olds (juniors) 13- adult  (adults)  - please see attached flyer.

There are 4 spaces remaining for free ski lessons open to P5 pupils.  Please register your interest here: https://forms.gle/itnowovosnA7YqN87


Aberdeen City Libraries is hosting 2 sensory storytelling sessions with the fantastic Ailie Finlay on Friday, 20 September at Torry Library (based at new Greyhope Community Campus).  This free event is aimed at children and young people with Additional Support Needs and their families.  Booking is required for both events.  Call Torry Library on 01224 764747 or us the links below to book your space.  Please see further details in flyer attached:

Under 8s: 1.30pm-2pm Booking

8-15yrs: 2.45pm-3.15pm Booking


All parents are invited to visit Westpark for our open afternoon this Thursday.  Please meet in the main hall at 1.30pm, entry via breakfast club door.  Classes will close to parents at 2.45pm. 


P5V are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please bring a library card if you have one.


P6 and 7 classes are taking part in a workshop on Thursday morning to learn about the role of a Member of the Scottish Parliament.


P1-7 are taking part in the second Westpark Skillshop this Wednesday 1.30-2.30pm, focussing on the skill of initiative.

This week at Westpark:

Good morning,


This week at Westpark:



All classes will take part in the Hands Up Scotland travel survey this week.  The majority of children walk to school – thank you for encouraging them to do so.



Do you shop at Asda?  If so, please opt into the Cashpot for Schools campaign and select Westpark.  Asda will then donate a percentage of your shop to Westpark and will not affect your own Cashpot earn.  https://www.asda.com/cashpotforschools



P5 learners have the chance to take part in a series of 3 ski lessons starting on September 25th.  All equipment and transport is provided free of charge.  Please complete this form if you would like your P5 to take part.



Active Schools ASN Stay, Play & Connect Sessions are now live on Eventbrite for September. There will be 9 sessions throughout the city in our 9 venues. Hazlehead Primary, St Machar Academy, Kaimhill school, Greyhope school, Milltimber school, Northfield Academy, Bucksburn Academy, Bridge of Don Academy, Countesswells schools. Sessions are from 4:30pm until 5:30pm (4:00-5:00pm in Northfield) with the relaxed nature of the session allowing for flexibility on arrive after start and no pressure to remaining for the duration if your child isn’t able to stay.

The sessions are free form, expression of interest style sessions allowing the children to decide what they are interested in doing during the session, we aim to support families with a varied option of activity.

To book on to any of the sessions please use the URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/asn-stay-play-connect-sessions-3206429

Any queries please contact Smitchell@sportaberdeen.co.uk  



P6/7M will be visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday after break.  Please bring your own library card in order to borrow books to take home. The benefits of reading—even for a short time each day—are varied and life-changing, from improving employability, language skills, social skills, and family bonding, to reducing stress and anxiety.


P6/7M will be sharing a short presentation about their learning at assembly this Friday (2pm).  Parents are invited to come along (entry via breakfast club door) and two seats will be reserved for each child.  Please contact the school office if you would like additional seats, or if you have any accessibility requirements (buggies, wheelchairs etc).



The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s participation project, Let’s Be Heard, has invited staff and pupils at Westpark School to engage with the Inquiry.  Professionals in education were greatly impacted by the pandemic, as were Scotland’s children and young people and it is important everyone is able to share their experience. We want staff and pupils from Westpark School to be able to inform the recommendations the Inquiry writes to Scottish Ministers.

Children and young people | Let's Be Heard | Sharing Scotland's COVID experience (covid19inquiry.scot)



The next Parent Voice meeting is on Monday 7th October at 5.30pm.  New members very welcome.  Volunteers are needed to ensure that events such as the Halloween disco can go ahead, and the meetings are your opportunity to be involved in school improvement.  Please contact us if you can help at the Disco (set up/tidy up/games/supervision).

Please note change to published calendar date:  The Hallowe’en Disco will take place on 30th October, not the 31st.



Heather Ross from Autism Outreach is looking to gather information to help set up a parental group at Westpark. Please complete this form:

https://forms.gle/G7wEpixZm2k8tXXT8  A family’s child/children do not require diagnosis to be invited. The link will remain open until Friday 13th Sep.

This week at Westpark:


All classes have been working on SHANARRI webs to show what they do to keep themselves safe, and can discuss who helps to keep them safe.


All classes have toothbrushes to carry out regular toothbrushing in class time (please see attached letter).  Your child will be enrolled in the toothbrushing programme automatically. You do not need to do anything. However, if you do not want your child to take part in the Childsmile toothbrushing programme please write to your child’s nursery or school within two weeks. You can of course change your mind at any time.


Fitness Clubs – Monday Morning Milne’s Mini Fit every Monday morning (P1-7), Tuesday Lunchtime Tennis (P2,2/3,3,4,4/5), Thursday Lunchtime Netball (P6-7) and Friday Lunchtime Rugby (P2/3. P3. P4, P4/5).  You will be notified if your child signs up for a lunchtime club.  Membership is free, and comes with the expectation that those who join commit to attending every week for the term to ensure time to consolidate and master skills.


Please see attached Makaton Level 1 and 2 Workshop poster for parents/carers and education staff. 


All classes have been busy completing assessments.  This helps teachers to ensure learning provides the appropriate level of challenge, and set a brisk learning pace in class.


It is great to see learners wearing school colours.  Please make use of the New to You shop in the foyer – take what you need.  Volunteers wanted to help monitor and tidy stock.


All learners are applying the skill of Initiative at Golden Time this week.


P1 parents are invited to a parent learning input in the ICT suite on Wednesday morning at 11.30am.

Theatre Club – tickets available for evening performances of RSNO The Snowman (19th Dec, Music Hall, £14) and also &Juliet (6th Feb, HMT, £17.50).  Please contact Mrs Atkinson for more details.  All family members welcome, or children may be dropped off to meet school staff.

Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


A parent shared this useful defib finder: Defib finder – find the defibrillators nearest you.

Please do not let dogs walk in the playground, and report anyone you see allowing dogs to foul the neighbourhood to the city dog warden.


Please see tick safety information attached and check children and animals after time spent in long grass or forested areas.


Morning fitness starts next week.  Please sign up here: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/news/mep_events/morning-fitness

Basketball club will take place after school – day to be confirmed.  Sign up will be shared once details finalised.


It is helpful for children (especially those in younger classes) to have a change of clothes in their bags in case of toileting accidents.  Older children may also find spare socks are welcome in wet weather if they don’t wear wellies! (Several pairs of wellies available free of charge at “New to You”).

Education Pathways leaflet attached – an educational psychology service for young people who are adopted or living in kinship care.

As we adhere to Scottish Government Nutritional Guidance, classes do not share birthday cake, but may choose to donate a book or game to their class instead.

Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you would like to be referred for Cash for Kids Winter Warmer Appeal.


All P4s are meeting author Cressida Cowell at the Beach Ballroom this afternoon.

Theatre Club – tickets available for evening performances of RSNO The Snowman (19th Dec, Music Hall, £14) and also &Juliet (6th Feb, HMT, £17.50).  Please contact Mrs Atkinson for more details.


P6/7O are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please bring your own library card.


All children are encouraged to take a refillable water bottle to school.  There are several available at the “New to You” shop.  We do not use disposable cups so please make sure children have their own cup or bottle for use in class.

Parent volunteers wanted to look after the “New To You” shop each week – tidying and sorting donations.  Please contact the school office if you can help.


Parent Voice group meets this evening at 5.30pm.  This is your chance to be involved in school improvements and events.  All welcome.  A copy of the Family Calendar is attached and paper copies will be given out this evening.  Dates will be added as the year goes on – please ensure you read the Monday bulletin for additions or changes.

Breakfast club starts tomorrow at 8.20 am and registration closes today.  You will be notified if you have NOT been allocated a place – there is no need for a waiting list at present so all those who have applied so far have places.

Leaflet attached with information on the following Aberdeen Performing Arts workshops:

Info also attached for ASN art classes age 7-10.

20th August

Good morning and welcome back,


This week at Westpark:



We hope to see all children and staff walking, biking or scooting to school.  We have contacted the city wardens regarding pavement parking as this can be a barrier to the safe use of our pavements. 



Breakfast Club will start again next Tuesday, please register here: https://forms.gle/QeyQqWMaXxmbahmA7

We need parent volunteers to help supervise – can you help?  Please contact Mrs Atkinson or the school office.
It takes place in the main hall at 8.20 on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please enter via the fire exit by the kitchen.
It costs £1.50 per session (payable via ParentPay), and children select up to 4 items from the following: Toast , Weetabix, Branflakes, Porridge, Fresh Fruit,  Semi-Skimmed Milk.
If more than two sessions are missed (other than through illness or pre-arranged appointments) your place may be reallocated.
P7s are able to join their friends in the playground after they have finished eating, all others will remain in the hall until the bell rings at 8.50am.
Board games and colouring activities will be provided.  Children may use the time to do homework if they wish.
Members of staff and parents run the club on a voluntary basis - parents will be informed via GroupCall if the club is to be cancelled.


School lunch menus can be viewed here.  Catering staff have previously been able to provide alternatives if a child does not like the items on offer, but this will no longer be possible.  If your child does not wish to eat the items on offer they should be provided with a packed lunch from home.



All P4s will be visiting the Beach Ballroom next Monday afternoon to meet author Cressida Cowell.  They will travel by coach.  A contribution of £2 towards the cost of this would be welcome, but please be assured that all learners will take part.


Please see attached info from STEM Returners, an organisation that helps people return to a technical, scientific or engineering career following a career break, which is incredibly difficult through standard recruitment channels. 

They returner programmes with a number of private and public sector organisations in Aberdeen which will provide opportunities for people to return and transfer to roles in the energy sector.




We are able to make applications for the Cash for Kids Winter Warmer Appeal (previously called the coat appeal).  Please contact Mrs Atkinson (aatkinson@aberdeencity.gov.uk) if you would like an application to be made on your behalf.




P7 trip to Newtonmore is next month, and the next payment of £100 is due this Friday.



P7 hoodies have been ordered and will arrive in September.  We look forward to seeing all of our learners wearing uniform – sports T-shirts are provided free of charge and can be exchanged for larger sizes when you return the original.



All children are encouraged to apply for and use their own bus and library card (these are available free of charge).  Each Thursday one class visits Mastrick library, starting with P6/7 R on Thursday.  Parent volunteers always welcome to walk there and back with classes.



Coffee for parents of children with ASN (no diagnosis needed) on Friday at 2pm in the Rainbow Room.


Please see attached info from Get Creative, a free year-round creative music making programme for children aged 8-18, giving young people the opportunity to gain skills, experiences and a wider understanding of creative music making with professional composers and musicians. Get Creative Orchestra is for children aged 8-11 in primary education. Any standard of player is welcome and they have a small number of keyboards and percussion instruments available. The first session is on Sunday 1st September


Theatre Club:  We have school tickets for RSNO The Snowman at the Music Hall on Thursday 19th December 6.30pm.  Tickets are £14 and attendees should meet at the Music Hall and be collected from there.

