Military Scholarships

ROTC Scholarship Programs and Service Academies

Students interested in the Service Academies and the ROTC Scholarship programs must begin the application process as soon as

possible to insure that they receive full consideration.

ROTC Scholarship Programs involve a competitive application process. In addition to the written application, candidates

must undergo a physical examination, formal interview, and a physical abilities test. The first step in the process is to complete

an online application. Application deadline dates vary, so be sure to check the dates and apply early.

Air Force ROTC Army ROTC Navy ROTC

Service Academies

1. The first step in securing an appointment to one of the academies is to complete a Pre-

Candidate Questionnaire/Preliminary Application. Follow the online instructions.

U.S. Military Academy U.S. Air Force Academy

West Point, New York Colorado Springs, Colorado

U.S. Naval Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Annapolis, Maryland Kingsport, New York

2. The second step is to write to each of your senators and your congressional representative and ask that they consider you as one of their nominees. In this letter you should indicate your first, second, third, and fourth choices for academies as well as:

Name, address, telephone number

Date of birth

Social Security Number

High School name and year of graduation

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) names

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy has an admissions procedure similar to other highly competitive colleges. There is no

nomination process involved. Apply online at (Click on Prospective Cadet.)


Format for Congressional Nomination Request to a Military Academy:

(This format is intended as a guide. A separate letter must be sent to each Senator and Representative to whom you apply.)



The Honorable_________________________________

United States Senate (House of Representatives)

Washington, D.C. 20510

You may also find addresses of local offices in the telephone directory.

I desire to attend the (Name Academy) and to be commissioned in the class entering in July, 20____. My other choices

are: ____________________________________________________________.

The following data are furnished for your information:

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Permanent Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________________________

Temporary Address & telephone number (if different from proceeding):


Date of Birth: _________________________ Social Security No.________________________________

High School: _______________________________________________________________________________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Names: _________________________________________________________________

Date of Graduation: ____________________ Approx. Grade Point Average________________________

ACT/SAT Results: _____________________ Rank in Class____________________________________

Extra-curricular activities: _____________________________________________________________________


(your name)