Municipal Climate Summit

Post date: May 16, 2018 5:6:39 PM

Dear Williamstown Select Board Members,

It is my pleasure to invite you to our upcoming Climate Leadership Summit in Pittsfield. This event is hosted by State Senator Adam Hinds and open exclusively to municipal-level public officials.

Sierra Club is looking for opportunities to empower local elected officials (Mayors, Town/City Councilors, Select Board members, etc.) to engage on the climate and energy issues that our national leaders are ignoring.

The main goals of this summit are to (1) give you chances to learn more about the Massachusetts renewable energy landscape and (2) connect with officials in other communities. A presentation by MA Sierra Club Chapter Director Emily Norton will cover current clean energy policies and advocacy around these issues. Emily also serves as a City Councilor in Newton.


WHEN: Saturday, June 9th, 1:30-4:00pm

WHERE: Berkshire Community College, Room G12

Lunch will be provided

For more information about Sierra Club's Climate Leadership Project, please check out the webpage about our April 7 summit in Newton or this article in Commonwealth Magazine, co-written by State Senator Jamie Eldridge.


Jacob Stern

Clean Energy Organizer

Massachusetts Sierra Club