For P6s and P7s (plus parents and ex pupils) we also have tickets to & Juliet at His Majesty’s Theatre on Thursday 6th March 2025 for a special price of £17.50 - will be open to P7s. Family members welcome, transport not provided.  https://www.aberdeenperformingarts.com/whats-on/juliet/  Please make payment to the school office and contact Mrs Atkinson to reserve seats.


School Bank Details: Westpark School, Account Number – 70087722, Sort Code – 82 60 07.  Please use your child’s name as a reference.

This week at Westpark school finishes for the summer holidays at 3pm on Friday.



Please put rubbish in the bin and do not feed the seagulls in the playground.  Children have been reminded not to approach or touch the chicks.



There are football boots and other sports items at the New to You stall – please help yourself.



Did you enjoy racing last week?  Please enter Run Balmoral 2025: https://runbalmoral.com/content/  Primary, secondary and adult races.  There will be a coach providing transport to and from Westpark.



Theatre Club – RSNO The Snowman 19th December 18.30.  We have secured tickets at a discounted price of £14 each (adults and children).  If you would like to come (or you would like to drop your child off to attend with the club) please contact Mrs Atkinson aatkinson@aberdeencity.gov.uk.   Open to all children and adults, including older siblings and ex pupils.



Parent helpers wanted:  can you help organise or New to You stall? 



Children will take some artwork etc home this week, but jotters will be kept at Westpark as evidence of progress made this year.



We say goodbye to our P7s with a Leavers’ Assembly at 1.45pm on Wednesday.  Two seats will be reserved for each child – please contact the school office with requests for additional tickets or accessibility requirements.  Entry via breakfast club door.



Please return all school reading and library books by the end of term.  P7s should also return their Team Westpark T-shirts on Friday for redistribution.



Please order additional Team Westpark T-shirts using this form by the end of the day Wednesday: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLBO6eVgoe-Zlekzw5PaCArR4AONcs_RrsMFcQ9rRBJSSpAg/viewform?usp=sf_link

P6 parents will receive a link to order additional P7 hoodies later today or tomorrow – please look out for this as it will not be possible to order additional hoodies after the summer.


We are all visiting Mastrick Church at 11am on Thursday morning.  Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are able to accompany them on the walk there.


Some P5s and P6s will be taking part in Bikeability on Tuesday and Wednesday – please make sure you return the permission form if you received one.

We carry out spot checks to ensure children carrying their own inhalers have these on their person – please make sure your child has theirs on them (including during playtime and lunchtimes).


R7 are visiting Pizza Express on Wednesday to learn how to make their own pizza.  Please remember your bus card, and to arrive at school for 8.30am.


All P7s have a silent disco this Tuesday afternoon. They may dress as they please for this event (or get changed at lunchtime), but should be in school uniform the rest of the time.

All year groups will have races this week.  Parents wishing to spectate should do so from the pavement side of the fence on Byron Terrace to avoid crowding children.  Learners will be dismissed from the playground on the day of their races, please wait until then to provide snacks or drinks.  Children are allowed water bottles in class and are encouraged to stay hydrated throughout the day.  In the event of inclement weather a GroupCall will be sent to inform parents of cancellation as soon as a decision is made, so there is no need to call the office.

Monday 24th June 2.45pm: All P1s

Tuesday 25th June 2.45pm: All P2s and P3s

Wednesday 26th June 2.45pm: All P4s and P5s

Thursday 27th June 2.45pm: All P6s

Friday 28st June 2.45pm: All P7s

Some children wear crocs to school and complain of sore ankles – these are not designed for physical activity so may be worn as indoor shoes/slippers with trainers for PE and outdoor play.  Children should wear Team Westpark sports T-shirts.

Parents seeking more formal running and racing opportunities should sign up for weekly junior parkrun, active schools fun runs and the annual Run Balmoral race, all of which are supported by school staff.

Morning Fitness will have the last session at 8am next Monday (1st July).  All other after school clubs will finish this week (lunchtime clubs on as normal next week).


Family picnic this Friday – all families are invited to bring a picnic to the playground from 12 noon – 1pm.  Classes will join you outside from 12.10pm.  Please let your child know if you are unable to attend so that they know not to look out for you.  Those wishing to order a school lunch (cheese sandwiches) for the picnic should do so by calling the school office or replying to this message by lunchtime on Tuesday.   There will be no hot lunches on Friday.


New P1 parent meeting in the main hall at 8.30am on Wednesday.


Westpark Musical Revue - Choir, Brass, Strings, Woodwind and Piano – Thursday at 2pm.  Parents of children performing are invited to attend, entry via breakfast club door.


P6 Newtonmore deposit of £70 (or bursary application) is due on Friday.

School bank account details for transfers:  Westpark School,Account Number – 70087722, Sort Code – 82 60 07.  Use your child’s full name as reference.

We are looking for paint in pale/pastel/neutral colours for display boards – does anyone have any left over from decorating? Volunteers wanted to paint boards in the corridors ready for the new term.


All P7s visiting Innoflate on Monday – thank you to the parents who fundraised to make this possible.  Please ensure outstanding balances for last month’s Newtonmore trip are paid.

All P7s are going ice-skating on Friday and should arrive at school early (8.10am) – please see class Google Classroom pages for timings and what to bring. Children arriving late will be unable to attend as there will not be staff available to transport them there.

P3 are going tubing on Friday morning.  Please wear long sleeves, long trousers and  a pair of gloves (spare could be useful!).  They will return by 11.20 in plenty time for the picnic.

Many of you have asked about ordering additional Team Westpark T-shirts for the new year.  This can be done at a cost of £13 per T-shirt by filling in the order form by the end of this week.  All children were provided with one free of charge, and these may be exchanged for larger sizes as they grow out of them.  P7s will need theirs for leavers’ assembly and end of term, but should wash and return them on Friday 5th July or at the start of the new term.

This week at Westpark:


It’s great to see lots of children scooting and cycling to school and wearing their helmets.  The more children cycling and walking to school, the safer the roads around school become as there are fewer cars dropping off.


Our team of litter pickers are busy every day, and notice most litter picked up comes from Fruit Shoot bottles and crisp packets.  Please use reusable water bottles (some are available free of charge at “New To You” by the front door and take just one small snack for playtime.


Last week of Rugby today – P5-7 girls club at lunch, P1-3 after school and class coaching throughout the day.  See flyer attached for Girls’  Rugby sessions at Woodside.

Nursery Sports on Tuesday.  If any event is cancelled due to weather we will notify all affected parents via GroupCall.  There is no need to call the school office – it can be assumed that events will go ahead if no cancellation message received.

AAC Summer Camps flyer attached.


Drop in coffee for parents of children with ASN (with or without diagnosis) – 2pm Friday in Rainbow Room (entry via nursery door).

As a result of our partnership with Aberdeen North Parish Church we hope to be working with two TLG mentors to support learners next session.  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you would like your child to take part.  More information can be found here: https://www.tlg.org.uk/


All classes were challenged to focus on improving handwriting this term.  Mr Watson will be visiting classes and sampling jotters to find out who has made the most progress.


House Captain election campaigns begin on Friday.


P7s will be visiting Northfield Academy on Wednesday and Thursday.  They should make their own way there and wear their Westpark uniforms.  Those attending different secondary schools should register at Westpark as normal.


If your child is turning five, you can apply for their National Entitlement Card (NEC) with free bus travel up to two weeks before their 5th birthday. Open up a world of possibilities and save money on public transport, making regular journeys and new adventures more affordable for your family!  Find out more about how it works and how to apply at freebus.scot

Good morning,



CyberSafe Scotland invite you to join them for a supportive and vitally important live webinar to increase your understanding of financially motivated sexual extortion, and help you to respond positively to support your child or the young people you work with.

We are immensely privileged to be joined by: 

who will speak with Annabel Turner, Director of CyberSafe Scotland. 

This webinar will not only increase your understanding of the issue, but also provide an important opportunity for you to hear directly from the experts on how to help to protect children and young people.

Join us on: 

🗓 12th June 2024

⏰ 7 - 7.45 pm

During the webinar you will:

Register for your free ticket here:Get your ticket



Childsmile dental nurses will visit school on Wednesday to observe classes brushing their teeth.  Toothbrushes and toothpaste are available free of charge at the “New to You” stall in the foyer.



You are invited to a tennis opening event to mark the official opening of the newly refurbished courts at Northfield Outdoor Sport Centre. There will be a bouncy castle, face painting, bowls, ice cream and more.

A team made up of Sport Aberdeen and active schools staff will deliver the event but would love to have some community involvement so are also looking for volunteers to help out with the event so if anyone is happy to get involved please get in touch.




Shorts and Shades summer disco this Thursday.  £1 donation on the door (no pre-sales of tickets). Nursery-P3 5.15-6pm – enter and exit via breakfast club door.  P4-7 6-7pm – enter via front door and exit via breakfast club door.  Please notify us if your child is permitted to walk home alone, otherwise they will remain at school until collected by an adult. Bring a water bottle – no snacks provided.  Phones should be kept at home, or switched off and given to Mrs Atkinson on arrival and collected at home time.



After school clubs – Rugby (P1-3 Monday), Choir and yoga (Thursday) – please make sure that members attend every week.  Parents should notify the office if they are unable to do so.


This year’s Aberdeen Reads Challenge will see Library Bear (LB) travelling back in time all Summer!  Pupils from the city’s schools suggested historical periods and events for LB to visit…these will be revealed throughout the summer.  Will LB come face to face with dinosaurs, or will there be visits to Ancient Egypt?  It will take 350 books read, challenges completed and/or library activities attended to let LB jump through the time portal to the next historical ADVENTURE!

Young people and families can pick up their FREE challenge cards from any city library.  Take your challenge card into the library and collect stamps to earn rewards.  Aberdeen Reads Challenge is open to everyone, with rewards available for 4-15yrs taking part in the challenge.

If you can’t make it to a library, you can take part online by downloading a challenge card from our website – let us know what you’ve been reading at LibraryEvents@aberdeencity.gov.uk. 

Further information can be found at https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/aberdeenreads




The Cowie Cup final is at 9am this Thursday.  Good luck to our P6 finalists.


All P1-7s will take part in a multi-age Westpark Workshop on Wednesday afternoon.  Please check google classroom with your child to see which skills they have been developing.



House Captain applications from eligible P5s and P6s are due this Friday.  Candidates should demonstrate belonging by wearing school uniform every day.


R7 are visiting Escape Rooms on Friday – please remember bus cards.



P1P Class assembly this Friday at 2pm.  Entry via breakfast club door.  All children will have two seats reserved for parents – please contact the office if you require additional seats or have accessibility requirements (buggies/wheelchairs).


Drop in for P6 parents this Thursday at 3pm (main hall – entry via breakfast club door) – to share information and answer questions about residential trip to Newtonmore this September.  Our intention is for all new P7s to attend so if your child is unsure or anxious please come along to help plan to make it manageable for them.

Good morning,


Local residents have contacted us with concerns about unsafe parking and speeds at pick up and drop off time.  Please walk to school or park and stride.  If driving please observe 20mph signs, be mindful of our neighbours and park with consideration for them.


It is great to see so many children wearing the new sports t-shirts.  Parents had the option to order additional t-shirts earlier in the year and in response to recent requests we are in discussion with the supplier regarding a supplementary order.  Cost will be around £13.

