West Lyon Spanish

Spanish Trips to Costa Rica

Due to COVID, the planning of future trips have been put on pause until travel restrictions have lifted.

West Lyon offers the Iowa Seal of Biliteracy to graduating students that can prove they are bilingual. A placement test is offered to Spanish students in the Spring of each year. Check out the Seal of Biliteracy Tab for more info!

El horario diario de Sra. Montsma

Mrs. Montsma’s daily schedule

Hora 1 – Prep

Hora 2 Español 2

Hora 3 – Español 4

Hora 4 – Español 1

Hora 5 – Español 1

Hora 6 – Español 1

Hora 7 – Español 2

Hora 8 – Español 3

Costa Rica 2015:

June 2015 a small group of students and myself visited Costa Rica for an 11 day language immersion tour with EF Tours. The students took a language class in Tamarindo on the West Coast and got to experience many cultural activities ranging from learning to cook empanadas and salsa dance to zip-lining over a rainforest canopy and kayaking in the shadow of the Volcano Arenal.

Pictured above is Grace, Shanah, and Ellen walking the Tamarindo Beach at sunset in Costa Rica June 2015.