Streamlined health reporting

Post date: May 02, 2016 3:20:22 PM

Municipal Health Annual Reporting Requirement Eliminated

Secretary Kristen Lepore - Executive Office for Administration and Finance

I am pleased to announce the elimination of the annual reporting requirement from the municipal health insurance reform regulations (801 CMR 52:00 Municipal Health Insurance). Local governments are no longer required to submit each year by June 30th a report on whether they have taken action to address health insurance costs.

The elimination of this annual requirement is a result of the Baker Administration's year-long review of all executive department regulations. When the Governor and I announced this initiative in March 2015, we said our goals were to make sure that state government speaks with one voice and that this review will make Massachusetts a better place for job creation, business development, and managing local affairs. Based on the feedback we gathered from local officials throughout our review process, elimination of the municipal health insurance annual reporting requirement was a priority.

The updated municipal health insurance regulation is available online by clicking here.