Please wear trainers or other comfortable running shoes to school – crocs are OK for indoor shoes but children complain of sore ankles when running around in them.


P1-3 Rugby today 3pm.

Lunchtime clubs:  Monday lunchtimes  Chess and P5-7 girls rugby, Tuesdays Running and Netball, Wednesday Bible and Basketball, Thursday LGBT Allies, Friday tennis.


Autism Outreach staff are supporting core Westpark staff in school this week.

Unpaid carer survey: mainly multiple-choice questions should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete and is available online here. The survey is open until 31 July 2024.



P5/6, P6/7 plus some P5s and P7s are visiting Sky TV studios on Wednesday.  They should arrive at the usual time on Wednesday and the bus will leave after registration.  They should wear school uniform, an outdoor jacket and shoes for playing in Camperdown Park and bring a packed lunch.  Children carrying their own inhalers should bring them on their person.  Medication normally held in school will be taken, but any additional prescribed medication (eg travel sickness) should be handed in to the office today or tomorrow.

The bus should return by around 7pm – parents will be notified of updates via GroupCall.  The bus will park on Byron Terrace – please do not park in the bus bay.  Children should take an afternoon snack (please avoid anything with strong smells or likely to cause nausea) as we will not be stopping for an evening meal. 


Every week we have a school meeting in assembly.  Children are encouraged to make an apology, a stand and an appreciation in recognition of the school aims.


Both P1 classes visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please let class teachers know if you are able to walk there with them.


Helpers needed for Summer Fair and Disco - please contact school office or Parent Voice member if you can help.  The events cannot go ahead without volunteers to help set up, tidy up and ensure safety of participants.

Summer Fair 3-5pm Friday.  Please bring cash (in change) and shopping bags.  The busiest time inside is 3-3.30pm.

Donations of soft toys, raffle prizes and bric a brac welcome – please hand in to the school office.

Shorts and Shades disco on Thursday 13th June. Bring a water bottle (no refreshments provided).  Entry – suggested donation £1 on the door (no pre-sales)

Nursery-P3 5.15-6.00 pm

Enter and exit by breakfast club door

P4-7 6.00-7.00 pm enter by front door, exit by breakfast club  door.

Please notify office or Parent Voice on drop off if you wish your child to walk home alone.

This week at Westpark:


How do you help your child find their way in the world? To manage friendships and relationships, being online, or complicated things like consent? The Chat national survey,  for parents and carers is open until May31st: https://thechat.scot the Chat is a conversation with parents and carers about where, what, when, why and how children and young people learn about relationships, sexual health and parenthood. Supported by NHS Grampian.


Dates for diary: P1-7 races will take place on the following days at 2.45pm.  Parents wishing to spectate should do so from the pavement by the fence on Byron Terrace.

Monday 24th June: All P1s

Tuesday 25th June: All P2s and P3s

Wednesday 26th June: All P5s

Thursday 27th June: All P6s

Friday 28st June: All P7s

Classes will also have sports and games throughout the month of June – please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for running every day.  We have some children wearing crocs to school and complaining of sore ankles – these are not designed for physical activity so may be worn as indoor shoes/slippers with trainers for PE and outdoor play.

Parents seeking more formal running and racing opportunities should sign up for weekly junior parkrun, active schools fun runs and the annual Run Balmoral race, all of which are supported by school staff.


Active Schools wish to thank all Westpark runners, parents and support crew for making the Fun Run series a success.  Well done everyone who took part!

There will be a new Streetsport session running at Allan Douglas Park (the skatepark) during the summer, every Monday 7-8.30pm which complements sessions at the Academy. If you aren’t aware Streetsport sessions are put on, primarily, to try and reduce youth annoyance and anti-social behaviour as well as providing a platform for young people to access free opportunities to sport and creative activity.  It is targeted at young people aged 8+.


Nursery T-shirts have arrived.  Please collect from nursery staff.  Parents should sign to confirm receipt, and return T-shirts once outgrown.  All nursery children will be provided with an age 3-4 t-shirt free of charge (unless parents requested larger size at time of ordering).


Mr Watson and Mrs Atkinson are visiting all classes to observe learning this week.  They will be asking children about learning goals and feedback.


P2 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday – please bring library cards if you have them.  Parent volunteers wanted.

P1V, P1P and P5 are visiting Techfest on Friday.

Thank you to the community members providing dog poo bags around the school.  Please take and use what you need, and keep the roads around our school clean.


P7s are visiting Northfield Academy this morning as part of the transition program.

All P7s  will be invited to attend our Transition Days on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th June. A letter will be issued closer to the time for parents and carers with all the information required.


Dress as you Please (optional) – on Friday – please bring a bottle or chocolate as a donation for the school fair.

Parent Voice group are meeting tonight at 5.30pm.  This is your chance to be involved in the school improvement plan, as well as planning for school fair, summer disco and family picnic.

This week at Westpark:


Westpark baseball caps are available at the school office (£5).  We also recommend sun cream at this time of year.



P4 are taking part in The Big Sing at the Duthie Park this Wednesday 1130-1200..  Transport provided.  The weather forecast is showing a chance of rain on the day of the event. The event will still go ahead if there is rain, so please remind pupils to dress appropriately.  There are around 3000 children attending the event, so it may take some time to get them in place to perform and then back on buses after the event. Please prepare for some periods of waiting.



All P7s have a rugby transition event at Woodside on Wednesday.  Transport will be provided. It will be on grass, P7s may bring boots if pupils have.  They will need a water bottle and lunch.  They should wear Westpark sports T-shirts.


Milne’s Mini Fit is open to P1-7 and runs every Monday at 8am in the gym hall.  Suggested donation £2 per week, all welcome.  Please call the office to register.


Final Sheddocksley Fun Run at 4pm this Wednesday.  Westpark runners outnumber all other schools there – please come along and join us this week.



P1V will be sharing what they have learned in a class assembly at 2pm this Friday.  Two seats will be reserved for each child.  Entry is via the breakfast club door.  Please contact the school office to request additional seats or to make us aware of any accessibility needs (wheelchair/buggy access)



P3 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Please bring library cards if you have them.  Are you able to help walk there and back?



Unfortunately there have been several incidences of vandalism in both girls and boys toilets recently, causing damage to dispensers and plumbing as well as wasting supplies of sanitary products.  All children are encouraged and expected to use washrooms safely and respectfully.  We would appreciate parents discussing this with children, as we want all of them to have a clean and tidy space to use.  Increased supervision of toilets is in place, but this has a negative impact on the capacity of staff to support learning in classrooms.  Classes will also be reminded of the importance of using cubicles individually. We offer school nurse referrals to support any parents with concerns about toileting issues (such as children using the floor).



School Fair on 7th June. Are you able to help? Please come to Parent Voice meeting on 27th May at 5.30 to make arrangements.  We are also looking for donations of teddies/soft toys, bric a brac and prizes.  There will be an optional dress as you please day on Friday 31st May – donations of bottles or chocolates please.



P6/7 and P5/6 are visiting Sky TV studios on June 5th.  If you have not returned the consent form please do so asap. Please note they will return to school late on that day (around 7pm).


Please discourage children from bringing in toys/gifts for their friends in the playground as this can lead to confusion and upset.

This week at Westpark: 


Welcome back to our P7s – safe, sound and very tired after a weekend of doing hard things at Newtonmore.

Please see attached letter from Police Scotland about online safety and extortion.


Please remember sunscreen and/or a hat as we come in to warmer days.


Sheddocksley Fun Run continues on Wednesday at 4pm.  Please come along and join in (P1-7 races) or cheer on your friends.  More details on Active Schools facebook page.


P5/6 and P6/7 will be visiting Sky Academy on Wednesday June 5th.  Please return permission forms to school, with a contribution towards the cost if you are able (the coach costs £20 per head, we understand that not every family can contribute this amount so please contribute what you can)


Have you taken a career break from an engineering or a technical sector and wish to return? Are you working below your experience in a different sector? Do you have an engineering or technical qualification that you aren’t using? Do you just wish to transfer sectors but don’t have any experience? If so this could be the opportunity for you!  After the unprecedented success of our previous programmes we are currently searching for candidates for a number of STEM Returners campaigns across Aberdeen. All candidates not only get to access a different route to finding a new role, you will also have the opportunity to obtain free 1-2-1 career coaching and mentoring, supporting you from interview stage through the work placement and beyond.  No career break is too long, register to return to STEM today! For more information please visit www.stemreturners.com or email anouska.carling@stemreturners.com.


Westpark Workshops for P1-7 on Wednesday afternoon.  Please ask your child about the skill they developed.


P4 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Please remember your library card.  Are you available to help walk the class there and back?

If you aged 8-11yrs, could you become a Library Champion and help make a difference to library services for young people?  Library Champions will have the opportunity to be involved in the planning, development, delivery and evaluation of city-wide library initiatives.

Library Champions will be asked to commit to being a Champion for a minimum of 6 months, meet once a month and need to be able to attend a different library each month.  Most importantly, they’ll need to be a champion for our libraries, initiatives and be keen to help us deliver the BEST library services for young people in the city.

If your young person would be eager to get involved and share their thoughts, opinions and ideas on future library services, get in touch by emailing LearningDevelopment@aberdeencity.gov.uk

For more information check out https://bit.ly/AberdeenLibraryChampions


P6/7 are getting the public bus to Pizza Express on Wednesday.  Please remember your bus card.


This week at Westpark:


The school office will be closed from 1pm on Friday afternoon. 

Drop in appointments with staff are not available at any time.  Parents may request appointments by phone or email, and indicating the subject matter will allow the relevant member of staff to respond efficiently.



Please read attached information about tick safety, and check children and pets for ticks after spending time in long grass or wooded areas.

Our RSHP project starts next month (Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood).  The policy is available on the school website and handouts will be available at Parents evening tomorrow.



Fruit snacks are always available for those who have forgotten or cannot manage their own. Donations welcome.



Parents’ evening starts at 3.30pm this Thursday.  Please arrive promptly and let us know if you are unable to attend.  Lost property will be available for perusal, and any unclaimed items donated to charity at the end of the week.



No breakfast club until further notice.



Sheddocksley Fun Run continues today at 4pm.  Please contact Active Schools directly (via their facebook page) if you wish to request a late entry.

Yoga is on as normal tomorrow.  There will be no choir due to Parents’ evening.



It is great to see children wearing sports t-shirts for PE.  There are also Westpark baseball caps and neck warmers available.



P3 are visiting the University of Aberdeen today (Wednesday).  Please remember your packed lunch.



Almost all P7s will be leaving for Newtonmore at 1.30pm on Friday.  If you are coming to wave them off please do not park in the bus bay!  We aim to be back between 7 and 8pm on Sunday – updates will be shared with parents en route.

We would love for ALL of next year’s P7 to take part in the residential as do not want to leave anyone behind.  Parents may start paying towards the trip with an office payment card starting now, and should discuss any concerns at parents’ evening to allow us to address these.


Good morning,


This week at Westpark:

No morning fitness today.  All other clubs are up and running as usual.



We have had a number of reports of children using scooters at high speed and without helmets.  Please keep scooting and cycling to school safely and making sure you are aware of cars and pedestrians around you.



Breakfast club restarts on Tuesday morning and will finish on Friday until further notice.



