Spanish 4

Course Information

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of a “C”, averaged between both semesters, in Span III

Course Description: Spanish IV refines the student's listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through a complete review and expansion of Spanish grammar. Students study the culture of the Spanish-speaking world, read short stories, and develop their conversation skills through a variety of classroom activities.

Course Objectives: Students will be able to:

  1. Understand and speak Spanish with increasing spontaneity, flexibility, and fluency.

  2. Read and understand basic content of newspaper magazine articles, short stories, poetry, and classic Spanish novels.

  3. Write essays and original creative writing pieces in Spanish.

  4. Implement the two forms of interpretation into daily life.

  5. Demonstrate an awareness of the Spanish-speaking world and cultural similarities and differences.

4 syllabus 20-21.doc