H. Contemporary English literature

Use the links below to access information on four renowned contemporary English writers.

Jot down any interesting information on the writers and their work that you may have come across. Remember that sometimes a transcript link can be found underneath You Tube videos. However, be careful as often these transcripts are not completely accurate.

Diana Evans

Zoe Paxton interviews Diana Evans, author of 26a

Diana Evans oficial website

Ali Smith

How I Write, an interview

British Council Literature

Jon McGregor

His official website

Douglas Coupland:

His oficial website

Now contact your partner in York to discuss everything you have jotted down. Find out what they know about the writers and the last novel your partner has read.

Then write a 200 word summary for your website including any relevant information acquired from your partner.

Remember to add any new words to the online glossary as well as a sentence showing how to use them in context.