Good luck to everyone running at Balmoral this Saturday!

P7 parents – please return Newtonmore consent forms as soon as possible.

Everyone is invited to enter Active Schools Fun Run series: https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/active-schools-fun-run-events



Our cook, Chris Keith will be leaving Westpark this Friday.  He will be missed very much by both staff and learners, and we would like to thank him for his unfailing good humour and dedication.


Befriend a Child are hosting an Information Evening at Northfield Community Centre on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 from 7pm to 8.30pm. They hope to connect families to local organisations by creating an accessible platform for this to take place. Empowering them by providing them with knowledge and information to facilitate meaningful change in their own lives.  See flyer attached.




Pupil focus groups will be meeting with Mr Watson and Mrs Atkinson to verify levels achieved in literacy and numeracy.



We are pleased to welcome Mr Roberts-James to Westpark.  He will be taking over P5/6 R9 until the end of the school year.


P6/7 are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Are you able to come along on the walk there and back?



Parent Voice group meets this evening at 5.30pm – all welcome.  We welcome your input in planning for aspects of school improvement, including literacy, numeracy and travel as well as school fairs and discos.

P7s are visiting the Treasure Hub on Thursday afternoon.

Please complete this survey to help Family Learning provide support in Northfield: Survey link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=aw-pJD2_E02ip4k2nOs16wVLR44WI5RKrnjExqnUPCZUMFpINDhKMVRLOFJXQ09NQ1Q5TVEyNlFVRy4u


Welcome back, we hope you all had a happy and safe holiday.


Some upper stage girls will be taking part in a Cybersafe session on Thursday and will feed back to their classes.  Golden Time this week focusses on digital skills, and discussions on online safety is a regular feature of all classes.

Countdown to Run Balmoral – spaces on the bus must be booked by the end of the day today.  You are welcome to come for a picnic and day out even if you are not racing.


A selection of learners from P1-7 will be taking part in pupil focus groups with Mrs Atkinson and Mr Watson to demonstrate their progress in numeracy and literacy.

All classes will begin the World “Westpark Invents” this week, and will work towards a class and whole school “Dragon’s Den” presentation.

P7 (R7) will be visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday – please bring library cards if you have one.  Parent/grandparent volunteers welcome to help walk there and back.

All P7s will visit the Treasure Hub on Tuesday afternoon– see Google Classroom pages for details.

Mrs Jones will be taking a P7 team to represent Westpark at the University of Aberdeen Enterprising Maths Challenge on Tuesday.  Good luck to the team!


P6s have been invited to apply to be awarded this year’s Cowie Cup.  It will be awarded to a community champion who demonstrates the school aims of kindness, belonging, mastery and independence.


All classes continue to take part in daily mile and to log active travel to school. 


All P1-7 learners will take part in multi-age Westpark Workshops this Wednesday – please take some time to look at Google Classroom with your child at the end of the week to see the different ways the groups are developing skills and improving our school.


P7 parents are invited to an information meeting regarding the residential trip to Newtonmore.  The meeting is at 2.30pm on Thursday – entry via the breakfast club door.  It is an informal meeting and an opportunity to ask any questions about the trip.

P6 parents are invited to begin a payment card for next year’s residential trip – this will allow you to spread the cost over a full year.  Please contact the school office for more details.


Breakfast and after school clubs will not be running this week. They will restart on the week beginning 22nd April.

Group photos for Nursery, P1 and P7 pupil on Wednesday.  Please let the class teacher know if you do not wish your child to be included.  Parents will have the option to purchase the photograph if they so wish.


This week at Westpark:

School closes at 3pm on Thursday and will reopen on Monday April 15th.  We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.


We are almost on track to meet our bike/scoot target, and it is also great to see the majority of our learners walking to school every day.  Parents needing help to access helmets or bikes should contact us or visit Becycle: https://www.facebook.com/beCyCleWorkshop/



Easter in the city 2024: Early Intervention have released an Easter program for children with ASN and their siblings. All Sessions are Free funded by Aberdeen City Council

Direct Booking Link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/early-intervention-aberdeen-33289346587. The sessions are not drop and go, a responsible adult is required to attend the duration activity with their child.


FREE spaces at the ARFC Youth Easter Camp running from 1st-3rd of April.  https://link.edgepilot.com/s/194de791/eNcYQYkr40ePm6Pn6e87lg?u=https://www.universe.com/events/arfc-youth-easter-camp-2024-tickets-9YV4X6

Open for P1 – S6, all participants get a hot meal provided and a free gift, and to play lots of fun rugby games!

Last chance to sign up for Run Balmoral this week: https://runbalmoral.com/content/  We also need to confirm our coach booking for Saturday 27th April – if your family would like a day out to support (or race) with a picnic and activities by Balmoral Castle please contact the school office to reserve seats on the bus.


Unfortunately the Easter Disco has been cancelled as a result of advice from Public Health Scotland.  All clubs (other than breakfast club) have been cancelled.

Prizes for the best recycled Easter bonnet.  Mrs Zebedee and Mrs Dewsbury will be modelling the winning designs at school on Thursday.

There will be no Breakfast club in the first week back.

It will continue as normal from the week of the 22nd April.


All classes are working hard to complete end of term assessments this week.


Fiona Lister, Minister, will be joining us for an Easter assembly on Thursday afternoon.


Thank you to the parents and learners who help keep the New To You Stall tidy – this is an ongoing job so volunteers always welcome.  At the moment there are a lot of homeware items which you are all invited to help yourselves to.  Excess items will be donated to charity at the end of the week. 


The pupil council would like to invite the whole school to a pyjama day on Thursday (remember a warm jacket as we will be playing outside as normal).

Family Fun days at St Machar’s Cathedral we are running over the Easter holidays. They are suitable for all the family – whatever age- to explore the beautiful surroundings of the oldest building in Aberdeen still in use today. Explore with an easter trail, create an Easter ornament to take home, dress up in period costumes or discover our stories on an interactive tour around the building.  Flyer attached with further details.


This week at Westpark:



All learners are encouraged to walk, cycle, scoot or park and stride to school.  Please help make this safer by reducing vehicle traffic around the school grounds.



Easter Disco will take place on Wednesday 27th March.  Children should bring a water bottle as refreshments are not provided.  Nursery – P3 5.15-6pm, P4-7 6-7pm.  Prizes for best Easter bonnet (made from recycled materials).

Tickets are £1 and will be on sale at playtimes next Monday and Tuesday in Mrs Violeta’s room, or after school in the foyer.



P1 and P2 Yoga Club starts on Thursday at 3pm.  Children should be collected from the gym hall door at 3.45pm.

Raring 2 Go magazine link: CLICK HERE FOR MAGAZINE LINK



Our second parent coffee and chat will take place this Friday at 2pm in the Rainbow Room (enter by nursery door).  It is an informal opportunity for all parents, particularly those supporting children with ASN.



Four P7s will represent Westpark at the Rotary Club Quiz this afternoon.

Did you know that turning on the subtitles on your TV at home is the easiest way to get your child reading? Doing this can double the chance of your child becoming a good reader. Yes, it’s really that simple.
Please visit https://turnonthesubtitles.org/parents/ to see Hollywood legend Jack Black explain how you can turn screen time into reading time in 10 seconds.



All learners are encouraged to show they belong to Westpark by wearing school uniform.  Westpark baseball caps are available for the summer months (£5).  Please contact the school office if you need help with any item of uniform or equipment.



P1V will visit Mastrick Library this Thursday.  Please contact school if you would like to walk there and back with them.



P2 are visiting the Maritime Museum on Thursday.  They should bring a packed lunch and wear school uniform.

P5/6 are visiting Duthie Park tomorrow.  They should bring a packed lunch, a bus pass and wear their school uniform with comfortable shoes for walking/running and a waterproof jacket just in case!

Aberdeen City Library events are free and open to all:


Junk Sculptures

Join us the CWNE for a special craft and story session, making your own special sculpture from recyclable resources. Suitable for ages 5-12.

Airyhall Library – Monday 18th March, 3.30pm - Book A Place

Mastrick Library – Wednesday 20th March, 3.30pm - Book A Place


Tissue Paper Flowers

Celebrate nature this CWNE with our springtime craft and story session and learn how to make your own tissue paper flowers. Suitable for ages 5-12.

Kincorth Library – Tuesday 19th March, 3.30pm - Book A Place

Torry Library – Wednesday 20th March, 3.30pm - Book A Place


Recycled crafting - Bird Houses

Do your bit for nature this CWNE. Come along to our special craft session for 5 to 12 years and learn how to turn your junk into a Bird House for our feathered friends.

Bridge of Don Library – Wednesday 20th March, 3.30pm - Book A Place


TechFest Sessions

Join us for a special Climate-themed science session with TechFest.  Suitable for ages 5-12.

Cove Library – Saturday 23rd March, 10.30am - Book A Place

Bucksburn Library – Saturday 23rd March, 2.30pm - Book A Place


This week at Westpark:



look out for by accessing NHS Inform www.nhsinform.scot/campaigns/mmragainstmeasles








Good morning,


This week at Westpark:



Children are encouraged to cycle or scoot to school this month – please wear a helmet.  Contact school if you are unable to source a helmet and we can help.

Please do not use the school car park to drop or collect children from school unless this has been specifically approved by a member of school management. This is to maintain safety for children and parents coming into the main school entrance.

We recommend that children walk, cycle or scoot to school were possible.

We have also had a complaint from residents in the low traffic area next to school, about too many cars driving into this street to collect children at the end of the day.

Parents who must drive to school should use parking at a distance from school, such as at the shops at Byron Square, and walk the rest of the way. Children parking and striding will get a badge each month for this.

Thank you for your support with this.




We encourage all learners to have small healthy snacks at playtime – there is a fruit bowl in the DHT office for children who forget snacks. Donations of fruit always welcome!

Dental screening for P1-7s this Thursday.  All classes regularly brush teeth in class.



The Golden Time theme this week is Fitness.



Funded places are available for breakfast club.  Please contact us if you know of a family who may need help with this.



Our Young Interpreters will be sharing what they have learned at an assembly this Thursday.



P3 have a class assembly this Friday at 2pm.  Entry via breakfast club door.  All children will be allocated 2 seats – please contact office if you would like additional seating or have accessibility requirements (including space for buggies or wheelchairs).



Well done to our nursery team who took part in a beach clean yesterday.  We recently purchased new litter pickers and would like your help to keep our community clean. If you would like to borrow these for use after school/weekend please let us know.

Westpark Workshops take place this Wednesday – all P1-7 learners attend multi-age groups where they develop skills and improve an aspect of life at Westpark.  Please take some time to look at Google Classroom (school page) with your child on Wednesday to find out what they have been doing.



Parent Voice is this evening at 5.30pm – all welcome. 


This week at Westpark:

This week at Westpark



The pupil council are developing a travel plan.  They have

challenged all classes to cycle to school at least once per week during the

month of March.  If you need help accessing a bike or helmet please

contact the school office.



Please join morning mile on the running track at 8.30 in the morning.  Eight laps make one mile.  Great training for Run Balmoral!  If your family would like to book a space on the Balmoral bus please contact the school office.


Tennis club restarts this Friday lunchtime for P4-7s.



