
In production...

Almeida, L., Gully, A. & Foulkes, P. (forthcoming) Auditory and acoustic analysis of European Portuguese by voice conversion.

Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P. & Gonzalez, S. (in revision) "It's a bit tricky, isn't it?" An acoustic study of contextual variation in /ɪ/ in the conversational speech of young people from Perth.

Foulkes, P., Hughes, V., Peters, K. & Rouse, J. (under review) The discriminative capacity of English segments in Forensic Speaker Comparison.

Grama, J., Diskin-Holdaway, C., Gnevsheva, K., Brand, J., Hay, J., Drager, K., Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (forthcoming) It’s not just a sound change: linking phonetic and pragmatic change in the word just.

Patman, C., Foulkes, P. & McDougall, K. (forthcoming) The effects of face coverings on speech comprehension: unmasking the impact of exposure and audio visual face coverings on speech comprehension.

In press

Docherty, G., Foulkes, P. & Kerswill, P. (in press) Phonetic and phonological variation in England. In Fox, S. (ed.) Language in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. 

Foulkes, P. & Hughes, V. (in press) Dialectological and sociolinguistic foundations of forensic speaker comparison. In Nolan, F., McDougall, K. & Hudson, T. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Forensic Phonetics. Oxford University Press.


Hughes, V., Xu, C., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Welch, P., Kelly, F. & van der Vloed, D. (2024) Exploring individual speaker behaviour within a forensic automatic speaker recognition system. Proceedings of The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (Odyssey 2024), 1-8, doi: 10.21437/odyssey.2024-1.

Klug, K., Kirchhübel, C., Foulkes, P., Braun, A. & French, P. (2024) Assessing creaky voice quality for forensic purposes. Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech. In Hejná, M., Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J., Eaton, M., Clasen, M., Boyd, Z. & Niebuhr, O. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2023 Aarhus International Conference on Voice Studies (SEFOS). Sciendo/DeGruyter, pp. 16-26. 

Leemann, A., Perkins, R., Sullivan, G. & Foulkes, P. (2024) An Introduction to Forensic Phonetics and Forensic Linguistics. Routledge.

Williams, S., Foulkes, P. & Hughes, V. (2024) Analysis of forced aligner performance on L2 English speech. Speech Communication, 103042.

Xu, C., Wormald, J.H., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V., Welch, P., Kelly, F. & van der Vloed, D. (2024) Voice quality in telephone speech: comparing acoustic measures between VoIP telephone and high-quality recordings. Proceedings of Interspeech 2024, Kos, Greece.


Chodroff, E. & Foulkes, P. (2023) Sociophonetics and stops. In Strelluf, C. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Sociophonetics. Routledge, pp. 143-175.

