Apparel Ordering
Team unity is an important part of the NEW Apple Corps and showing your team pride is easy with team apparel! Students on the team are required to have a team polo (embroidered apparel) and a team t-shirt from the current season (printed apparel). It is recommended that new students purchase two of the current year's t-shirts so they have enough apparel for the three-day tournaments.
Embroidered apparel and other team-branded items are ordered through Hype Solutions and paid for online. Screen printed apparel is ordered through the team and printed at Appleton East High School. Invoices for screen printed apparel will be provided to students after all orders are received.
Apparel ordering will begin in December. Stay tuned for details and ordering links.
Parent Updates
For those who were not able to make the parent meetings and want to catch up on what was discussed, notes and other important information can be found here.
Scrip Program
The team's Scrip program is one of our biggest individual fundraisers. You've all heard the phrase "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Scrip is one of those things that sounds really good and actually is true. You purchase gift cards through Scrip for your local grocery store, gas station, or favorite restaurant and receive a percentage of the purchase price in return, typically between 2% and 10%. Use the program for all the things you buy on a regular basis, like gas and groceries, and earn money for your student. All proceeds from Scrip purchases go directly to the student and help cover their team expenses like travel and apparel. Some families have paid for all their team-related expenses using only the Scrip program.
Contact Carol Schuff at for more information and to get signed up and start saving up.
Meal Sign-up
During the build season (January through March), we ask that families partner with one another to provide dinner for the team. Students will indicate which evenings they plan to be at robotics so we can provide families with an accurate count of how many to prepare for. Typically one family provides the main dish and another provides side dishes. The team will provide plates, napkins, and utensils. The team also owns several Nescos that are available for meals. Sign-up will begin in mid-December.