Tech help

Tech Help desk for teachers only

Wireless access for students and staff using personal devices...

To provide our students and staff with a better wireless experience, the Technology department has developed a method to give your personal devices (iOS, Android, OSX, and Windows) access to the main wireless network. Using a program called XpressConnect, you will log into the school network with your username and password.

Doing this will give you:

    • Access to the main wireless (wps-wlan)

    • Access to your Y-Drive & Drop Box without using the web interface

    • Access to printers District-wide

    • Increased bandwidth and security.

    • You will only have to perform this log-in once, then it will log you into the network automatically.

The guest-wlan that we currently use for personal devices, will be phased out for regular use over the next few weeks. This network will be removed on January 1. Once that occurs you will have to use XpressConnect to access the school wireless network. A new guest network with limited bandwidth and access, wps-guest, will be made available, but is only for use by true guests of the Westport Public Schools.

The XpressConnect Wizard is lightweight, meaning that it makes only small changes to your computer or device. It is easy to use and will guide you through the setup process.

Running the XpressConnect Wizard will:

    • Configure your device to connect to the secure Westport Public Schools network.

    • Collect your WPS username and password, which will authenticate you to the network. You will only need to enter this once. Note: When you change your school password, you will have to perform the log-in again.

    • Install certificates on your device. These certificates are digital signatures that identify the Westport Public Schools network and ensure that your device will only try to connect to the secure WPS network while on the wireless at school.

Running the XpressConnect Wizard will not:

    • Install any monitoring or tracking software.

    • Remove other wireless networks or prevent you from connecting to other networks.

    • Do your homework. Sorry.

Attached are tutorials (iOS, Android, OSX, and Windows) that are also available on the captive portal webpage. NOTE: Due to security restrictions on the Android platform, as well as the platform's variability, we found that manual configuration was the easiest means for onboarding these devices, and the tutorial reflects that variability.

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