Coretta, S., Casillas, J.V., Roessig, S., Franke, M., Ahn, B., Al-Hoorie, A.H., Al-Tamimi, J., Alotaibi, N.E., AlShakhori, M.K., Altmiller, R.M., Arantes, P., Athanasopoulou, A., Baese-Berk, M.M., Bailey, G., Sangma, C.B.A., Beier, E.J., Benavides, G.M., Benker, N., BensonMeyer, E.P., Benway, N.R., Berry, G.M., Bing, L., Bjorndahl, C., Bolyanatz, M., Braver, A., Brown, V.A., Brown, A.M., Brugos, A., Buchanan, E.M., Butlin, T., Buxó-Lugo, A., Caillol, C., Cangemi, F., Carignan, C., Carraturo, S., Caudrelier, T., Chodroff, E., Cohn, M., Cronenberg, J., Crouzet, O., Dagar, E.L., Dawson, C., Diantoro, C.A., Dokovova, M., Drake, S., Du, F., Dubuis, M., Duême, F., Durward, M., Egurtzegi, A., Elsherif, M.M., Esser, J., Ferragne, E., Ferreira, F., Fink, L.K., Finley, S., Foster, K., Foulkes, P., Franzke, R., Frazer-McKee, G., Fromont, R., García, C., Geller, J., Grasso, C.L., Greca, P., Grice, M., Grose-Hodge, M.S., Gully, A.J., Halfacre, C., Hauser, I., Hay, J., Haywood, R., Hellmuth, S., Hilger, A.I., Holliday, N., Hoogland, D., Huang, Y., Hughes, V., Icardo Isasa, A., Ilchovska, Z.G., Jeon, H.-S., Jones, J., Junges, M.N., Kaefer, S., Kaland, C., Kelley, M.C., Kelly, N.E., Kettig, T., Khattab, G., Koolen, R., Krahmer, E., Krajewska, D., Krug, A., Kumar, A.A., Lander, A., Lentz, T.O., Li, W., Li, Y., Lialiou, M., Lima, R.M., Lo, J.J.H., Lopez Otero, J.C., Mackay, B., MacLeod, B., Mallard, M., McConnellogue, C.-A.M., Moroz, G., Murali, M., Nalborczyk, L., Nenadić, F., Nieder, J., Nikolić, D., Nogueira, F.G.S., Offerman, H.M., Passoni, E., Pélissier, M., Perry, S.J., Pfiffner, A.M., Proctor, M., Rhodes, R., Rodríguez, N., Roepke, E., Röer, J.P., Sbacco, L., Scarborough, R., Schaeffler, F., Schleef, E., Schmitz, D., Shiryaev, A., Sóskuthy, M., Spaniol, M., Stanley, J.A., Strickler, A., Tavano, A., Tomaschek, F., Tucker, B.V., Turnbull, R., Ugwuanyi, K.O., Urrestarazu-Porta, I., van de Vijver, R., Van Engen, K.J., van Miltenburg, E., Wang, B.X., Warner, N., Wehrle, S., Westerbeek, H., Wiener, S., Winters, S., Wong, S.G.-J., Wood, A., Wottawa, J., Xu, C., Zárate-Sández, G., Zellou, G., Zhang, C., Zhu, J., & Roettger, T.B. (2023) Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6(3) 25152459231162570.

Docherty, G., Gonzalez, S. & Foulkes, P. (2023) An acoustic study of the realisation of KIT in the conversational speech of young English speakers in Australia. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic.

Hughes, V., Cardoso, A., Foulkes, P., French, P., Gully, A. & Harrison, P. (2023) Speaker-specificity in speech production: the contribution of source and filter. Journal of Phonetics 97: 101224.

Hughes, V., Wormald, J.H., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Kelly, F., van der Vloed, D., Welch, P. & Xu, C. (2023) Automatic speaker recognition with variation across vocal conditions: a controlled experiment with implications for forensics. Proceedings of Interspeech, Dublin.

Khattab, G. & Foulkes, P. (2023) Sociophonetics and Arabic. In Strelluf, C. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Sociophonetics. Routledge, pp. 559-581.

Kirchhübel, C., Brown, G. & Foulkes, P. (2023a) What does method validation look like for forensic voice comparison by a human expert? Science and Justice 63(2): 251-257.

Kirchhübel, C., Brown, G. & Foulkes, P. (2023b) Realistic solutions for practising forensic scientists – a response to Morrison (2023). Science and Justice 63(5): 635-637.

Schäfer, S. & Foulkes, P. (2023) Towards a screening test for earwitnesses: investigating the individual voice recognition skills of lay listeners. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 30(2): 234-267.

Shaw, J., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Evans, B., Docherty G.J., Mulak, K.E. & Best, C.T. (2023) Revealing perceptual structure through input variation: cross-accent categorization of vowels in five accents of English. Laboratory Phonology 14(1).

Williams, S., Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2023) Acoustic analysis of L2 English phonemes for language identification. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic.

Wormald, J.H., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V., Kelly, F., van der Vloed, D. & Xu, C. (2023) Sensitivity of x-vectors and automatic speaker recognition scores to vocal variation. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic.

Xu, C., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V. & Wormald, J.H. (2023) Contributions of acoustic measures to the classification of laryngeal voice quality in continuous English speech. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic.


