Walkability assessment

Post date: Jul 07, 2016 8:11:20 PM

One of the items on our project list is doing so walkability assessments with an overall intention of enhancing the pedestrian experience throughout town. (Which dovetails with some of last meeting's conversation about parking.)

Brian O'Grady has lined up a small beta testing group to test the assessment tools. Once we determine what approach to take, we will develop a more comprehensive program to capture input throughout the major pedestrian areas.

The main issue we are testing is whether a more comprehensive tool (http://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/livable-communities/documents-2016/AARP-Livable-Communities-Walk-Audit-Tool-Kit-41216.pdf) is preferable to a briefer tool (http://shapeyourworldnc.com/downloads/Walkability_Checklist.pdf) or whether there is a benefit to having different people use each.