Opioid - State without stigma program

Post date: Apr 27, 2016 3:1:6 PM

Dear Municipal Partners,

I wanted to invite each of you to look at the Commonwealth's State Without Stigma web page and participate in the anti-stigma campaign:


The stigma surrounding addiction is a huge burden to those suffering from substance use disorders as well as their families. The Commonwealth is inviting municipalities to show their support for recovery by posting on social media using the hashtag #StateWithoutStigma. So far North Adams is the only municipality in Berkshire County to participate. I hope you will consider taking this simple step!

I'd also like to invite you to attend and help us promote an upcoming nbCC forum about preventing youth substance use that will be held at First Baptist Church in North Adams on Friday may 13 from 10-12. The first hour is announcements and introductions and the second hour will be a presentation and community conversation about preventing youth substance use. A promotional flier will follow soon.

I also call your attention to the lead story in the Berkshire Eagle today about new services coming to our region, as well as the continuing need for additional resources to address the opiate epidemic. http://www.berkshireeagle.com/news/ci_29817114/new-berkshire-medical-center-unit-provide-longer-term

Thank you for all you do!