Gibb-Reid, B., Foulkes, P. & Hughes, V. (2022) Exploring the phonetic variation of ‘yeah’ and ‘like’. York Papers in Linguistics Series 2, 18: 1-27.

Gibb-Reid, B., Foulkes, P., Hughes, V. & Walker, T. (2022). Just listen: Describing phonetic variation in the word just. In R. Billington (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, pp. 226-230.

Wang, X., Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2022) The effect of sampling variability on systems and individual speakers in likelihood ratio-based forensic voice comparison. Speech Communication 138: 38-49.


Foulkes, P. (2020) Phonological variation: a global perspective [revised]. In Aarts, B. & McMahon, A.M.S. & Hinrichs, L. (eds.) Handbook of English Linguistics (2nd ed.). Wiley, pp. 407-440. 


Docherty, G.J., Gonzalez, S., Mitchell, N. & Foulkes, P. (2019) An acoustic analysis of short front vowel realizations in the conversational style of young English speakers from Western Australia. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Foulkes, P., French, P. & Wilson, K. (2019) LADO as forensic speaker profiling. In P. Patrick, M. Schmid, & K. Zwaan (eds.) Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin. Springer, pp. 91-116.

Gully, A., Foulkes, P., French P, Harrison, P. & Hughes, V. (2019) The Lombard effect in MRI noise. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Hoskin, J., Cambier-Langeveld, T. & Foulkes, P. (2019) Improving objectivity, balance and forensic fitness in LAAP: a response to Matras. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 26(2): 257-277.

Hughes, V., Cardoso, A., Harrison, P., Foulkes, P., French P. & Gully, A. (2019) Forensic voice comparison using long-term acoustic measures of voice quality. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Hughes, V., Harrison, P., Foulkes, P, French P, & Gully, A. (2019) Effects of formant analysis settings and channel mismatch on semi-automatic systems in forensic voice comparison. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Klug, K., Kirchhübel, C., Foulkes, P. & French, P. (2019) Analysing breathy voice in forensic speaker comparison: using acoustics to confirm perception. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

San Segundo, E., Foulkes, P. French, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V. & Kavanagh, C. (2019) The use of the Vocal Profile Analysis for speaker characterization: methodological proposals. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 49(3): 353-380.

Shaw, J., Best, C., Docherty, G.J., Evans, B., Foulkes, P., Hay, J. & Mulak, K. (2019) An information theoretic perspective on perceptual structure: cross-accent vowel perception. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Sutton, S., Foulkes, P., Kirk, D. & Lawson, S. (2019) Voice as a design material: sociophonetic inspired design strategies in Human-Computer Interaction. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019. ACM. 

Wang, X., Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2019a) The effect of score sampling on system stability in likelihood ratio based forensic voice comparison. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.

Wang, X., Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P.  (2019b) The effect of speaker sampling in likelihood ratio based forensic voice comparison. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 26(1): 97-120.


Channon, A., Foulkes, P. & Walker, T. (2018) But what is the reason why you know such things?’: Question and response patterns in the LADO interview. Journal of Pragmatics 129: 154-172.

Chevrot, J.-P., Drager, K. & Foulkes, P. (eds.)(2018) Sociolinguistic variation and cognitive science. Special edition of TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science).

Chevrot, J.-P., Drager, K. & Foulkes, P. (2018) Sociolinguistic variation and cognitive science. Introduction to the special edition of TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science) 10(4): 679-695. 

Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Gonzalez, S. & Mitchell, N. (2018) Missed connections at the junction of sociolinguistics and speech processing. Special edition of TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science) 10(4): 759-774.

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G., Shattuck Hufnagel, S. & Hughes, V. (2018) Three steps forward for predictability. Consideration of methodological robustness, indexical and prosodic factors, and replication in the laboratory. Linguistics Vanguard 4(s2), special edition on Predictability and phonology: past, present and future.

Hughes, V., Harrison, P., Foulkes, P. French, P., Kavanagh, C. & San Segundo, E. (2018) The individual and the system: assessing the stability of the output of a semi-automatic forensic voice comparison system. Proceedings of Interspeech, Hyderabad, India.

