Hancock Road update

Post date: Jul 07, 2016 6:17:0 PM

Work on Hancock Road to begin August 8 with completion by the end of the month. This is the first time we will be using a cold in place recycling technique here. This approach was chosen for a variety of reasons including lower overall project cost, less disruption to travelers, a short curing time and a more flexible final surface.

The majority of the work will be over the first 2 weeks. The surface is ground and material is recycled (approximately 85% of material will be existing aggregate) and initially surfaced. This will remain for approximately a week. Then a final top cost surface is applied in the form of a foamed asphalt.

I have used this approach in other places and been very pleased with the process, and performance of the resulting road. It increases the amount of reuse of existing material rather than hauling it away and replacing with new. Locally, about 10 miles of Route 22 between Petersburg and Stephentown were done using this process last year. The drawback is the pause between surfaces -- after the first pass of recycling and surfacing, it may appear that we have finished the project with a lower quality surface. After it cures and the second coat happens, it will appear as a finished product.