Class Dojo Communication Tool

This year we will be using Class Dojo in 3R. Class Dojo has two uses. The first use is a student behavior tracking system where the students earn positive points based on their classroom behavior and work habits. Parents will then be able to log on to their parent account and see their child's behavior/work habit data for the week. The other wonderful use of the Class Dojo app is as a parent/teacher communication tool. Through the app, I can send messages to parents about upcoming classroom events and reminders about tests, special days, and etc. Parents can also message me through the app. I can also post pictures and information about fun 3R happenings. To sign-up to receive 3R information, you will need to download the Class Dojo app to your phone. Then I will send home a parent invite that has a unique code for each student that you will need to enter. I think the Class Dojo app will be a great way for you to stay informed.