Drop in coffee for parents of children with ASN - 2pm this Friday

in the Rainbow Room.  All welcome to attend for a chat and support - no

diagnosis necessary (and no need to share reasons for attending). 

P7 Prom Shop – details on website.



Well done to our musicians who performed at the Beach Ballroom this weekend.



P5 are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Are you able

to help walk them there and back?  Children are encouraged to take their

own library cards.  Parents should notify the library service if they wish

their child to be allowed to access the adult and teenage collections.



Please report any incidences of dog fouling in our community.  It is unpleasant for everyone to find dog mess in the playground or on the pavements.



Please vote for our Easter social celebration - Easter Disco or

Easter Movie Night.  Volunteers are needed for either of these to go

ahead.  The Parent Voice also intend to hold a Shorts and Shades Disco in

June. https://forms.gle/KJjeDpN9nBAJkzEr6 


We will be placing sports t-shirt order this week – this is your last chance to let the office know if you would like to order an additional shirt or to change the size to a larger or smaller one.


During last week’s in service days our staff were developing planning to ensure appropriate challenge and differentiation for all learners.  We also worked with TIE (Time for Inclusive Education) to:

Please contact us if you would like further information, or take a look at their website: https://tie.scot/parents-carers/



NSPCC have launched an online befriending service for young people experiencing loneliness.  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you would like to make a referral.


Do you know a child or young person who is struggling with feelings of loneliness? 

 When asked in a vote for school survey in May 2022, 32,000 young people were asked if they felt equipped to deal with loneliness. 49% of Primary pupils, 65% of Secondary pupils and 73% of 16+ college students all answered ‘no’.

The NSPCC understands the impact of loneliness on children and

young people and is committed to tackling this with the launch of its new

service: Building Connections which is aimed at any young person under the age of 19 who may be

experiencing loneliness and feeling isolated. 

What is

Building Connections?

Building Connections is a new NSPCC Service that was launched in October 2023, which offers a free, online befriending service to young people who are struggling with feelings of loneliness. 

Who is Building Connections for?

Any child/young person up to the age of 19 who is struggling with feelings of loneliness can be referred to our service.

How does Building Connections work?

Building Connections is available 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. Each young person is matched with a befriender to chat with for an hour each week, at a time that suits them best over eleven sessions.  During these sessions, they work through a seven-step programme together, in which they’ll discuss strengths and vulnerabilities, current sources of support, resilience and goals, and practical steps they can take to help overcome feelings of loneliness.  

How can young people access Building Connections?

The service is delivered via a secure online platform which can be accessed using any digital device such as a laptop, tablet, smartphone etc. All the young person needs is a device connected to the internet and an email address. They can be referred in by any professional who knows them.

Who are Building Connections Befrienders?

Building Connections Befrienders are NSPCC members of staff and volunteers who have been trained to support young people using the Building Connections seven step programme. They are DBS/PVG/Access NI vetted and are matched to work with young people for the duration of their eleven sessions.


This week at Westpark:




Upper stage classes are learning about Internet safety on Tuesday afternoon – please ask them to share what they have learned, and what they can do to keep themselves safe online.




Classes take part in the daily mile several times per week.  All children are encouraged to walk or run the morning mile at 8.30am on the running track.



Well done to our 6 junior parkrunners representing Westpark at Duthie juniors yesterday.  Runners are in training for Run Balgownie and Run Balmoral.  Run Balgownie has limited places, so we will be entering those who have shown commitment by taking part in training outwith running club.



Thanks to all who signed up to help with our active travel plan.  Active travel keeps all our learners safe by reducing the number of vehicles around the school at busy times.

Parent Voice meets tonight at 5.30pm – all welcome.  We will be joined by Fiona Lister, who will tell us about her role in supporting Westpark as minister of Mastrick church.

Information about our after school provision:

Information Book


Help with Financial Costs






P4 have a short presentation at assembly this Friday afternoon at 2pm.  Please notify the office if you would like additional seating or have accessibility requirements.  All children will be allocated two seats.  Entry is via the breakfast club door.

Congratulations to Mr O’Neill’s P7 class who won the Aberdeen City Sumdog contest last week.  Thanks to parents who supported and encouraged at home.  Time spent practising key numeracy and literacy skills at home is really important to help consolidate learning and share success.

P6/7 visit Mastrick Library on Thursday morning – are you available to accompany them on the walk there and back?



If you see anyone allowing their dog to foul in the school grounds or nearby, please report them to the Dog Wardens.

Transition Event at Northfield Academy on Thursday 8th Feb from 5:00 – 6:30.  Parents are encouraged to sign up for the event here: https://forms.gle/98R7YFi2VrG4hQqN6



Westpark Workshops take place this Wednesday – all P1-7 learners participate in improving an aspect of school life.  Each workshop shares what they have been doing on Google Classroom – Westpark School page.



Our Young Interpreters meet on Thursday afternoon this week.  Contact Mrs McLean for more details.

Autism and Neurodiversity are very excited to offer an after-school club dedicated to children and young people with Autism and Neurodiversity, please see attached flyer for details. They would also like to invite parents along to meet with like minded people to have a coffee and a chat at a support group for parents at Starbucks Berryden.

Good morning,


Upper stage classes have been learning how to call 999 for help if needed.  Can you help your child to learn their home address and parent phone numbers?


P2 will be working with RGU sport students on Tuesday afternoon.

P3, P4 and P7 continue with rugby coaching every Monday.

P4 continue swimming lessons on Friday morning.


Congratulations to our junior parkrunners – two of you got PBs yesterday!

P&J Run Fest is on April 14th – entry information attached.

Run Balmoral – April 27th - please enter and inform the office if you would like space on the bus.  The whole family is welcome, including siblings not attending Westpark.


Active Schools Stay, Play and Connect calendar attached – for families and children with additional support needs.


Several classes have entered the Sumdog maths challenge – please logon at home if you can.

P4-7 Get Creative Orchestra session happening on Sunday 4th February. Details are as follows:

 Venue: King's Pavilion, University of Aberdeen Time: 1-3pm with a sharing session at 2:45pm.

 Please register your child at the following link:

 https://forms.gle/hDCtVWYa97acA5jQ6  If you have any questions please email Kadri at admin@sound-scotland.co.uk


P1-6 open afternoon is this Thursday.  Please come along for a short visit to your child’s classroom to share what they have been learning.  Entry is via the breakfast club door from 1.30pm. Mr O’Neill and Miss Erskine’s classes will be sharing learning online as they will be attending the RSNO on Thursday instead.

Thank you to Vicki Banks.  Vicki visited assembly on Friday to share that she has transferred £1429.59 from her Just Giving page-  raised for school funds following the burglary in December.


The slide show from the information evening from Northfield Academy, for children moving to S1 in August is available in the Westpark School classroom in Google. Please access with your children to look at this again as you prepare with them for the transition to secondary.

All classes had new smartboards installed last week.  You will have a chance to see them on the Open Afternoon this Thursday.

P7 will be visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday morning – are you able to accompany them walking there and back (baby and toddler siblings in buggies welcome to join!)


All parents are invited to help themselves to the New To You stall – clothes (adults and childrens), homeware and bric a brac.  Anything not taken by Friday will be bagged up and donated to Somebody Cares.

We have secured funding for Team Westpark sports T-shirts for all children and will purchase one per child based on the following sizes:

All nursery children: XS age 3/4

All P1s and P2s: S age 5/6

All P3s and P4s: M age 7/8

All P5s and P6s: L age 9-11

All P7s: XL age 12-13

If you would prefer a different size for your child, please contact the school office by replying to this message by the end of the week.  We do not have sample sizes to try on, but the supplier website with further details can be found here: https://pomprintdesigns.yourwebshop.com/product/jc01j-kids-cool-t?SearchTerm=jc01j

We request that T-shirts are returned to school once your child grows out of it/leaves Westpark.  They are intended to be worn for Sports Clubs, Sporting events (festivals, tournaments, races) and PE or training.  Children may wear them to school on PE days if they wish.  T-shirts are red with yellow flashes and writing.

Parents wishing to order additional T-shirts may do so at a cost of £13.  You should contact the school office directly if you wish to do so.  Adult sizes are also available for parents if you want to represent Team Westpark at Run Balmoral!


Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


Dr Bike is visiting on Tuesday – all classes may take bikes in for free safety checks throughout the day.


P4s continue swimming lessons on Friday.


Rugby, morning fitness, hockey, netball, basketball and running clubs have all restarted.


Lots of donations coming to New to You – please help yourself and take a moment to help tidy the stall for the next family.


Congratulations to Mrs Airey who has recently been appointed to the position of Principal Teacher with responsibility for Nursery Management.  She will also be working closely with P1 and 2 teachers to develop literacy challenge in the early years.

P1P are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday morning.


P5s have been invited to apply for the position of Sports Captain – see Google Classroom pages for more details.


Thanks to all those children and parents who helped clear pathways in last week’s snow.

Children registered as carrying their own inhalers should have these on their person at all times.

Thank you to our three student teachers who have successfully completed their placements and will finish at Westpark this Friday.


Please see flyer attached detailing a new Kinship Carer group taking place at Manor Park community centre.

Copies of family calendar attached.  Paper copies for Jan and Feb are available at the school office.


Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


All P5s have Bikeability this Wednesday and next which will help them learn how to travel safely by bike.  Please take your own bike and helmet to school if you have one, otherwise you will have access to a school bike.  The session is run by Adventure Aberdeen at Westpark and they require all participants to return the V4 consent form which P5s will be taking home today.

Our Parent Voice group meets tonight at 5.30 to meet Barnardos staff and also members of the Pupil Council would like to discuss the creation of a travel plan with you.


P4s have swimming lessons starting this Friday morning.  If you need towels or other equipment please contact us for support.  It is helpful for children to practise getting dried and dressed independently as they will be expected to do so whilst at the pool.  Parent volunteers are very welcome.


P3, P4 and P7 will begin rugby coaching today, and every Monday this term.

A P5 and P6 rugby lunchtime club will start at 12.30 today – names of those interested to Mrs Atkinson please.

Lunchtime basketball club will restart on Wednesday.

Westpark AC – running club – will restart on Tuesday at 12.30.


New To You has a wide range of adult clothing available in the front entrance and foyer – please come and take a look any time, or prior to Parent Voice tonight.


P1P are visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday.  Parent helpers wanted to help walk there and back.  We would welcome any member of the community who can commit to helping with this every Thursday – if you know of anyone please ask them to get in touch.

P5 are sharing what they have been learning in a class assembly this Friday at 2pm.  Entry is via the breakfast club door, and two seats will be reserved for each child.  If you require additional seats or have accessibility needs please contact the school office.  Only additional seats booking in advance can be accommodated/


World of Work: We will be welcoming more visitors to talk to classes about their jobs this week.  Learners are encouraged to consider and ask questions to help them understand more about the jobs of minister, mechanical team lead, IT engineer, NHS operating department practitioner and others.  If you are interested in speaking to a class or group of children about your job please let us know.


Please label all clothing and possessions with your child’s name, and check the lost property regularly.  It was emptied in November and is now overflowing again!  Please also return any clothing taken home in error/borrowed after toilet accidents.


Choir and Breakfast Club will restart this week.  Parent helpers for breakfast club are very welcome – please contact the office if you are available to commit to one morning per week.

