Mt. Greylock Capital cost

Post date: Apr 27, 2016 12:49:12 PM

Mike and Al,

The Mt. Greyock School Committee voted 4-1 (two members absent) to reduce the "ask" for the FY17 Building Project debt service from $1,780,929 to $1,150,117. Their position was that reducing the immediate impact to taxpayers outweighed any long term savings to future generations (which could be significantly reduced by inflation in any case). I am attaching to two budget sheets, as well as the documentation Rich presented to argue the case. The School Committee had voted Alternative B on April 4. We did not revote the budget. We voted to request a reduction in the debt service, as reflected in Alternative B.

If the Lanesborough Finance Committee has not yet voted the warrant articles, the town can use the Alternative A numbers if it so chooses. For Williamstown, I expect a recommendation from the Finance Committee on the floor of Town Meeting would be best, again, if the Finance Committee so chooses.

Please be in touch with me or Dr. Dias to discuss if you would like. We are happy to meet with finance committee members/town managers to discuss protocol as well.

Many thanks,

Carrie Greene