Teen Challenge

Make a family playlist and share it

Do a teen yoga session with Adriene & Benji the dog

Do a random act of kindness

Create a doodle or drawing

Try Boccia

Try a Ted Talk

Take a walk in your neighbourhood and be mindful of the sights and sounds as you walk.

Start a new book and share with your friends

Create or learn a new dance move or make up a fitness programme

“Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer”

Think about what your dreams and start working on a plan.

Try some mindfulness

Photo challenge

Go outside, capture your environment - What's your theme? words, nature, symmetry or shadows? You choose

It's time for a spring clean!

Sort out your bedroom the Marie Kondo way

Surprise yourself and your family by offering to make lunch or cook tea or bake!


Can you create a movie clip that links with 5 people. Keepie ups and pass the ball on.

Learn to juggle - it's a life skill...