Reduce, Reuse & Recycle at Central

We keep our school neat and GREEN as the Green Team! Here are some ways we do that!

Paper for Others

The Green Team provides a paper tray for each classroom. When a student is done with a sheet of paper, and there's more blank spots that can be used they can put it in the Paper for Others tray!

Then others in the room can use that same paper for scrap paper, drawings, etc.

This way we use the entire piece of paper up!

What a great way to reuse!

Paper Tiger

Paper Tiger is our partner for recycling paper. Our blue bins in the hallways and in classrooms are for paper only. Paper Tiger then collects our paper and recycles it for us!

Recycling & Compost

In our hallways there are also green bins for all other recycling. Cardboard, glass, aluminum cans, etc can go into these bins. In the cafeteria we also have compost collection bins which get emptied into our compost bins behind the school garden! Once the compost is usable it gets used in our garden to help the plants grow.