Home & School Connection: Communication

Communication is key to success in any relationship. Here are some ways you can start a conversation with your student after the school day:

  • Let's see what you brought home.
  • Show me what you have for homework.
  • Describe a book you enjoyed today.
  • Tell me what you learned that you'd like to know more about.

If your kids are like mine, asking, "How was school today?" usually gets a one word answer. Here are some other ideas:

  • What's the coolest thing that happened? What wasn't so cool?
  • Pretend you're the teacher. How would you describe the day?
  • What made you laugh?
  • What was the most creative thing you did?
  • How were you kind or helpful today? Was anyone kind or helpful to you?

**These suggestions were taken from "Home & School Connection: Working Together for School Success" 2017.