Tullos Primary School

The School and Nursery will be closed to pupils and young people on the following dates:

Mid Term Holiday - Monday 10th February 

In-Service Days - Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February


On behalf of the staff, pupils and parents I would like to welcome you to the Tullos School website.  

Tullos School is situated in the southeast area of Aberdeen near the Girdleness Lighthouse and Bay of Nigg.  The school building originally opened in 1950.  We have a spacious building which is well provided with accommodation to meet all our modern educational needs. The two-story building has excellent facilities including a large dining hall, gym hall and huge outdoor grass and concrete playgrounds. 

We are fortunate to have specialist teachers for both Art and Music.  Our Support for Learning staff have a designated base to work from when not working within the classrooms.  We have a supported classroom to ensure we are meeting the needs of all of our learners as well as a Learning Den, Star Room and breakout spaces for our learners to utilise. Nurture is at the heart of everything that we do at Tullos and our staff team work hard together to ensure that the child is at the centre of everything we plan and deliver. 

We have a dedicated and highly skilled team of over 50 individuals who strive to ensure that all our children are challenged and supported to thrive, not just academically but as individuals. We celebrate successes both in and out of school, ensuring this is shared across during assemblies and other platforms. 

We are committed to our school values which are Honesty, Respect, Cooperation, Responsibility, Fairness, Inclusion and Support.    We believe that all children should be happy and confident learners and aim to support and encourage our pupils to lead their own learning and foster a passion for learning.  

At Tullos School it is important that children feel valued and parents are welcomed as partners in their child’s education. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard parents as an active partner in all aspects of school life. 

Miss Verling 

Head Teacher 

School Hours 


Morning Session: 8am - 12:57pm

Afternoon Session: 1pm - 5:57pm

Full Day Session: 8am - 5:57pm

Primary 1 - 7

Morning Session: 9am - 12:15pm

Afternoon Session: 1pm - 3pm

Get In Touch

Tullos school uses the free Xpressions App to communicate with our parents. 

  Tullos Primary School

Girdleness Road


AB11 8FJ

TeIephone: 01224 876621

Email: tullosprimary@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Bad Weather Information

In the event that bad weather impacts school opening, parents will be contacted by Groupcall via the Xpressions app at the earliest possible point.

This will also be noted on the Aberdeen City Council website here - 


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