GPA - How to Figure Grade Point Averages

1.  Count the number of A’s.  (Count a ½ credit course as .5 and a 1½ credit course as 1.5)*  Multiply the    

     number of A’s by 4.

2.  Count the number of B’s and multiply the number by 3.

3.  Count the number of C’s and multiply the number by 2.

4.  Count the number of D’s and multiply the number by 1.

5.  F grades receive no points.

6.  Add the numbers from above (steps 1 – 5).

Count the number of honor points for Honors and AP courses.  (Count 1 for a 1 credit course, 1.5 for a

1½ credit course, etc.)  Add the total number of honor points to the total (step 6) above.

Divide the total (step 7) by the number of credits attempted.  (If including courses from only one semester,

be sure to count them as only .5 when adding up the total number of credits.)

*If you are figuring in a semester average, count each grade in a 1 credit course as .5, in a 1½ credit course

 as .75, in a year-long ½ credit course (meets only ½ period all year long) as .25.