Approve Intermunicipal Agreements re Berkshire Health Group

Post date: May 31, 2018 2:29:8 PM

Approve Intermunicipal agreements with Hancock and the Hoosac Water Quality District providing the two entities may join together with Williamstown in purchasing health benefits for its eligible employees and retirees through Berkshire Health Group under MGL Chapter 32B, Section 3, Section #A and Section 16.

Berkshire County Insurance Group "BCIG" which represents a consortium of small Towns and Groups is disbanding effective July 1. Those members within BCIG would have to drop out of the Berkshire Health Group unless they could find other representation resulting in loss of coverage or expensive coverage purchased on their own.

Other units represented on the BHG board chose to absorb these small entities under their umbrella allowing them to continue coverage with BHG. Williamstown chose to adopt The Town of Hancock and Hoosac Water Quality District through a "Joint Purchase Agreement".

The Town's obligation under this agreement is as follows:

Williamstown will be the entiy's voting member and representative on the Board having one unified vote and the entity agrees to abide by our decision.

Williamstown will provide information concerning health and dental insurance on a limited basis as most information will be disseminated by the groups administrator.

Each Entity will pay their own insurance bills directly to BHG and be responsible for their own COBRA coverage.

Each entity must abide by MGL Chapter 32B and will be held harmless should the associated entity violate 32B.

Agreement can be terminated on the anniversary date with a 90 day notice.