Photo Album


Earth Week Fun - April 23-27

Making sun catchers out of recycled materials in the garden at recess!

Creating with chalk at recess!

Some of our creations!

Green Team at the Going Green Matters Fair!

Our booth at the District 39 table!

Sophie and Gia meeting the public and telling them all about Central's Green Team!

Our Green Team kids rotated on half hour "shifts" all day long. (From left to right) Owen, Ivy and Meghan were our final shift of the day. Everyone did a GREAT job!

Ivy describing our new recycling program!

Owen and Meghan stopped at another table to learn how to make environmentally friendly cleaning products. There were so many fun activities to take part in!

Green Team at Movie Night - giving Garden Tours!

Our 2017-18 Green Team!


March 12th - Going Green Fair 2017!

The Central School Green Team was again invited to join this year's "Going Green Matters" community fair. The fair was on Sunday, March 12th from 12 to 4 pm. With the new additions of Green Teams throughout the district, we were proud to join the District 39 exhibit. The Green Team students worked in our booth for half hour and hour increments. They passed out handouts describing ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. They interacted with people and helped them learn not only what we do here at Central, but some ways to stay "green" at home as well. We are incredibly proud of our students who took part in the fair - you represented the Green Team and Central School amazingly well! Way to go - Marrin B., Vera B., Gillian H., Max K., Stephanie K., Sam L., Emily L., Sully P., Thomas R., & Greta Z.

We are also proud to have been able to invite Central's own Nate Butkus to showcase his podcast, "The Show About Science" alongside the Green Team.

Here are some photos from the day!

Having fun at one of our whole group meetings!

Introducing the Green Team 2016-2017!

(Our "nice" photo is on the home page - haha! We're so excited to work with these great kids this year!)


March 13th - Going Green Matters Fair

The Central School Green Team was invited by Go Green Wilmette to have our own booth at this year's "Going Green Matters" community fair. The fair was on Sunday, March 13th from 12 to 5 pm. It was a fantastic honor to be given our own booth. The Green Team students worked in our booth for half hour and hour increments. They passed out handouts describing ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. They interacted with people and helped them learn not only what we do here at Central, but some ways to stay "green" at home as well. We are incredibly proud of our students who took part in the fair - Jill R, Leo P, Ben K, Matt S, Evan B, Maeve N, Daya A, Jacob M, Daniel M, Jack C, Ella B, Ava P, Audrey P, & Grant P. Here are some photos from the day!

2015-2016 Green Team