Shaw, J., Best, C., Docherty, G., Evans, B., Foulkes, P., Hay, J. & Mulak, K. (2018) Resilience of English vowel perception across regional accent variation. Laboratory Phonology 9(1), 11. 

Sóskuthy, M., Foulkes, P., Hughes, V. & Haddican, B. (2018) Changing words and sounds: the roles of different levels of cognitive representation in phonetically gradient sound change. Special edition of TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science) 10(4): 787-802. 


Brescancini, C. & Foulkes, P. (eds.)(2017) Sociofonética. Special edition of Letras de Hoje 52(1).

Brescancini, C. & Foulkes, P. (2017) Apresentação/Foreword. Letras de Hoje 52(1): 1-4.

Foulkes, P. (2017) Review of Paul Warren. Uptalk: The Phenomenon of Rising Intonation. Cambridge: CUP. Journal of Sociolinguistics.

Haddican, W. & Foulkes, P. (2017) A comparative study of language change in Northern Englishes. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: Economic and Social Research Council.

Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2017) What is the relevant population? Considerations for the computation of likelihood ratios in forensic voice comparison. Proceedings of Interspeech, Stockholm. pp. 3772-3776.

Hughes, V., Harrison, P., Foulkes, P. French, P., Kavanagh, C. & San Segundo, E. (2017) Mapping across feature spaces in forensic voice comparison: the contribution of auditory-based voice quality to (semi-)automatic system testing. Proceedings of Interspeech, Stockholm. pp. 3892-3896.

San Segundo, E., Foulkes, P. French, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V. & Kavanagh, C. (2017) Cluster analysis of voice quality ratings: identifying groups of perceptually similar speakers. Proceedings of Phonetics & Phonology 13, Berlin.

Smith, I., Foulkes, P. & Sóskuthy, M. (2017) Speaker identification in whisper. Letras de Hoje 52(1): 5-14.

Sóskuthy, M., Hay, J., Maclagan, M., Drager, K. & Foulkes, P. (2017) The closing diphthongs in early New Zealand English. In R. Hickey (ed.) Listening to the Past. Cambridge University Press, pp. 529-561.

Watt, D. & Foulkes, P. (2017) Tyneside English. In R. Hickey (ed.) Listening to the Past. Cambridge University Press, pp. 142-170.


Docherty, G., Gonzalez, S., Mitchell, N. & Foulkes, P. (2016) Sociophonetic variability in the realization of /t/ in West Australian English. Proceedings of the Australasian International Speech Science and Technology Conference (ASSTA 2016), Western Sydney University, Australia.

Hay, J. & Foulkes, P. (2016) The evolution of medial (-t-) over real and remembered time. Language 92(2): 298-330. [manuscript][tables and figures]

Hughes, V., Foulkes, P. & Wood, S. (2016) Formant dynamics and durations of um improve the performance of automatic speaker recognition systems. Proceedings of the Australasian International Speech Science and Technology Conference (ASSTA 2016), Western Sydney University, Australia.

Hughes, V., Wood, S. & Foulkes, P. (2016) Strength of forensic voice comparison evidence from the acoustics of filled pauses. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 23(1): 99-132.

San Segundo, E., Foulkes, P. & Hughes, V. (2016) Holistic perception of voice quality matters more than L1 when judging speaker similarity in short stimuli. Proceedings of the Australasian International Speech Science and Technology Conference (ASSTA 2016), Western Sydney University, Australia.


Best, C.T., Shaw, J.A., Docherty, G., Evans, B.G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., Mulak, K.E. & Wood, S. (2015a) From Newcastle MOUTH to Aussie ears: Australians’ perceptual assimilation and adaptation for Newcastle UK vowels. Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, Dresden.

Best, C.T., Shaw, J.A., Docherty, G., Evans, B.G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., Mulak, K.E. & Wood, S. (2015b) Perceiving and adapting to regional accent differences among vowel subsystems. Proceedings of ICPhS, Glasgow.

