Alcohol, Marijuana and Opioids presentation

Post date: Oct 25, 2016 1:16:3 PM

Dear Work group members and Colleagues,

Please forward/share this announcement with your networks and social media, etc.

Please see below for an important event taking place on Tuesday November 1 at MCLA Church Street Center. Dr Jennifer Michaels, Medical Director of The Brien Center, will be speaking at 6PM about Alcohol, Marijuana and Opioids: What Parents Need to Know. Her remarks will be followed by a discussion informed by questions for those attending as well as the input of an local expert panel that will include:

Richard Alcombright, Mayor of North Adams

James Mucia, Director of Youth and Adolescent Services at The Brien Center

Robert Putnam Superintendent of Adams Cheshire Regional School District

Jessica Sweeney, Director of ROOTS Teen Center of Northern Berkshire

Kathryn Wiseman, Pediatrician at Northern Berkshire Pediatrics

Pizza will be served at 5:45.

We are excited to engage our community in this important conversation. Hope to see you there.

Thank you!
