Small Town Summit

Post date: Apr 29, 2016 2:46:17 PM

Dear Select Board and Finance Committee members:

We understand it is a busy season for all. Please consider our invitation to bring towns to the table to address those concerns you’re likely facing coming into a new fiscal year. Is your town struggling with new issues, perennial issues, aging infrastructure, increasing school expenses, connectivity issues, economic development?

Whatever the issues facing your town, please consider our invitation to join us here in Charlemont for a Small Town Summit May 5th at 7pm.

We are hoping to review issues facing our towns, share solutions, and consider legislative recommendations. We hope you’ll consider joining us.

Thanks to those who have replied; we hope to hear from more towns as these are issues of vital concern. Our representatives, Paul Mark and Stephen Kulik will be present at the summit to hear your concerns. To RSVP or if you have any questions about the event, please contact the Charlemont Town Administrator, Peg Dean, at 413-339-4335, ext 8or


Beth Bandy, Chair Sarah Reynolds Toby Gould

Charlemont Select Board