PhD students


Ben Gibb-Reid (UK) - (UK) - Investigating the phonetic properties of word tokens in interactional contexts and the implications for Forensic Voice Comparison. AHRC funded. [Co-supervision with Vincent Hughes and Traci Walker]

Emily Kiff (UK) - TBC. AHRC funded. [Co-supervision with Amelia Gully]

Chloe Patman (University of Cambridge)(UK) - Addressing underrepresented groups. Advancing forensic speech science research through  an investigation into female voices. Harding Scholarship. [Co-supervision with Kirsty McDougall]

Alice Richardson (UK) - Adversarial Interpreting in asylum appeal hearings. ESRC funded.  [Co-supervision with Nathaniel Elcock and Martin Jones]

Samantha Williams (Canada) - Linguistically-informed L1 accent recognition of non-native English speakers. University of York ORS funded. [Co-supervision with Vincent Hughes]


Jamal Al-Shareef (2002)(Palestine) - Language change and variation in Palestine. Associate Professor and Dean, Al-Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine.

Nathan Atkinson (2015)(UK) - Variable factors affecting voice identification in forensic contexts. University of York funded.

Wenling (Grace) Cao (2018)(China) - Short-term accommodation of Hong Kong English speakers towards native English accents and the effect of language attitudes. [Co-supervision with Márton Sóskuthy] Lecturer, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Krestina Vendelbo Christensen (2023)(Aarhus University)(Denmark). Understanding the technical effects of mobile phone transmission on consonants. Aarhus/York joint programme.  [Co-supervision with Michaela Hejná and Philip Harrison]

Katherine Dallaston (Griffith University, Brisbane)(Australia) - Creaky voice in Australian English. [Co-supervision with Gerry Docherty]

Nicholas Flynn (2012)(UK) - A sociophonetic study of Nottingham speakers. ESRC funded.

Shahela Hamid (2005)(Bangladesh) - Language maintenance and shift in the Sylheti community in Leeds. 

Philip Harrison (2013)(UK) - Making accurate formant measurements: an empirical investigation of the influence of the measurement tool, analysis settings and speaker on formant measurements. Rsearch software engineer, University of York.

Nanna Haug Hilton (2009)(Norway) - Dialect levelling in Hønefoss Norwegian. Lecturer, University of Groningen, Netherlands.

Jim Hoskin (2022)(Australia) - Language analysis in the asylum context: towards more robust and transparent procedures for LADO. Wolfson Foundation funded. 

Vincent Hughes (2014)(UK) - The definition of the relevant population and the collection of data for likelihood ratio-based forensic voice comparison. ESRC funded. Senior Lecturer, University of York.

Ella Jeffries (2016)(UK) - Children’s developing awareness of regional accents: A socioperceptual investigation of pre-school and primary school children in York. AHRC funded. Lecturer, University of Essex. [Co-supervision with Carmen Llamas]

Colleen Kavanagh (2012)(Canada) - New consonantal acoustic parameters for forensic speaker comparison. University of York funded. Forensic scientist, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Ghada Khattab (2002)(Lebanon) - Sociolinguistic competence and the bilingual's adoption of phonetic variants: auditory and instrumental data from English-Arabic bilinguals. ORSAS funded. Professor, Newcastle University.

Katharina Klug (2023)(Germany) - Analysing voice quality as a component of forensic speaker comparison.  [Co-supervision with Peter French and Christin Kirchhübel] Forensic scientist, BKA.

Jonas Lindh (University of Gothenburg)(2017)(Sweden) - Forensic comparison of voices, speech and speakers. Forensic scientist, Sweden.

Jing Hoi (Justin) Lo (2021)(Hong Kong) - Issues of bilingualism in likelihood ratio-based forensic voice comparison.  [Co-supervision with Vincent Hughes] Lecturer, Lancaster University.

Richard Rhodes (2012)(UK) - Assessing the strength of non-contemporaneous forensic speech evidence. ESRC funded. Director, The Forensic Voice Centre.

Hazel Richards (2008)(UK) - Mechanisms, motivations and outcomes of change in Morley (Leeds) English. ESRC funded. 

Ulrikke Rindal (2013)(University of Oslo)(Norway) - Meaning in English: L2 attitudes, choices and pronunciation in Norway. Associate Professor, University of Oslo.

Lisa Roberts (2012)(UK) - A forensic phonetic study of the vocal responses of individuals in distress. ESRC funded. Speech and language therapist in Yorkshire.

Sascha Schäfer (2024)(Germany) - Detection and characterisation of superior voice recognition skills. Cusanuswerk funded.

Selina Sutton (2021)(Northumbria University)(UK) - Exploring social media as a context for sociophonetic variation.  [Co-supervision with David Kirk and Shaun Lawson]

Nikki Swift (2023)(UK) - Vowel acquisition in a multidialectal environment: a five-year longitudinal case study.  [Co-supervision with Tamar Keren-Portnoy] Associate Head, Language and Linguistics, York St John University.

Sarah Tasker (2020)(UK) - Patterns of variation and change in English schwa. AHRC funded.  [Co-supervision with Márton Sóskuthy] Postdoctoral research fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University. 

Xiao (Bruce) Wang (2021)(China) - The effect of sampling on individual speakers and system performance in likelihood ratio-based forensic voice comparison.  [Co-supervision with Vincent Hughes] Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Nicole Whitworth (2002)(Germany) - Acquisition of rhythm by German-English bilingual children. Senior Lecturer and Head of Subject, Leeds Beckett University.

Kim Wilson (2016)(UK) - Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin (LADO): An investigative study. ESRC funded.

Grace Wood (2018)(USA) - Accents on trial: accent discrimination in UK and US courts.