P7 Parents are invited to attend a Northfield Academy information session at Westpark at 3pm on Tuesday.  Entry via breakfast club door.


Happy New Year!  It was wonderful to welcome the children back this morning.  This week at Westpark:










Good morning

Welcome to the last week of term.  School finishes at 3pm on Friday.

This week at Westpark:









The school bank account details are as follows: Westpark School, Account Number – 70087722, Sort Code – 82 60 07


Good morning

This week at Westpark:









Choice of film: The Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone, A Charlie Brown Christmas or A Double Bill: Stick Man and The Snowman


Good morning

This week at Westpark:









Choice is from: The Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone, A Charlie Brown Christmas or A Double Bill: Stick Man and The Snowman

SPACE Xmas Poster.pdf
Christmas letter.pdf

Good morning

This week at Westpark:





The Boy at the Back of the Class £7.99, The Star Outside My Window £7.99, The Night Bus Hero £7.99, The Great Food Bank Heist £7.99, The Lion Above the Door £7.99, Where Magic Grows £20






You may book two tickets per child, and will receive an email containing your ticket number next week.  There is no need to call the school office to ask when this will happen -  we will send the emails as soon as we have processed all the order requests and expect to allocate everyone tickets for the days requested.  Thank you for your patience.

Updated calendar date: Aberdeen City Council have confirmed that Friday 22nd December will be a normal school day, with term ending at 3pm.  This is a change from the originally published date of Thursday 21st December.

Comfort & Hope.pdf
Christmas letter.pdf
Advertising for Christmas Activities.docx
SPACE Xmas Poster.pdf

23.11.23 - School Inspection and Survey


HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing 11th December.  You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website.


As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey which is available from Parents / Carers (Primary).


I would like to encourage you to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.


Pupils from P4-7 will also have a chance to record their views in a survey during class time.  All learners will be supported to prepare for the visit, and be introduced to the visitors when they arrive to visit classrooms.


You should complete the survey by 1st December for one child or for each of your children in attendance


Good morning

This week at Westpark:




Over 90% of parents/carers which that Support for Learning has benefited their child this year.

Over 85% of parents/carers think that their child enjoys Support for Learning sessions.

Parents and carers have highlighted an improvement with their child’s literacy (spelling, reading and writing) as a result of regular Support for Learning sessions.

The main next step is to increase feedback opportunities about their child’s progress. Some suggested more regular emails and others would like more face-to-face appointments.

We also request that those parent(S) who do not feel the sessions are of benefit make contact with either Mrs Jones or Mrs Atkinson to help us identify and overcome barriers.


Overall we rated ourselves as good (4).


They thought we were:

They thought we could continue to improve:

To help us develop our improvement targets as a school, please complete the following survey by Monday 27th November: https://forms.gle/H7ATKjZkut1pyNDo7








Good morning

This week at Westpark:




-P7 parents will be sent information regarding financial assistance available to pupils entering S1 and the Robert Gordon’s College bursary programme. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Team by email: admissions@rgc.aberdeen.sch.uk or telephone: 01224 646346 


- Hockey tournament on Wednesday at Manor Park.  Please see hockey club Google Classroom for details.

- Thank you to the Parent Voice for the recent purchase of new books for all classes to enjoy.  We aim for all our texts to provide mirrors and windows to our learners – mirrors so they can read of others like them, and windows to learn about others.  You are invited to come and read some of the selection with your child at 3pm on Wednesday 22nd November in the main hall.  Please enter via the breakfast club door.

- As part of the transition program, P7s will be visiting Northfield Academy’s library this morning, and the P6s on Thursday morning.  They will walk there and back and be accompanied by school staff.  All P6s will have a slightly later lunch on Thursday (12.45). It looks like it will be wet weather to walk up, so please dress appropriately.

-Please place orders for school photographs by Sunday 19th November to ensure free delivery to school.  Order through the Tempest website using your unique link.

- In a change to the calendar, P5 will visit Mastrick Library this Thursday and P6/7 will go on November 30th in their place.


Nursery – red, P1s – orange, P2s – yellow, P3s – green, P4s – blue, P5s – pink, P6s – purple, P7s – black

(Example – if your colour is red you might donate a Kit Kat or Maltesers, for pink maybe some bubble bath or hand soap).  The parent Voice will use the donations to create hampers and individual prizes for the Christmas Fair.

Befriend A Child have spaces at their Northfield Community Centre Youth Club – it is open to children both with and without a befriender and involves a wide variety of crafts and other activities.  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you would like to apply for a place.


Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


BBC - Be Scam Safe








Aberdeen City Council is asking for your views on savings options for 2024/25 – and how the options might impact you if taken forward. The feedback will help shape the Budget next year and beyond. The consultation can also be completed online or at city libraries, schools, and the Customer Service Centre in Marischal College during normal opening hours. 

Please encourage family, friends and colleagues to take part.



This week at Westpark


-P7 (R7) and 4 P6s from P5/6 are visiting Absafe on Tuesday 31st October.  They will be travelling by coach and learning about how to keep themselves and others safe.  P6/7 and 12 P6s from P5/6 will visit on November 7th.  P5/6s have been notified which week they will be attending.

- Please join us for the morning mile on the running track at 8.30am every Monday morning.  Walk, jog, skip or sprint, it’s a great way to start the week.

- Lunch and after school clubs start again this week.  Please be respectful to the club leaders and other members by attending every week. 

Children carrying their own inhalers should ensure they have them on their person.




Nursery-P3 5.15-6.00 pm

Enter and exit by breakfast club door

P4-7 6.00-7.00 pm enter by front door, exit by breakfast club  door.


Good morning,

This week at Westpark School is the last week of term.  School finishes at 3pm on Friday and returns at 8.50am on Monday 30th October.










Good morning,

This week at Westpark School:










Good morning,

This week at Westpark School:







 -Thank you to the parents and children who have helped tidy up the garden.  It is very upsetting for our school to see the garden targeted by vandals.  Please contact the police if you witness anyone damaging property.  We are happy that the school grounds are used as a safe place to play after school and at weekends, and appreciate that almost all doing so show respect for each other and the school.




Good morning,


This week at Westpark:

-Panto Pound on Tuesday.  If you can, please bring £1 to contribute to our Panto tickets in December.  If you would like to donate extra to “Pay for a Pal” it would be gratefully received.

-P4 are visiting Mastrick Library this Thursday after break.  Please bring your library card if you have one.  We also require parent volunteers to help the class walk there and back – can you help?

-Parents evening is on Thursday 28th September 3.30-7.30pm.  Booking is by phone from 10am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.  You may request appointments with your child’s class teacher, Mrs McCreath, Mrs Jones and Mrs Atkinson.  Please do not phone earlier than 10am as our office staff must prioritise registration of attendance.  As always, parents bringing children along to parents evening are responsible for their safety.  In the event that school is closed to learners due to strike action on the 28th, it will open as planned to parents for parents evening appointments.  Teaching staff are not involved in the action and support staff are not required to attend parents’ evenings.  If appointment times change you will be informed via GroupCall so there is no need to call the office to enquire.

- Theatre Club.  We have some tickets still available for RSNO’s The Snowman on Thursday 21st December.  You can see a short video on Google Classroom. Tickets are £13.50 – parents and siblings also welcome.  Contact Mrs Atkinson if you are interested.

- September weekend.  We wish everyone a happy and safe long weekend.  School is closed on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.

- Strike Action.  You may have seen news reports about potential strike action next week.  A letter from ACC with further information will be shared with parents later today.

- A new P4 and P5 football club will be starting on 2nd October.  Parents of children in this year group will receive a booking link at 6pm this evening.  Thank you to the parent volunteers who have made this possible.

- New To You – please help yourself to the free “New to You” shop at the front entrance.  We are looking for donations of the following items (in good condition): welly boots, schoolbags, waterbottles, ear defenders, headphones (unused in-ear headphones – for example those provided with new phones).

- Smiggle Water Bottles.  It has come to our attention that some models of metal Smiggle water bottles have very sharp edges at the seal on the bottom of the bottle.  Please check your child’s bottle and do not send it to school if it has a sharp edge.  We have made the company aware, and if you already have one of these bottles we recommend that you request a refund from them.

-Run Balmoral 2024 – entries and T-shirt design competition now open: https://runbalmoral.com/content/

- Running Club and Netball Club will be restarting on Tuesday lunchtimes.  Children who sign up to lunchtime clubs are expected to demonstrate commitment by attending every week.  Classes will receive sign up information this week.

- Hockey Club are attending a tournament tomorrow after school.  Good luck to all of them, and thank you to the coaches and parent drivers who have made this possible.

- P3 are visiting Aberdeen Fire Station on Friday 6th October.  Please bring bus passes or £3 bus fare.

- Primary 5/6 are visiting Aberdeen Science Centre on Monday 9th October.  They will take part in an Offshore Wind 4 Kids workshop.  They will need to bring a packed lunch from home or order a school packed lunch.  Please bring your bus pass or £3 in change for bus fares.  They will also need waterproof jackets and footwear as the workshop will take place outdoors.  Parent helpers are welcome to come along – please let us know if you can help.

- Date for your diary: P1-7 will be performing a Concert for parents on the afternoon of Wednesday 13th December and morning of Thursday 14th December.  Each child will be allocated two tickets to a performance of their parents’ choosing.  More details regarding booking arrangements and timings will follow in December.



This week at Westpark:




This week at Westpark:


This week at Westpark:


Good morning.

Welcome back to Westpark School.  We are delighted to welcome all of our learners back to school and look forward to working with you all.

Our new P1s have an induction morning this week (on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) and half days this Friday, next week and the following week.  Full days begin on the 11th of September.

Our first Parent Voice meeting is at 5.30pm on Monday 4th September – new members always welcome.

Attached is the initial version of our Family Calendar.  Paper copies are available from the school office, and an updated version will be emailed each term.  Additional dates will be added as the term progresses – please make sure you read the weekly bulletin every Monday for any updates.  Archived bulletin messages can be found on the school website, as can a live calendar which can be accessed by your child with their Google Classroom login.  Teachers will also update Google Classroom pages regularly with news of what is happening in class – please read this with your child.

We have moved our “New To You” shop to the front door – this is a selection of new and used clothing which is free to a good home.  We encourage all families to use it, and welcome donations of wellies and waterproofs (new or used) as well as new pants and socks.  We are seeking parent volunteers to manage our stock and lost property once a week – please contact us if you can help.

All classes will have the opportunity to visit Mastrick Library each term, and we are always looking for volunteers to help walk there and back.  The visits take place at 10.45 every Thursday, and you will see your child’s visit dates on the calendar.  If they have their own library card they may bring it along.

If you require an appointment with a member of staff please phone or email to request one, leaving information as to what it regards, and we will get back to you promptly.  Walk in appointments are never available, so please do not request these. 

We encourage healthy eating at Westpark, and request that children do not take very large snacks for playtime to allow them to spend their time playing.

Our pet wall is bare – did you have any adventures with your pet this summer?  Your child can bring in a photo to pin up on the pet wall.

Clubs – look out for messages throughout this week and next regarding sign up to clubs.  Morning fitness club with Gemma from Milne’s Mini-Fit (P1-7) starts on Monday morning at 8am.  Entrance is via the red gym hall door.  A £2 contribution per week is welcome. 

