BRPC Regular Meeting

Post date: Nov 07, 2016 5:18:25 PM


A meeting of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

will be held on:

Thursday, November 17, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Offices

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Meeting Material: All written materials for the meeting are posted on BRPC’s website: Click on the calendar date for the meeting and materials available will be listed.


I. Opening (7:00-7:05)

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of Minutes of September 22, 2016 Meeting

II. Comments from the Public (7:05—7:10)

Members of the public may offer comments regarding topics which are on the agenda or other matters which they wish to bring to the Commission’s attention. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes and are to be directed to the Commission.

III. Delegates' Issues (7:10-7:20)

Delegates and Alternates may bring up any issue not on the agenda.

IV. Environmental Review – Hoosac Valley Rail Service/Adams Extension Project Environmental Notification Form (7:20-7:40)

Track is proposed to be reinstalled for .9 miles from Renfrew Street to Hoosac Street in downtown Adams, allowing the tourist train operated by the Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum to operate between the downtowns of Adams and North Adams, rather than stopping and reversing direction at Renfrew Street along the former Adams branch line from which all track had been removed several decades ago. All of the rail right-of-way is owned by the Commonwealth, primarily by the Department of Conservation & Recreation but some by MassDOT. Under MEPA regulations, as a rail extension, it will require an Environmental Impact Report; MassDOT is requesting that no DEIR be required but this be reviewed with a Single EIR. The southward .6 miles will be a “rail with trail” as the extension of the Ashuwillticook Trail northward is under construction in this segment.

V. Consideration of Letter Regarding Need for Continuing Broadband Improvements Statewide (7:40-8:00)

The Regional Issues Committee has also developed a letter to Governor Baker regarding issues with lack of real broadband service in all our communities. While happy that many of our unserved towns are finally proceeding to build-out of fiber to the home solutions, that leaves all other communities at a disadvantage. This will affect the Berkshire’s (and entire State’s) economic competitiveness in the next few years. A draft letter to Governor Baker was on was on the September Commission agenda and was held, allowing a redraft utilizing the considerable knowledge of our Lee Delegate, Peter Bluhm. The redrafted letter will be considered by the Commission.

VI. Consideration of New Intergovernmental Agreement for Housatonic “Rest of River” Clean-up (8:00-8:20))

Included in the Commission packet is a proposed Inter-Government Agreement between BRPC, and the Towns of Great Barrington, Lee, Lenox, Sheffield and Stockbridge for continued involvement in the appeals process for the clean-up of the PCBs from the Housatonic River. Commission approval of the agreement is required in order to the Executive Director to sign it. GE has explicitly stated that it is appealing EPA’s requirement that all hazardous waste removed during the clean-up be disposed of at a licensed out-of-state land-fill and wishes to create a hazardous waste landfill in Berkshire County.

VII. Consideration of New BRPC Mission, Vision and Values (8:20-8:40)

The existing Mission Statement and Goals for BRPC date back to 1993 and the role of the Commission and the environment in which we operate have changed considerably over those 23 years. Over the past several months, with input from staff, a working group of three Executive Committee members and several civic leaders from throughout the Berkshires, and a broader group at the September 5th Thursday dinner, a new Mission Statement, Vision and Values have been developed for the Commission’s consideration.

VIII. Approval of Executive Committee Actions between September 23 and November 17, 2016


IX. Executive Director’s Report (8:45-8:50)

A. “How to Hold a Perfect Public Hearing” - Citizen Planner Training Collaborative Fall 2016 Workshop for Planning & Zoning Board Members – December 1, 2016, 6-8 p.m., BRPC

B. Status of District Local Technical Assistance Program

C. Licensed Contractors Needed for the Sheffield-Great Barrington Housing Rehabilitation Program

D. Housing Rehabilitation Specialist Solicitation by BRPC

E. Massachusetts Rail Plan Update

F. Congratulations to Lee on Successful MassWorks Application to Reconstruct Forest Street

G. Berkshires Tomorrow and Amazon Smile

H. Other

X. Adjournment (8:50)