Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


Progress inspections are ramping up on the two big Williams College projects, the Bookstore and Science Center. Inspections on foundation work have begun for the Bookstore and should commence shortly for the Science Center as blasting has ceased. Ryan has also been continuing plan review meetings for the Mount Greylock High School project. Ryan will be on vacation starting July 11 and Michael Card will be filling in to continue progress inspections until his return.


Jeff Kennedy has been performing pool inspections and inspections at the many local camp programs operating around town. He continues to conduct weekly water tests at the pond at Margaret Lindley Park which has show excellent water quality results so far this year.


The Conservation Commission is looking to assemble a group of volunteers to work on trail maintenance projects around town. They will have a meet up prior to their next meeting at 6:30 PM on Thursday the 14th at Town Hall.

On Tuesday the 12th the Planning Board will meet to review two plan review applications, a solar array for the Clark Art Institute, and a modular temporary office building for Williams College. The Zoning Board will be meeting on the 21st to review applications for a home occupation on Cole Avenue for a massage therapy business and a permit for a mother in law style apartment on Water Street.