Register here: https://forms.gle/mdy7hd4FnGPVNqPeA

Breakfast club starts next Tuesday, and runs every Tuesday-Friday from 8.20am.  Entrance is via the main hall side door.  It is £1.50 per day, and payment is via ParentPay. 

Register here: https://forms.gle/YCNYJj8XeyHZaJJ4A

Administration forms for photographs and trips will be coming home this week – please check your child’s bag for these and return promptly.

It is helpful for all children to have a free bus pass for visits around Aberdeen – please apply for one if you have not already done so.

The sun is shining just now, but we expect to get wet over the coming months!  A change of clothes (especially socks) is useful to keep in schoolbags.  If you are in need of any winter clothes please let us know as we can submit an application to the Cash for Kids coat appeal.


This week at Westpark:

The holidays start at 3pm on Friday 7th July.  School will recommence for learners on Tuesday 22nd August.  There will be no clubs during the first week back, and information will be shared then regarding applying to join breakfast club and after school clubs.  Children will meet their new teachers this week, and parents will be informed by GroupCall of the new teacher, room and door to line up at.  Further details will be shared on new Google Classroom pages later on this week.  As we will have staffing for 9 classes next year, some learners will be in composite classes.  This is a normal part of school life, and further details can be found on the school website: https://sites.google.com/ab-ed.org/westparkschool/our-school/school-policies   Provision will be made for children to maintain friendships outwith their new class during playtime, lunchtime and after school clubs.

Fitness club has the final session for the year this morning.  Breakfast club will run as normal this week.  All other clubs have now finished.

Run Balmoral 2024 entries open today at 12noon.  Westpark always has a strong turnout, so please sign up (primary school 1.5k/secondary 2.5k and adult 5k and 10k races).  We will book a coach to transport us there and will share details nearer the time.  Families are responsible for signing up to events. https://runbalmoral.com/content/

P3 are going Tubing today: children must bring gloves in their school bag and wear a long-sleeved top and long trousers/leggings. They won't be allowed on the slopes without these. 

The Big Hop Trail has begun, and you will see our Proud to Belong hare in the window of the CLAN shop in Rosemount.  You can view the trail map here: https://www.thebighop.co.uk/sculptures/

Aberdeen City Council has launched a public consultation that will help shape the 2024/25 Budget and future spending plans. The feedback will be shared with all Elected Members to help them decide how to allocate funds for running services.

Phase 1 – which will run until the end of July – invites you to identify what they think should be the council’s spending priorities. Phase 2 will give you the chance to explore detailed options for producing a balanced budget, including finding necessary savings.   https://aberdeencity.pointsimulator.com/

FREE summer fun event organized by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. This inclusive indoor event is open to all school age children, providing a fantastic opportunity for them to have a memorable time during the holidays.

Event Details:

Date: 27th and 28th July 2023

Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Location: Admiral Court, Poynernook Road, Aberdeen, AB11 5QX

Age Range: 5-12 years

The event will offer a wide range of engaging activities and games suitable for children of all abilities. Whether they have asthma, allergies, or are asthma- and allergy-free, all children are welcome to join in the fun.

To ensure maximum participation, we kindly request your support in sharing the Eventbrite registration link below with parents, guardians, and teachers:



This week at Westpark:




Clean Up Aberdeen Mighty Midsummer Mission 2023 – 21st to 27th June


The longest day is nearly here and to celebrate our enthusiastic volunteers we would love it if you could join the Clean Up Aberdeen Mighty Midsummer Mission 2023. An opportunity to be part of something city wide as you do a bit of litter picking.


As you may know, in recent years we celebrated this time of year with a 24hour Glitter Pick – 24 litter picks in 24 locations in 24 hours. The last couple of years we celebrated the hundreds of volunteers throughout the city with the Mighty Midsummer Mission and we want to do the same this year.

Litter picking volunteers make a difference be it one piece or multiple bags.

Let’s once again make that difference together.

Just head out at any time between the 21st and 27th of June, pick some litter and let us know about it.


If you use Facebook, you can post your activity to the Clean Up Aberdeen page www.facebook.com/Clean-Up-Aberdeen 

Or alternatively just e-mail cleanaberdeen@aberdeencity.gov.uk.

Let us know where you have been and how much you picked and I will add it to the overall figures.

You don’t have to be in the photos, we love photos of your unusual finds.

Any photographs submitted may be used in promotional material and published online. Please only submit photographs showing yourself if you are happy for the photographs to be used by the Council for publicity purposes and in online publications. Please do not include photographs of anyone else, unless you have their permission to make the submission, or the permission of their parent or guardian in the case of a child aged under 12 years old.


This week at Westpark:



This week at Westpark School:



This week at Westpark:

-Sheddocksley Fun Run at 4pm on Wednesday – the last in the series.  Please come along to run or support.  If you would like to enter and have not already done so, please email stastuart@sportaberdeen.co.uk stating your child’s name, class and school.

- The sun is here!  Please apply sunscreen in the morning.  Westpark baseball caps and snoods are available from the office for £5 each.

- P5 will be visiting Mastrick Library on Thursday morning – are you able to help accompany them on the walk there and back?

- Please return any school reading books, running vests, football kits or anything else you have at home and are no longer using!

- The Cowie Cup Final is tomorrow at 9am.  Good luck to all the finalists, and well done to all the community champions who entered.

- P2 are going to Techfest on Wednesday.  Please bring a packed lunch, snack and water bottle (or order a school packed lunch).  Can any parents come to help?

- No running club this week, but all other clubs are running as normal (netball on Tuesday).

- Children should not be approaching adults passing by the school fence unless they have first checked with an adult who works here.  Please do not call them over to you.

- P5 are performing at the Music Hall on Thursday 15th June at 6.30pm. Tickets are free and can be booked via www.aberdeenperformingarts.com/whats-on/light-the-blue-2023-snappy-operas-showcase.

- Please see poster attached – Summer Fair at Northfield Academy.

- There will be no Summer Fair this Friday.  There will be some stalls at the Family Picnic instead.

- Booking opens for Parents Evening tomorrow at 10am.  Please call the office or email to request an appointment time.  Parents Evening is Thursday 8th June, 3.30pm-7.30.

- Free audiobooks: https://www.calibreaudio.org.uk/

- Proud to Belong powerpoint attached for any parents who missed the open day.

- P3/4 and P4/5 will be taking part in The Big Sing on Thursday morning.  They will eat packed lunches on their return to school at 1pm.


This week at Westpark:


Good morning,

This week at Westpark:


You are all invited to Family Zumba in the main hall this Friday at 3pm.  The class is free of charge to celebrate "Proud to Belong at Westpark" -  our 70 year anniversary and open day next week.  There will be buckets to make donations to CLAN if you wish (as part of The Wee Hop project).  Children must be accompanied by parents and should enter and exit via the breakfast club door.  Wear rainbow colours or school uniform, and bring a water bottle.


This week at Westpark:


Active Schools Sheddocksley Fun Run starts tomorrow.  Please come along to cheer our runners on.  There is no running club this month.


Mrs Troup is looking for small wellie boots to use as planters – do you have any you have grown out of?


A reminder that netball club is running on Tuesdays in May, starting today 3-4pm in the gym hall. Please return your festival consent form if you have not done so already.   There will be no netball on Tuesday 16th May due to the Heathryburn Festival on Monday 15th May. Parents of children who are attending the Heathryburn Festival have been informed via email.


We hope all of our families will be enjoying outdoor activities over the summer, and have attached a tick safety information sheet for you.


Our annual food bank collection has begun.  We began this collection in 2018 following the death of Mr Cowie to mark his commitment to the community.   If you are able to make a donation of non-perishable food or toiletries it would be very welcome.  The collection will be in the foyer from May 3rd-12th.


P1/2 will be making a short presentation at assembly this Friday at 2pm.  Two seats will be reserved for each child in the class – please contact the school office if you require additional seats.  Entry is via the breakfast club door at 1.55pm.


P7 will be visiting Mastrick Library after break on Thursday.  Please bring your library card if you have one.


One of our P6s is appearing in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at Aberdeen Arts Centre.  Further details can be found here: https://www.aberdeenartscentre.com/whats-on/joseph-and-the-amazing-technicolor-dreamcoat


Our football team had another great weekend, Westpark 9 - 3 Airyhall.  Kick off this weekend is 9am at Harlaw Playing Fields.


A couple of spaces have become available at netball club, the club is open to P5 and P6 boys and girls. The club runs 3-4pm on a Wednesday in the gym hall (Tuesdays during May due to the Sheddocksley Fun Run – there is no netball today). The children learn netball skills and regularly have the opportunity to attend matches. Please contact Miss Seaman if your child would be interested in joining: gw21seamanrachel@ab-ed.org. Spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

A reminder to netball club members that there is no training tonight. Please return your festival consent form to Miss Seaman today. 


I am sorry to let you know that Manor Park has had to reschedule tomorrow’s hockey tournament. It has now been moved to Thursday 18th at 3.30pm.


We have a small number of running vests available, as well as Westpark snoods and baseball caps.  The vests are £10, and hats/snoods £5. 


If you borrowed a Westpark vest for Run Balmoral, please wash and return it.  We are also accepting donations of outgrown vests to pass on to others.

Well done Westpark FC! Saturday’s score was Westpark 6 - 5 Forehill.  The team were superb and showed great character coming back from 4-2 down.   Look out for photos on our website.


Active Schools are running our Fun Run Series again, which is open to all P1-P7 pupils. Entry is free and pupils can pick a day or venue that works best for them; with 7 venues to pick from across the city.

Sign-ups are now open and you can find out more information about the race series or sign up at https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/active-schools/projects-and-events/fun-run-series/   The runs begin next week, and will continuefor 4 Wednesdays in May.  Running Club will be cancelled this month as we will be attending Fun Runs instead.  Members should meet us there.


Flyer attached regarding a CBBC Fashion series for budding, crafty designers aged 10-14 years old. In each episode we will see young creative minds come together to create bold and colourful outfits reusing, re-claiming and upcycling fabulous fashion by using only vintage, second-hand and sustainable materials. Children selected will be great designers but do not necessarily have to be great with a sewing machine, so they will be paired with a creative who can help them cut/sew/stitch/paint their outfits within a few hours. The series is presented by Emma Willis and fashion designer, Ayishat Akanbi, an will be filming in July / August 2023.  Anyone interested in applying should get in touch with team before May 31st 2023.  Applications can be submitted by a parent/guardian via CBBC’s web uploader https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/be-on-a-show-style-it-out or a parent/ guardian can email to fashion@liontv.co.uk


Cove Youth Football Club are looking for a Goalkeeper to join the 2012 team.  If you are interested, please contact Rod on 07870 286552 to get started


P1 will be visiting Mastrick Library tomorrow morning – are you able to accompany them on the walk?  Volunteers wanted.


P3/4 will be meeting author Vivian French in class on Friday, so should come prepared with questions for her. https://vivianfrench.co.uk/


School will be closed next Monday (8th May) due to the public holiday and will reopen on Tuesday 9th May as normal.


Good morning,

We hope you all enjoyed a happy and safe weekend.


