Police Station upcoming

Post date: May 08, 2019 4:49:40 PM

We are now getting a lot closer to being in a position to move into the building and contemplating events and activities around that.

By mid-June, we will be in a position to have furnishings delivered and to start setting up systems outside of the building contract (IT, evidence management, local dispatch/communications, etc.) Our current thinking is to aim for relocating operations the second week of July (after the week of the 4th). Some of that is going to be contingent on availability of technical support to handle dispatch and special systems cutover which still have to happen in one day when we close one facility and officially open the other. The plan is to then settle in a few weeks, work through initial loose ends and get a real operating feel of the building before kicking off official events, public tours, etc.

Sue Briggs had a great suggestion of having an event at as part of National Night Out (a national community policing awareness day which occurs Tuesday August 6) and have the first part of an open house that night, combined with a Chamber networking event. This seems to be an ideal way to hit multiple opportunities all at once. We also want to make sure we have a weekend event as well which would likely then be the following Saturday, August 10. In theory, that would imply an official ribbon cutting on one of those days, preferably the 6th. I'm suggesting lightly penciling that in at the moment as I also need to gauge availability of a variety of other key people who should be there/be invited to the official event.