Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


Various major projects are on going across the community and several have just reached completion.

The South Science Center and Goodrich Hall's restoration are both now complete. Demolition work on Bronfman Hall and Garfield House will begin immediately following the conclusion of Alumni Weekend. The new Williams Inn is on schedule and steel framing is 90% complete.

Construction is also under way or will be within a short time on six, million dollar or higher single family homes in town.


The Town held a public comment session on the clean up plan for the 330 Cole Avenue property recently. The official public comment period closes June 7 and the abatement for the property will go to public bid shortly thereafter. The clean up of the asbestos and lead paint in the single building remaining on the property is funded by $200,000 of EPA Brownfields Funding.

The Town held a public working group session with various community stakeholders and planners from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Monday May 21 to continue work on our Climate Vulnerability Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan. There will be an additional public listening session at 6 PM on June 7 to solicit public comment on this work. All community members and others are invited to Town Hall for this meeting. We expect the climate change related portions of the plan to be completed before June 30.

A representative from Kessler-McGuiness Corp of Newtown visited the community on Friday May 25 to conduct surveys of parks and public buildings for the Town's ADA Compliance Plan. This work is being funded by a grant from the Commonwealth Office on Disability. It is expected to be completed prior to June 30. Once complete this plan can be incorporated into the Town's Conditionally Approved Open Space and Recreation Plan which can then be submitted for final approval.

The Planning Board met in a special session on May 22, welcoming new members Stephanie Boyd and Alexander Carlisle, to consider reorganization for FY 2019. Amy Jeschawitz has been appointed chair. The Board will meet again on June 12 to craft an agenda for the remainder of 2018 & first half of 2019 and set its goals and priorities.

The Zoning Board met on May 3 and approved a wireless communication tower for 1161 Cold Spring Road (Former Taconic Restaurant). The tower was approved with numerous conditions intended to reduce the visual impact of the tower on nearby properties. The Board met again on May 17 to approve a renewal of a long awaited expansion and renovation project to Chopsticks on Main Street which was first approved in 2014.

There are some open land use board positions for residents interested in participating in local gov't. There are open positions for ZBA alternate and Sign Commission.


The Health Inspector is conducting several witness to Title 5 inspections, for potential sale of residential properties.

The Health Inspector continues to inspect food establishments and rental dwelling units.

Recreational Camps for Children will be staring in June and continuing throughout the summer. They will undergo inspection for compliance with Department of Public Health regulations.

Semi-public swimming pools are opening through out towns. They also will undergo an inspection for compliance.
