Pop Tabs

Central School collects pop tabs to not only help recycle and keep our community GREEN, but also to help others.

The pop tabs we collect are sent to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. This charity then sends the pop tabs to a scrap metal recycling plant - United Scrap Metal. The plant recycles the metal and then gives the charity the value of the metal, plus a charitable matching donation - so RMHC gets our donation's worth PLUS more!

The Ronald McDonald House Charities uses this money to help families in need. If a child is sick and staying in a hospital, the Ronald McDonald House provides a place nearby that acts as a home away from home for their family.

Please enjoy this video for further information on this wonderful program.

"The Power of One" - from RMHC


And the Golden Pop Tab goes to.....

Here are our winning classes for October's pop tab collection. For October Central collected 14 lbs and 9.43 oz of pop tabs! Way to go Foxes!

Our next pop tab collection date will be November 18th

Kindergarten: Miss Wingels' class - 6.07 oz

1st grade: Mrs. Dana's class - 2 lbs, 12.76 oz

2nd grade: Mrs. O'Brien's class - 11.39 oz

3rd grade: Mrs. Shea's class - 18.04 oz

4th grade: Mrs. Collins' class - 4 lbs, .42 oz - Our Golden Pop Tab winners!

We are thrilled to announce that pop tab collections are back! We have been collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House charities since 2010. Unfortunately we had to put it on hold in since lockdown but are happy to report that we can start collecting and donating again. The pop tabs are collected at home by students, who then bring them into their classroom. Once a month a Green Team member will come to each classroom to collect the pop tabs. We’ll weigh them (to keep track of how much of a donation we’re making) and store them until they can be transported to RMHC. They recycle the metal with United Scrap Metal who then donates the money from the weight of the metal directly to the charity. It’s a great way for our students to not only stay green, but also to help local families. Check out the video below for more information about this wonderful charity and how recycling helps them! The class that collects the most pop tabs in the entire school will get to keep the Golden Pop Tab award in their classroom for the entire month, AND each student will receive a special individual award to keep. Our first pop tab collection of the year will be October 28th