Forensic casework

I undertake both research and casework in forensic speech science. I work on speaker comparison, speech attribution, transcription and decipherment of difficult recordings, and speaker profiling. I’ve provided expert witness evidence for legal cases in the UK, Ghana, Sweden and New Zealand.

The links below refer to cases I’ve been involved with.

Charles Stopford (a.k.a. ‘Lord Buckingham’)

R. v. Michael Hubble (sinking of the yacht Ouzo; instructed by the defence)

Republic of Ghana v. K. Amaning & I. Abass (instructed by the prosecution)

David Bain v. The Queen (retrial, New Zealand; instructed by the defence)

I’ve provided interviews on the subject of forensic speech science, including:

PA Radio Science Report (Radio Live, New Zealand, 2006)

All in the Mind (ABC, Australia, 2008)