Editing a picture cooler6

One easy way to edit a picture is by using PowerPoint or Google presentations

Orca Pictures: Red Green Blue Purple

You can also follow the same process using Google presentations and then download final product as a jpeg.

Cooler lab picture:

  • Please DO NOT copy these samples, use as examples and use your own words

    1. Start a new google presentation Log on to Google Aps first

    2. Name it: "class color cooler photo last name": ex: greencoolerphotojones (make sure to use your own last name)

    3. Under File...Page Setup, choose "Standard setting"

    4. Insert your picture that you wish to label Orca Pictures: Red Green Blue Purple

    5. Insert text boxes and arrows follow the rubric

      1. Look under "Format" to find the way to adjust fill color of your text box and lines..remember: make it easy to read

    6. When completed, Look under File ... Download as jpg

    1. Find the downloaded picture and

    2. If you are sharing to a teacher's google folder, follow these instructions

      1. Download finished slide as jpg file

      2. Upload finished jpg back to your google drive (check Desktop Chrome Downloads folder)

      3. Share with your teacher in the folder they specify

Dolphin Picture Folder


Using Powerpoint

  1. Open powerpoint

  2. Insert or copy and paste your picture into PP (You can find your pictures in LMC-Info Dropbox)

    1. Resize the picture to fit

    1. Click on picture and select cropping tool

    2. Insert a text box to make a label

    3. Draw arrows to link boxes to image

    4. Save the powerpoint to your documents folder

    5. Save As....and pick jpeg and save the image to your y-drive or documents folder

    6. Rename the image with your color and YOUR name ex: greenSwiftcooler

    7. Open Mr. Horrigan's dropbox on CMS-Dropbox site

    8. Drag your image to "Submission" folder in Mr. Horrigan's dropbox