Database list
Middle Search Plus provides full text for popular,
middle school magazines, biographies, historical
essays, primary source documents,
photos, maps and flags.
Biography Reference Bank contains biographical
full-text articles, page images and abstracts from
today’s leading magazines and journals.
History Reference Center features full text
for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias
and non-fiction books from leading history publishers.
MAS Ultra School Edition, designed specifically
for high school students, contains full text articles
from hundreds of popular high school magazines
covering a wide-range of subject areas, including
history, science, careers and more.
Biography Reference Center contains
top-ranked biographical reference collections.
Search by keyword or choose a genre category,
including actors, artists, authors, current world
leaders, explorers, religious leaders and more.
Academic Search Premier is a scholarly database with access to multidisciplinary full-text journals, magazines, and other valuable resources.
Science Reference Center contains
full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias,
reference books, periodicals and other sources.
Kids InfoBits meets the needs of young students
with simple, quick access to information on
current events, arts, sciences, health, people,
government, sports, history and more.
Professional Development Collection contains
the most significant collection of full-text
education journals in the world.
MainFILE is a multi-disciplinary research
database that contains thousands of
articles from periodicals, reference books,
newswires and encyclopedias.
CultureGrams (video) helps researchers
discover the world with concise cultural
and statistical snapshots of every country
recognized by the United Nations -
from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
MasterFILE Premier provides full text for magazines
(including Consumer Reports), reference books,
and primary source documents. This database
also provides an Image Collection
containing photos, maps & flags.