Are you a young football player? Are you a parent/carer of a young footballer? Do you support football participation as a teacher, coach or volunteer? With the support of Children’s Parliament the Scottish FA are inviting children and young people (8-18) to say what it's like to be a young player in Scotland. Young players can have their say here: https://info763427.typeform.com/to/pkby27WH


Welcome back!  We hope you all enjoyed a happy, safe and active holiday.


This week at Westpark:


24.03.23 - Aberdeen Sports Awards

Congratulations to all the learners, parents and staff who contributed to us winning the Schools Innovation Award at last night's Aberdeen Sports Awards.  Your support and encouragement for our young people to do hard things is so important and keeps them coming back each week.  We are proud to belong to Westpark, to zumba, to hockey, to running, to tennis, to netball and to fitness.  Big thank you to all the coaches who volunteer their time to make these possible and free!

Please come along to Duthie junior parkrun this Sunday at 9.30am.

Entries to Run Balmoral still open: https://runbalmoral.com/content/event-info/primary/ - a great day out on Saturday 22nd April.  We have spaces on our coach leaving school at 8am - take a picnic, enjoy the races and other events as well as beautiful views and sunshine (hopefully!)


This week in Westpark:


This week at Westpark:

The sessions will be FREE to attend and offer a breakfast club, lunch and some amazing goodies to take away.

📍Woodside Sports Complex, AB24 2UL

🗓 10th - 12th April

⏰️ 0915am to 2pm

We have limited spaces available so book your tickets now by following the link or get in touch with Rugby Development Officer Paul Harrow. https://link.edgepilot.com/s/2d9b30cf/Ihkm8jsm9Eez4lPeO9EgUw?u=https://www.universe.com/ARFCEasterCamp23


This week at Westpark:

After school clubs will run as normal this week – you will be notified of any change by Group Call.

Breakfast Club will not run this week.  It will restart on Tuesday 14th March.

P3/4 Assembly this Friday (fingers crossed!).  Entry via the Breakfast Club door at 2pm.

Panto Pound tomorrow – please contribute £1 to our Panto Savings Fund if you can.  Collection buckets will be in the playground before school on Tuesday morning.

Parent Voice meets tonight at 5.30pm to plan the Easter Disco and have the opportunity to find out more about the role of our SFL team.  Helpers for Easter Disco required – please contact a member of Parent Voice if you can help – minutes of previous meetings available on the school website.

P5 visit Northfield Library on Thursday – please bring library cards if you have one.

P4 swimming on Friday.

P1 and P1/2 visiting Hazlehead Pets Corner on Thursday.  Please wrap up warm as we will be outside for most of the day. The bus leaves at 9:30am.  All details are on the class Google Classroom pages.

The Scottish Ornithologists' Club and British Trust for Ornithology have just opened applications for young nature enthusiasts, ages 10 - 16 years, to apply to take part in the Scottish Bird Camp - a fully-funded weekend this May, in East Lothian, learning about Scotland's birds among like-minded others. Camp will include (subject to weather): a boat trip to the Bass Rock, bird ringing and nest finding demonstration, trips to nature reserves and more.  You can find out all about this year's opportunity on our website: https://www.the-soc.org.uk/soc-bto-scotland-scottish-bird-camp-2023 . This is a link to last year's Camp to learn more about what the children got up to: https://www.the-soc.org.uk/blog/soc-bto-scotland-scottish-bird-camp

AAAC are running an Athletics Camp at Easter – please see attached poster for details.


Good morning,


This week at Westpark:


This week at Westpark:


Good afternoon,


This week at Westpark School:

Parents/carers link to Easter in the City questionnaire: https://forms.gle/A8BKmujggP8AFzjY8

Netball club will finish at 4.15pm on Wednesday as we have our match against Heathryburn. Parents aren’t able to come and watch but should pick up at the normal door at 4.15pm.  

Netball Club have a festival at Sheddocksley this Friday- all details on Netball Club GC page.

All other clubs are running as normal this week.  Please make sure that a parent or carer informs the school office if your child is unable to attend, as otherwise it appears that they are missing.

Parent Voice meet this evening at 5.30pm in the staff room.  New members always welcome.  Minutes of previous meetings can be found on the school website. https://sites.google.com/d/1thxNY5QSTO6t23vxXhZfKofQttBwdKUh/p/1KW_nemidNbyTyv2q_HGQqpsHeN4ELB4G/edit?pli=1  On the website you will also find links to community events, clubs and copies of previous weekly bulletins.

Today we are welcoming visitors from our partner schools and the Aberdeen City QIO team.  These visits occur twice a year and are a valuable part of our school improvement calendar.

The Panto Pound starts tomorrow – every month we will be asking you to contribute £1 to our panto bucket if you can – this will help us to save up for panto tickets and a bus this Christmas.  Look out for the Panto Pound buckets in the morning.

Miss Shepherd’s timetable is changing – from now on she will continue to teach P6 on a Monday, but will swap P3/4 days with P2.  This means P3/4 will have Miss Shepherd on a Tuesday and Wednesday, and P2 on a Thursday and Friday.  Miss Pirie and Miss Ku will work with P3/4 on Thursdays and Fridays, and Miss Ku on a Monday (Miss Arthur this Monday)

Marine Conservation Society Aberdeen volunteer beach cleans are a great way to spend time together and impact positively on the community.

The beach clean dates and locations in 2023 for your diary are:

25th March 10:00 Aberdeen City Beach (North end)

10th June 14:00 Torry Battery

23rd Sept. 14:00 Aberdeen City Beach (North end)

2nd Dec. 14:00 Donmouth North side


This week at Westpark School:

-School will be closed to P1-7 on Wednesday 1st February.  A limited number of staff will be in school to support learners with specified categories of additional needs from 9.30-1.30.  You will receive an email if your child has been allocated provision at this Hub.

- P3 visited the University of Aberdeen last week and had a wonderful time.  You can read all about it here: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/in-brief/16682/

-We would like to remind packed lunch children that uneaten items must be taken home.  Catering staff are finding that children who do not want to finish their packed lunches are trying to dispose of them by squishing into the ground or playing with them, causing unnecessary mess and waste in the dinner hall.

- Open Afternoon is on Thursday.  Please enter the main hall via the breakfast club door at 1.30pm.  Classrooms will be open for around 30 minutes following a short presentation in the main hall – we appreciate many of you have more than one class to visit so recommend spending around 10 minutes in each child’s class then moving on.  We thank you for your support in making the event more manageable for our learners.  Miss Ku is absent this week, so Miss Shepherd will be supporting P3/4.

- P1/2 are visiting Northfield Library on Thursday morning.  Are any parents available to support the walk there and back?  Children should bring their own library card if they have one.

- P4 swimming on Friday morning

- We have noticed an increase in children taking in toys from home.  This can be an important comfort to children at different times, but in general we recommend that special toys are left at home to avoid them getting lost or damaged in the playground.  You will have noticed that our playground is very muddy and soft toys do not fare well there!

- We are collecting second hand childrens books for the book fair – please hand in to the school office.

- Have you entered Run Balmoral yet?  Would you like to travel on the coach leaving and returning Westpark on Saturday 22nd April?

- No netball club this week, but all other clubs running as normal.  Please let us know if your child is unable to attend.

- Westpark is a finalist in Aberdeen Sports Awards! https://www.dctevents.com/event/aberdeensportsawards/  Thanks to all who attend and volunteer to run our clubs.  Well done to netball club who did really well at the Sheddocksley Festival on Friday.


This week at Westpark:


This week at Westpark:


Good morning and Happy New Year!

Welcome back.

This week at Westpark School:

Our children want you to enjoy watching them perform in real time, so we request that you switch off mobile phones and do not film the concert.  Tea and Coffee will be available – please bring a reusable cup if you have one. There will be spot prizes too – please bring change for the donations bucket!

Monday 12th December

This week at Westpark:

Monday 5th December

This week at Westpark:

PDFs of the calendar were also sent out at the beginning of term and paper copies are available at the school office.  Please check the school calendar and bulletin before phoning to school office with questions about dates.  This weekly bulletin is posted to the school website for your reference: https://sites.google.com/d/1thxNY5QSTO6t23vxXhZfKofQttBwdKUh/p/1EPJvZ2COW_jJikOUgIsQHZ3W78Ru9Q45/edit

Christmas Concert  tickets may be requested using the link below. 

·        20th December 1.30pm, 21st December 9.30am

·        Each child has an allocation of 2 tickets (for the whole week, not per show).  

·        To avoid confusion and double booking, tickets will not be available over the phone or at the office – if you require assistance to use the Google Form please make an appointment to see Mrs Atkinson for help accessing it. 

·        Booking must be requested by December 15th at 9am.  Tickets will not be available on the day so please make sure you order in advance. 

·        As a thank you for their hard work in fundraising and hosting events, members of the Parent Voice and those who volunteered at the Disco and Fair will be allocated priority seating in the front rows.  All other tickets will be numbered to ensure there is room for everyone. 

·        We do not know the running time of the concert at this stage as classes are still planning and rehearsing. It will probably be between 60 and 90 minutes long.

·        Link for booking: https://forms.gle/tTphZTsNTmxSeBw39

Monday 28th November

This week at Westpark:

Monday 21st November

This week at Westpark:

Dress as you please (optional) this Friday.  Please bring a chocolate or bottle for the tombola.

Mission Christmas – applications for Christmas gifts are now open.  Please contact Mrs Atkinson if you wish to receive a parcel.

Aberdeen City Council have taken the decision to close all schools to P1-7 pupils this Thursday (24th November).  Nursery will be open as normal.

Clubs:  Young Carers (Monday), Westpark AC (Tuesday) and Rock Up and Ride (Friday) will all be running at their usual times.  Parents are reminded that they must inform the school office if their child cannot attend for any reason.

Zumba and Netball will not be on this week (back as normal next week).

A big thank you to the Parent Voice members who made sure we were able to take sibling photos last week.  Photos will be sent home with children today and you have 10 days to place an order online.  If you tick a box to return your order to school will save you £5 in delivery charges.

We require more volunteers to run and set up stalls at the school fair, and are looking for donations of raffle prizes, bric a brac, teddies and gift items.

Duthie junior parkun – Westpark  will be taking over the event on Sunday 18th December and we need adult volunteers to act as marshals, barcode scanners and funnel support.

All P7s are attending Northfield Academy for the day tomorrow as part of the transition program and will return to school by 3pm.

Open Day (due to take place this Thursday) will be rescheduled for the new year.

P6 Assembly is this Friday afternoon at 2pm.  Two seats will be reserved for each R8 pupil – please contact the school if you require more than two.  Parents should enter via the breakfast club door at 1.55pm and exit from it afterwards.  Please do not use the front door in order to allow the children to enter and exit the hall quickly and safely.

Netball Festival – Friday after school.  Please see the Netball Club GC page for further details.

School Estate Implementation Plan available on request– this was shared by the Aberdeen Parent Council Forum. Pupil survey found here: Aberdeen City Council School Estate Plan | Aberdeen City Council

The Parent Forum of Scotland Aberdeen City is also seeking views on the future of Scottish qualifications: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/N5JDK6M

Changes to Scottish Child Payments – information was shared via GroupCall last week and a flyer is attached.

Monday 14th November

This week at Westpark: