Beneficial virus: evolutionary, modeling and clinical perspectives on phage

a joint symposium of MAC-EPID & ITiMS

March 25, 2022

Rackham Amphitheatre (4th floor)

915 E. Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Registration closes 5:00PM March 22, 2022

(to cancel your registration please email

All events are FREE and open to the public but please register so we can provide appropriate quantities of food. Thank you!

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 masks are required when indoors and contact info will be retained for 30 days for contact tracing.

ResponsiBLUE status will be checked upon arrival

Speaker Slideshow on Event Site 2022MAR25


9:00 AM - Sign In and Book Signing by Steffanie Strathdee

When you check in for the symposium be sure to bring your copy of The Perfect Predator for Dr. Strathdee to sign. There may be copies available for the first lucky few!

9:30 AM - Opening Remarks

Betsy Foxman, PhD (Hunein F. and Hilda Maassab Endowed Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (MAC-EPID), Co-Director of the Integrated Training program in Microbial Systems (ITiMS))

9:45 AM - "The Perfect Predator: The Story Behind the First Dedicated Phage Therapy Program in North America"

Steffanie Strathdee, PhD (Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences; Harold Simon Professor, UCSD Department of Medicine; Co-Director, Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics; Author of The Perfect Predator)

Introduced by Freida Blostein

10:45 AM - Break with snacks

11:15 AM - "Pathogen mitigation through a target specific bacteriophage characterization and engineering platform"

Vivek Mutalik, PhD (Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA)

Introduced by James Tan

12:15 PM - Luncheon

We try to be inclusive with our complimentary lunch but if you have dietary restrictions please plan to bring your own food.

1:30 PM - "Can we make phage therapy both effective and evolutionarily robust?"

Samuel Brown, PhD (Sam Brown, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, and Director, Center for Microbial Dynamics and Infection, Georgia Tech)

Introduced by Morgan Lindback

2:30 PM - Break with snacks

2:45 PM - "Going Viral: Phage Therapy Experience at Mayo Clinic"

Gina Suh, M.D. (Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic)

Introduced by Morgan Byrd

3:45 PM - Coffee Hour

Thank you to our sponsors:

Integrated Training in Microbial Systems (ITiMS), Gudakunst Lectureship, MAC-EPID, Dept of Epidemiology, and Public Health.

MAC-EPID symposia are also supported through donations from people like you.

As part of our commitment to public health and safety we use ecologically friendly products at our events when possible. Learn More