J. Weird British festivals

Click here to access an article from The Guardian where the most bizarre British festivals will be exposed.

Read this too: 10 things about Britain’s most eccentric events

Choose 3 festivals that you would like to attend, even partake in, and 3 that you would rather avoid. Explain in a few sentences the reasons that made you select those 6 festivals. Then contact your partner to discuss what you have written and listen to what s/he has to add. Find out which festivals your partner has already attended and which ones s/he would like to experience or not.

Publish a summary of some 200 words including the names of all these British festivals and a brief description of each event. Do not forget to include any significant information provided by your partner and the most important things that you have learnt.  

Remember to add any new words to the online glossary as well as a sentence exemplifying how to use them in context.