Junior Information

Attention 18 year old males: The Selective Service System keeps a list of people who might be called on to serve our country in a national emergency. All 18 year old men MUST register even if you are not a US citizen. Registering makes you eligible for student financial aid, federal job training and federal jobs. So guys, do yourself and your country a favor – register with the Selective Service within 30 days of your 18th birthday – it’s the law! Visit www.sss.gov to complete the registration process. 


If you are going to be a Junior in the 2024-2025 school year and will be taking English 11, Honors English 11, or AP Language and Composition please look under "Summer Work" on this webpage for any summer reading or work to be done before school starts!

College Representatives visiting WAHS to meet with any interested Juniors.

Please refer to Colleges Visiting  WAHS on this website

Career Institute of Technology:  If you would like to apply to the Career Institute of Technology (CIT) and are NOT ALREADY attending CIT, the application for the 2024-2025 school year is now available.   

Apply online at:  https://www.citvt.com/ 


The ASVAB Assessment for all Juniors will be on day / date.  This is a skills assessment, which may help students align skills with post secondary planning.  Students may "opt out" of this assessment with a signed note from a parent/guardian.  This must be submitted to Guidance prior to the assessment date.  Guidance Counselors will review ASVAB results with students and encourage them to use this information as another component in their post secondary planning.

PSAT testing:  For Juniors and Sophomores will be administered during the week of October 16th, the actual date will be announced and emailed to those signed up, (so make sure you check your school email!).

SAT/ACT testing registration and test dates can be found under "Testing Information" on the left side bar.



Start with "you"  Make lists of your abilities, preferences, and personal qualities.  List things you may want to do and study in college.


Check out our "Financial Aid Information" page under "College Planning"

Talk to your counselor about your college plans, attend college fairs at NCC and other places, and attend Financial Aid Night here at the high school

Use financial aid calculators to estimate your aid eligibility and college costs


Most scholarships offered are for Seniors planning to attend college, however, there is the occasional scholarship out there that is offered to Juniors and sometimes Sophomores and Freshman too.  

American Legion Scholarships

Several Scholarships Available with Varying Deadline Dates from January on!

The Scholarships available are listed, please refer to the link to find out if you are eligible!


The next two Scholarships are week-long camps with the possibility to earn Scholarship money.


DaVinci Science Center STEAM Scholarships

Grades 9 to 12

STEAM Student Scholarship Awards

Horatio Alger 2024 Scholarship

Kiwanis Club of Palmer Township

Sgt Carl J. Brown School Courage Award

Rove Pest Control Scholarship - For juniors!

1. Must be attending college in the Fall of 2018

2. Must have a 3.0 or higher GPA

3. Apply online only at www.rovepestcontrol.com/rove-pest-control-scholarship/

4. Deadline is January 30, 2023.                Scholarship is $500

Valley Forge Chapter - Knight Essay Contest

Sons of the American Revolution

A Teenagers Guide to Better Sleep

Chronic sleep loss in adolescents has steadily become the norm:  69% of high schoolers report sleeping less than the recommended amount of hours and only 7.6% of students report getting optimal sleep.  The prevalence of insufficient sleep is highest among female and black students, and students in the last two years of high school.

A 2014 National Sleep Foundation poll found that 87% of U.S. high school students and 59% of sixth through eighth graders got less than 8.5 through 9.5 hours of sleep on school nights.

Teenagers need more sleep than adults and more than they got as tweens.  An average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep.  Doctors recommend that teens get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep, with some well-respected researchers insisting that teens need as much sleep as they got when they were young children.

The good news is that researchers have developed tricks that have been proven to help re-establish a healthier sleep routine.

For a teenager, healthy sleep habits include:




Online Resources to know the ins and outs of Vaping!  Get in the know!

Flyers and Brochures Regarding Vaping and E-Cigarettes.





Parents!!  Learn how to help support your 11th Grade Student.  Check out this Guide!

11th Grade Parent Involvement Guide