Foulkes, P. (2015) Sociophonetics - discussant session. Proceedings of ICPhS, Glasgow. [PDF of slides]

Foulkes, P. & Hay, J. (2015) The emergence of sociophonetic structure. In B. MacWhinney & W. O'Grady (eds.) The Handbook of Language Emergence. Blackwell, pp. 292-313.

Foulkes, P. & Vihman, M. (2015) First language acquisition and phonological change. In P. Honeybone & Salmons, J.C. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology. Oxford University Press, pp. 289-312. [first published on-line only in 2013; book published 2015]

French, P., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P., Hughes, V., San Segundo, E. & Stevens, L. (2015) The vocal tract as a biometric: output measures, interrelationships, and efficacy. Proceedings of ICPhS, Glasgow.

Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2015) The relevant population in forensic voice comparison: effects of varying delimitations of social class and age. Speech Communication 66: 218-230. [doi:10.1016/j.specom.2014.10.006]

Sóskuthy, M., Foulkes, P., Haddican, B., Hay, J. & Hughes, V. (2015) Word-level distributions and structural factors co-determine GOOSE fronting. Proceedings of ICPhS, Glasgow.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (2014) An evaluation of usage-based approaches to the modelling of sociophonetic variability. Lingua 142, 42-56.

Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2014a) Variability in analyst decisions during the computation of numerical likelihood ratios. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 21.2: 279-315.

Hughes, V. & Foulkes, P. (2014b) Regional variation and the definition of the relevant population in likelihood ratio-based  forensic voice comparison using cepstral coefficients. Proceedings of SST 2014, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Shaw, J.A., Best, C.T., Mulak, K., Docherty, G., Evans, B.G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., Al-Tamimi, J., Mair, K., Peek, M. & Wood, S. (2014) Effects of short-term exposure to unfamiliar regional accents: Australians' categorization of London and York English consonants. Proceedings of SST 2014, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Wilson, K. & Foulkes, P. (2014) Borders, variation, and identity: language analysis for the determination of origin (LADO). In Watt, D. & Llamas, C. (eds.). Language, Borders and Identity. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 218-229.

Wright, S., Shaw, J.A., Best, C.T., Docherty, G., Evans, B.G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J. & Mulak, K. (2014) Improvements to vowel categorization in non-native regional accents resulting from multiple- versus single-talker training: a computational approach. Proceedings of SST 2014, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.


Chevrot, J.-P. & Foulkes, P. (eds.)(2013) Acquisition and Sociolinguistic Variation. Special edition of Linguistics, vol. 51(2).

Chevrot, J.-P. & Foulkes, P. (2013) Introduction: language acquisition and sociolinguistic variation. Linguistics, 51(2), 251-254.

Docherty, G.J., Langstrof, C. & Foulkes, P. (2013) Listener evaluation of sociophonetic variability: probing constraints and capabilities. Linguistics 51(2), 355-380.

Haddican, B., Foulkes, P., Hughes, V. & Richards, H. (2013) Interaction of social and linguistic constraints on two vowel changes in northern England. Language Variation and Change 25(3): 371-403.


Foulkes, P. & French, J.P. (2012) Forensic speaker comparison: a linguistic-acoustic perspective. In P. Tiersma & L. Solan (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 557-572.


Flynn, N. & Foulkes, P. (2011) Comparing vowel formant normalization methods. Proceedings of the 17th ICPhS, Hong Kong, pp. 683-686.

Foulkes, P. & Wilson, K. (2011) Language analysis for the determination of origin: an empirical study. Proceedings of the 17th ICPhS, Hong Kong, pp. 691-694.

Thaitechawat, S. & Foulkes, P. (2011) Discrimination of speakers using tone and formant dynamics in Thai. Proceedings of the 17th ICPhS, Hong Kong, pp. 1978-1981.


Foulkes, P. (2010) Exploring social-indexical variation: a long past but a short history. Laboratory Phonology 1, 5-39.

Foulkes, P, Docherty, G.J., Khattab, G. & Yaeger-Dror, M. (2010) Sound judgements: perception of indexical features in children’s speech. In Preston, D. & Niedzielski, N. (ed.) A Reader in Sociophonetics. de Gruyter. pp. 327-356. [PDF is manuscript version, uncorrected]

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G.J. & Jones, M.J. (2010) Analysing stops. In Di Paolo, M. & Yaeger-Dror, M. Sociophonetics: A Student’s Guide. Routledge, pp. 58-71.

Foulkes, P., Scobbie, J.M. & Watt, D.J.L. (2010) Sociophonetics. In Hardcastle, W., Laver, J. & Gibbon, F. (eds.) Handbook of Phonetic Sciences (2nd ed.). Blackwell, pp. 703-754. [PDF is uncorrected proof]

French, J.P., Nolan, F., Foulkes, P., Harrison, P. & McDougall, K. (2010) The UK position statement on forensic speaker comparison: a rejoinder to Rose and Morrison. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17, 143-152.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (2008) Inter‐and intra‐speaker variation: some methodological consequences for sociophonetic research. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5): 3067. []

Haddican, W. & Foulkes, P. (2008) Mid vowel raising and second vowel deletion in Oiartzun Basque. In Artiagoitia, X. &. Lakarra, J.A. (eds.) Gramatika Jaietan Patxi Goenagaren Omenez. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, pp. 363-375. [PDF is manuscript version, uncorrected]


Clark, J. & Foulkes, P. (2007) Identification of voices in disguised speech. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 14(2), 195-221.

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (2007) Phonological variation in England. In Britain, D. (ed.) Language in the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, pp. 52-74. [PDF is uncorrected proof]


Blatchford, H. & Foulkes, P. (2006) Identification of voices in shouting. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 13, 241-254.

Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Tillotson, J. & Watt, D.J.L. (2006) On the scope of phonological learning: issues arising from socially structured variation. In Goldstein, L., Whalen, D.H. & Best, C.T. (eds.) Laboratory Phonology 8. Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 393-421.

Foulkes, P. (2006) Phonological variation: a global perspective. In Aarts, B. & McMahon, A.M.S. (eds.) Handbook of English Linguistics. Blackwell. pp. 625-669. [PDF is manuscript version, uncorrected]

Foulkes, P. (2006) Sociophonetics. In Brown, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.). Elsevier Press. pp. 495-500.

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (2006) The social life of phonetics and phonology. Journal of Phonetics 34, 409-438.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (2005) Glottal variants of (t) in the Tyneside variety of English: an acoustic profiling study. In Hardcastle, W & Mackenzie Beck, J. (eds.) A Figure of Speech – a Festschrift for John Laver. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 173-199.

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G.J. & Watt, D.J.L. (2005) Phonological variation in child directed speech. Language 81, 177-206.


Byrne, C. & Foulkes, P. (2004) The mobile phone effect on vowel formants. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 11, 83-102.


Foulkes, P. (2003) Fieldwork for studies of phonological variation. Proceedings of the XVth ICPhS, 211-214. Universitat Autonomá de Barcelona.

Foulkes, P. (2003) Forensic phonetics. emagazine 19, February 2003.

Watt, D.J.L., Docherty, G.J., & Foulkes P. (2003) First accent acquisition: a study of phonetic variation in child-directed speech. Proceedings of the XVth ICPhS, 1959-1962. Universitat Autonomá de Barcelona.


Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Dodd, B. & Milroy, L. (2002) The Emergence of Structured Variation in the Speech of Tyneside Infants. Final report to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council, grant R000237417.

Foulkes, P. (2002) Current trends in British sociophonetics. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 8.3 - A Selection of Papers from NWAV 30, 75-86.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (2001) Variation in (r) production: instrumental perspectives. ‘R-atics. Sociolinguistic, Phonetic and Phonological Characteristics of /r/. Etudes & Travaux 4. Free University of Brussels, 173-184. 

Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Dodd, B. & Milroy, L. (2001) The Emergence of Structured Variation in the Speech of Tyneside Infants. ESRC Full Research Report, R000237417. ESRC.

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (2001) Variation and change in British English (r). ‘R-atics. Sociolinguistic, Phonetic and Phonological Characteristics of /r/. Etudes & Travaux 4. Free University of Brussels, 27-44.

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G.J. & Watt, D.J.L. (2001) The emergence of structured variation. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 7.3 - A Selection of Papers from NWAV 29, 67-84. 

Foulkes, P. & French, J.P. (2001) Forensic phonetics and sociolinguistics. In Mesthrie, R. (ed.) Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics. Elsevier Press. pp. 329-332.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (2000) Speaker, speech, and knowledge of sounds, in Burton-Roberts, N., Carr, P. & Docherty, G.J. (eds.) Phonological Knowledge: Conceptual and Empirical Issues. Oxford University Press. pp. 105-129.

Foulkes, P. & Barron, A. (2000) Telephone speaker recognition amongst members of close social network. Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 7, 180-198. 

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (2000) Another chapter in the story of /r/: ‘labiodental’ variants in British English. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4, 30-59.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (1999) Sociophonetic variation in ‘glottals’ in Newcastle English. Proceedings of the 14th ICPhS, 1037-1040. University of California, Berkeley.

Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (1999) Newcastle upon Tyne and Derby: instrumental phonetics and variationist studies. In Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (eds.) Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the British Isles. Arnold. pp. 47-71. 

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (eds.) (1999) Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the British Isles. Arnold. [available as print-on-demand]

Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (1999) Urban Voices: Overview. In Foulkes, P. & Docherty, G.J. (eds.) Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the British Isles. Arnold. pp. 1-24.

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G.J. & Watt, D.J.L. (1999) Tracking the emergence of sociophonetic variation in 2 to 4 year olds. Leeds Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics 7, 1-25.

Foulkes, P., Docherty, G.J. & Watt, D.J.L. (1999) Tracking the emergence of sociophonetic variation in 2 to 4 year olds. Proceedings of the 14th ICPhS, 1625-1628. University of California, Berkeley.

Milroy, L., Milroy, J., Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P. & Walshaw, D. (1999) Phonological variation and change in contemporary English: evidence from Newcastle upon Tyne and Derby. In Conde Silvestre, J.C. & Hernandez-Campoy, J.M. (eds.) Variation and Linguistic Change in English. University of Murcia. pp. 35-46.


Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Milroy, J., Milroy, L. & Walshaw, D. (1997) Descriptive adequacy in phonology: a variationist perspective. Journal of Linguistics 33, 275-310.

Foulkes, P. (1997) Historical laboratory phonology: investigating /p/ > /f/ > /h/ changes. Language and Speech 40, 249-276.

Foulkes, P. (1997) English [r]-sandhi - a sociolinguistic perspective. Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 19, 73-96, 1997.

Foulkes, P. (1997) Rule inversion in a British English dialect - a sociolinguistic investigation of [r]-sandhi in Newcastle upon Tyne. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 4(1) - A Selection of Papers from NWAV 25, 259-270.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (1996) A corpus-based account of variation in the realisation of 'released' /t/ in English. Proceedings of the Speech Science and Technology 96 Conference, 157-162. Flinders University, Adelaide.


Docherty, G.J. & Foulkes, P. (1995) Acoustic profiling of glottal and glottalised variants of English stops. Proceedings of the XIIIth ICPhS 1, 350-353. University of Stockholm.

Docherty, G.J., Foulkes, P., Milroy, J., Milroy, L. & Oxley, P. (1995) Conversational and phonological factors governing the 'final release rule' in Tyneside English. Proceedings of the XIIIth ICPhS 3, 692-695. University of Stockholm.

McMahon, A.M.S. & Foulkes, P. (1995) Sound change, phonological rules, and Articulatory Phonology. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 9, 1-20.


McMahon, A.M.S., Foulkes, P. & Tollfree, L.F. (1994) Gestural representation and Lexical Phonology. Phonology 11, 277-316.